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"_paragraph_text"; if (isset ($options [$old_name])) { $options [AI_OPTION_PARAGRAPH_TEXT] = $options [$old_name]; unset ($options [$old_name]); } $old_name = "ad" . $block . "_custom_css"; if (isset ($options [$old_name])) { $options [AI_OPTION_CUSTOM_CSS] = $options [$old_name]; unset ($options [$old_name]); } $old_name = "ad" . $block . "_display_for_users"; if (isset ($options [$old_name])) { $options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_USERS] = $options [$old_name]; unset ($options [$old_name]); } $old_name = "ad" . $block . "_display_for_devices"; if (isset ($options [$old_name])) { $options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES] = $options [$old_name]; unset ($options [$old_name]); } } } if (!empty ($options)) $this->wp_options = array_merge ($this->wp_options, $options); unset ($this->wp_options ['']); } public function get_ad_name(){ $name = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME] : ""; return $name; } public function get_ad_data(){ $ad_data = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CODE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CODE] : ''; return $ad_data; } public function get_ad_code_hash () { $block_code = $this->get_ad_data (); $hash = strlen ($block_code); $length = strlen ($block_code); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i ++) { $hash += ord ($block_code [$i]); } return $hash; } public function get_enable_manual (){ $enable_manual = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_MANUAL]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_MANUAL] : AI_DISABLED; if ($enable_manual == '') $enable_manual = AI_DISABLED; return $enable_manual; } public function get_enable_amp ($return_saved_value = false){ $enable_amp = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_AMP]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_AMP] : AI_DISABLED; if ($return_saved_value) return $enable_amp; // Fix for AMP code blocks with whitelisted url */amp $urls = $this->get_ad_url_list(); $url_type = $this->get_ad_url_list_type(); if ($url_type == AI_WHITE_LIST && strpos ($urls, '/amp') !== false) { $enable_amp = true; } // Fix for code blocks using PHP function is_amp_endpoint elseif ($this->get_process_php() && strpos ($this->get_ad_data (), 'is_amp_endpoint') !== false) { $enable_amp = true; } return $enable_amp; } public function get_process_php (){ $process_php = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PROCESS_PHP]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PROCESS_PHP] : AI_DISABLED; if ($process_php == '') $process_php = AI_DISABLED; return $process_php; } public function get_enable_404 (){ $enable_404 = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_404]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_404] : AI_DISABLED; if ($enable_404 == '') $enable_404 = AI_DISABLED; return $enable_404; } public function get_detection_server_side(){ // Check old settings for all devices if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES])) { $display_for_devices = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES]; } else $display_for_devices = ''; if ($display_for_devices === AD_DISPLAY_ALL_DEVICES) $option = AI_DISABLED; else $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DETECT_SERVER_SIDE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DETECT_SERVER_SIDE] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } function check_filter_hook ($debug_processing) { global $ai_wp_data, $ai_last_check, $ai_total_hook_php_time, $filter_hooks; $ai_last_check = AI_CUSTOM_FILTER_CHECK; $hook_start_time = microtime (true); // Server-side chack, false = client-side check or W3TC check $check = apply_filters ("ai_block_insertion_check", true, $this->number, true); $ai_total_hook_php_time += microtime (true) - $hook_start_time; if ($check === null) { $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_FILTER_CHECKS] = true; $this->client_side_filter_hook_check = true; return true; } if ($debug_processing && !$check) { $filter_hooks []= array ("ai_block_insertion_check", $this->number); } return $check; } function check_server_side_detection () { global $ai_last_check; if ($this->get_detection_server_side ()) { $display_for_devices = $this->get_display_for_devices (); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DESKTOP_DEVICES; if ($display_for_devices == AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_DEVICES && !AI_DESKTOP) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MOBILE_DEVICES; if ($display_for_devices == AI_INSERT_FOR_MOBILE_DEVICES && !AI_MOBILE) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_TABLET_DEVICES; if ($display_for_devices == AI_INSERT_FOR_TABLET_DEVICES && !AI_TABLET) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PHONE_DEVICES; if ($display_for_devices == AI_INSERT_FOR_PHONE_DEVICES && !AI_PHONE) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES; if ($display_for_devices == AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES && !(AI_DESKTOP || AI_TABLET)) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES; if ($display_for_devices == AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES && !(AI_DESKTOP || AI_PHONE)) return false; } return true; } public function get_display_for_devices () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES] : DEFAULT_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES; // convert old option if ($option == '' || $option == AD_DISPLAY_ALL_DEVICES) $option = DEFAULT_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_DEVICES) $option = AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_DEVICES; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_MOBILE_DEVICES) $option = AI_INSERT_FOR_MOBILE_DEVICES; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_TABLET_DEVICES) $option = AI_INSERT_FOR_TABLET_DEVICES; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_PHONE_DEVICES) $option = AI_INSERT_FOR_PHONE_DEVICES; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES) $option = AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES) $option = AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES; return $option; } public function get_display_for_devices_text ($translate = true) { switch ($this->get_display_for_devices ()) { case AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_DEVICES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DESKTOP_DEVICES; return AI_TEXT_DESKTOP_DEVICES; break; case AI_INSERT_FOR_MOBILE_DEVICES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_MOBILE_DEVICES; return AI_TEXT_MOBILE_DEVICES; break; case AI_INSERT_FOR_TABLET_DEVICES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_TABLET_DEVICES; return AI_TEXT_TABLET_DEVICES; break; case AI_INSERT_FOR_PHONE_DEVICES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_PHONE_DEVICES; return AI_TEXT_PHONE_DEVICES; break; case AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES; return AI_TEXT_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES; break; case AI_INSERT_FOR_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES; return AI_TEXT_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_debug_disable_insertion (){ global $ai_wp_data; if (defined ('AI_DEBUGGING_DEMO') && !$this->demo_debugging) { return false; } return ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_NO_INSERTION) != 0; } public function clear_code_cache (){ unset ($this->wp_options ['GENERATED_CODE']); } public function empty_code ($code = null) { global $ai_last_check, $ai_wp_data; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_CODE; if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_BLOCK_PHP_CODE_CACHING][$this->number]) && !$ai_wp_data [AI_BLOCK_PHP_CODE_CACHING][$this->number]) { return false; } if ($this->get_automatic_insertion () == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT && ($this->get_inside_element () == AI_HTML_REPLACE_CONTENT || $this->get_inside_element () == AI_HTML_REPLACE_ELEMENT)) { return false; } if ($this->get_background () && $this->get_horizontal_position () == AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER) { return false; } $parallax_options = false; for ($index = 1; $index <= 3; $index ++) { $parallax_options |= $this->get_parallax ($index) && $this->get_parallax_image ($index) != ''; if ($parallax_options) return false; } if ($code === null) { $code = $this->ai_getCode (); } $empty = $code == ''; return $empty; } public function ai_getCode (){ global $block_object, $ai_total_block_php_time, $ai_wp_data, $ad_inserter_globals, $ai_total_hook_php_time, $filter_hooks; if ($this->fallback != 0 && $this->fallback <= 96 && $this->fallback != $this->number) { $globals_name = AI_FALLBACK_DEPTH_NAME; if (!isset ($ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name])) { $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] = 0; } if ($ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] < 3) { $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] ++; $fallback_code = $block_object [$this->fallback]->ai_getCode (); $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] --; return $fallback_code; } } $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; $obj = $this; $code_org = $obj->get_ad_data(); $hook_start_time = microtime (true); $code = apply_filters ("ai_block_code", $code_org, $this->number); if ($debug_processing && $code != $code_org) { $filter_hooks []= array ("ai_block_code", $this->number); } $ai_total_hook_php_time += microtime (true) - $hook_start_time; $php_enabled = $ai_wp_data [AI_PHP_PROCESSING]; if (!ai_php_enabled ()) { $php_enabled = false; } if ($php_enabled && $obj->get_process_php () && !get_disable_php_processing () && (!is_multisite() || is_main_site () || multisite_php_processing ()) && !defined ('AI_NO_PHP_PROCESSING')) { $global_name = 'GENERATED_CODE'; if (isset ($obj->wp_options [$global_name]) && (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_BLOCK_PHP_CODE_CACHING][$this->number]) || $ai_wp_data [AI_BLOCK_PHP_CODE_CACHING][$this->number])) { $code = $obj->wp_options [$global_name]; $unfiltered_html = $ai_wp_data [AI_UNFILTERED_HTML]; if (defined ('DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML') && DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML) { $unfiltered_html = false; } if (!$unfiltered_html) { $code = wp_kses ($code, 'post'); } return $code; } $start_time = microtime (true); $php_error = ""; ob_start (); try { eval ("?>". $code . "number == 0 ? '' : $obj->number . " - ") . $obj->get_ad_name() . "
\n" . $e->getMessage(); } $processed_code = ob_get_clean (); if (strpos ($processed_code, __FILE__) || $php_error != "") { if (preg_match ("%(.+) in ".__FILE__."%", strip_tags($processed_code), $error_message)) // translators: %s: Ad Inserter $code = sprintf (__("PHP error in %s block", 'ad-inserter'), AD_INSERTER_NAME) . ' '. ($obj->number == 0 ? '' : $obj->number . " - ") . $obj->get_ad_name() . "
\n" . $error_message [1]; elseif (preg_match ("%(.+) in ".__FILE__."%", $php_error, $error_message)) // translators: %s: Ad Inserter $code = sprintf (__("PHP error in %s block", 'ad-inserter'), AD_INSERTER_NAME) . ' ' .($obj->number == 0 ? '' : $obj->number . " - ") . $obj->get_ad_name() . "
\n" . $error_message [1]; else $code = $processed_code; } else $code = $processed_code; // Cache generated code if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_BLOCK_PHP_CODE_CACHING][$this->number]) || $ai_wp_data [AI_BLOCK_PHP_CODE_CACHING][$this->number]) { $obj->wp_options [$global_name] = $code; } $ai_total_block_php_time += microtime (true) - $start_time; } $code_org = $code; $hook_start_time = microtime (true); $code = apply_filters ("ai_block_code_after_php", $code_org, $this->number); if ($debug_processing && $code != $code_org) { $filter_hooks []= array ("ai_block_code_after_php", $this->number); } $ai_total_hook_php_time += microtime (true) - $hook_start_time; $unfiltered_html = $ai_wp_data [AI_UNFILTERED_HTML]; if (defined ('DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML') && DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML) { $unfiltered_html = false; } if (!$unfiltered_html) { $code = wp_kses ($code, 'post'); } return $code; } } abstract class ai_CodeBlock extends ai_BaseCodeBlock { function __construct () { parent::__construct(); $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME] = ''; 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$this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_PARAGRAPH_WORDS] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PARAGRAPH_WORDS] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_BLOCKQUOTE] = AI_DISABLED; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE] = DEFAULT_COUNT_INSIDE; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_CONTAIN] = DEFAULT_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_CONTAIN; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_TEXT] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CHECK_ONLY_TAG_ATTRIBUTES] = AI_DISABLED; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARAGRAPH_TAGS] = DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_TAGS; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_PARAGRAPHS_ABOVE] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_PARAGRAPHS_BELOW] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TEXT_ABOVE] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TEXT_BELOW] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_ACTION] = DEFAULT_AVOID_ACTION; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TRY_LIMIT] = AD_ONE; 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$this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TRIGGER_CLICK_FRAUD_PROTECTION] = DEFAULT_TRIGGER_CLICK_FRAUD_PROTECTION; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; for ($viewport = 1; $viewport <= 6; $viewport ++) { $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DETECT_VIEWPORT . '_' . $viewport] = AI_DISABLED; } for ($index = 1; $index <= 3; $index ++) { $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX . '_' . $index] = AI_DISABLED; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_IMAGE . '_' . $index] = AD_EMPTY_DATA; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_SHIFT . 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return $option; } public function get_show_label (){ $show_label = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SHOW_LABEL]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SHOW_LABEL] : AI_DISABLED; if ($show_label == '') $show_label = AI_DISABLED; return $show_label; } public function get_block_background_color (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; return $option; } public function get_lazy_loading (){ $lazy_loading = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LAZY_LOADING]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LAZY_LOADING] : AI_DISABLED; if ($lazy_loading == '') $lazy_loading = AI_DISABLED; return $lazy_loading; } public function get_wait_for_interaction (){ $wait_for_interaction = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WAIT_FOR_INTERACTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WAIT_FOR_INTERACTION] : AI_DISABLED; if ($wait_for_interaction == '') $wait_for_interaction = AI_DISABLED; return $wait_for_interaction; } public function get_protected (){ $protected = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PROTECTED]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PROTECTED] : AI_DISABLED; return $protected; } public function get_sticky (){ $sticky = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_STICKY]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_STICKY] : AI_DISABLED; return $sticky; } public function get_sticky_height (){ $height = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_STICKY_HEIGHT]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_STICKY_HEIGHT] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; return $height; } public function get_check_recaptcha_score (){ $check_recaptcha_score = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CHECK_RECAPTCHA_SCORE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CHECK_RECAPTCHA_SCORE] : AI_DISABLED; if ($check_recaptcha_score == '') $check_recaptcha_score = AI_DISABLED; return $check_recaptcha_score; } public function get_manual_loading (){ $manual_loading = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MANUAL_LOADING]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MANUAL_LOADING] : AI_MANUAL_LOADING_DISABLED; if ($manual_loading == '') $manual_loading = AI_MANUAL_LOADING_DISABLED; return $manual_loading; } public function get_iframe (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IFRAME]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IFRAME] : AI_DISABLED; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_iframe_width (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IFRAME_WIDTH]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IFRAME_WIDTH] : DEFAULT_IFRAME_WIDTH; return $option; } public function get_iframe_height (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IFRAME_HEIGHT]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IFRAME_HEIGHT] : DEFAULT_IFRAME_HEIGHT; return $option; } public function get_label_in_iframe (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LABEL_IN_IFRAME]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LABEL_IN_IFRAME] : AI_DISABLED; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_automatic_insertion (){ global $ai_db_options; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION] : AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED; if ($option == '') $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_MANUAL) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_BEFORE_TITLE) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_POST; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_WIDGET) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED; if ($option == AD_SELECT_NONE) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_BEFORE_POST) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_POST; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_AFTER_POST) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_POST; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_AFTER_PARAGRAPH) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_BEFORE_CONTENT) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_AFTER_CONTENT) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_BEFORE_EXCERPT) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_EXCERPT; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_AFTER_EXCERPT) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_EXCERPT; elseif ($option == AD_SELECT_BETWEEN_POSTS) $option = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BETWEEN_POSTS; return $option; } public function get_automatic_insertion_text ($server_side_insertion = false, $translate = true){ if ($server_side_insertion) $automatic_insertion = $this->get_server_side_insertion (); else $automatic_insertion = $this->get_automatic_insertion(); if ($automatic_insertion == null) $automatic_insertion = $this->get_automatic_insertion(); switch ($automatic_insertion) { case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DISABLED; return AI_TEXT_DISABLED; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_POST: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_POST; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_POST; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_POST: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_POST; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_POST; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_CONTENT; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_CONTENT; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_CONTENT; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_CONTENT; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_PARAGRAPH; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_PARAGRAPH; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_IMAGE: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_IMAGE; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_IMAGE; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_IMAGE: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_IMAGE; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_IMAGE; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_EXCERPT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_EXCERPT; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_EXCERPT; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_EXCERPT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_EXCERPT; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_EXCERPT; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BETWEEN_POSTS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BETWEEN_POSTS; return AI_TEXT_BETWEEN_POSTS; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_COMMENTS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_COMMENTS; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_COMMENTS; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BETWEEN_COMMENTS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BETWEEN_COMMENTS; return AI_TEXT_BETWEEN_COMMENTS; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_COMMENTS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_COMMENTS; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_COMMENTS; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_FOOTER: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_FOOTER; return AI_TEXT_FOOTER; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_ABOVE_HEADER: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_ABOVE_HEADER; return AI_TEXT_ABOVE_HEADER; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_HTML_ELEMENT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_HTML_ELEMENT; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_HTML_ELEMENT; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT; return AI_TEXT_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT; break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_HTML_ELEMENT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_HTML_ELEMENT; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_HTML_ELEMENT; break; default: if ($automatic_insertion >= AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_CUSTOM_HOOK && $automatic_insertion < AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_CUSTOM_HOOK + 20) { $hook_index = $automatic_insertion - AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_CUSTOM_HOOK; return get_hook_name ($hook_index + 1); } return ''; break; } } public function get_alignment_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ALIGNMENT_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ALIGNMENT_TYPE] : AI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT; if ($option == '') $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT; if ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_NONE) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_LEFT) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_LEFT; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_LEFT) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_LEFT; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_RIGHT) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_RIGHT; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING; elseif ($option == AD_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS; if (defined ('AI_STICKY_SETTINGS') && AI_STICKY_SETTINGS) { if ($option == AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_LEFT) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY; elseif ($option == AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_RIGHT) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY; elseif ($option == AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_TOP) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY; elseif ($option == AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_BOTTOM) $option = AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY; } return $option; } public function get_alignment_type_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_alignment_type ()) { case AI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DEFAULT; return AI_TEXT_DEFAULT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_LEFT; return AI_TEXT_LEFT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_RIGHT; return AI_TEXT_RIGHT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_CENTER; return AI_TEXT_CENTER; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_LEFT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_FLOAT_LEFT; return AI_TEXT_FLOAT_LEFT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_RIGHT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_FLOAT_RIGHT; return AI_TEXT_FLOAT_RIGHT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_LEFT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_STICKY_LEFT; return AI_TEXT_STICKY_LEFT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_RIGHT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_STICKY_RIGHT; return AI_TEXT_STICKY_RIGHT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_TOP: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_STICKY_TOP; return AI_TEXT_STICKY_TOP; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_BOTTOM: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_STICKY_BOTTOM; return AI_TEXT_STICKY_BOTTOM; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_STICKY; return AI_TEXT_STICKY; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_NO_WRAPPING; return AI_TEXT_NO_WRAPPING; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_CUSTOM_CSS; return AI_TEXT_CUSTOM_CSS; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function sticky_style ($horizontal_position, $vertical_position, $horizontal_margin = null, $vertical_margin = null) { global $ai_wp_data; $style = ""; $animation = $this->get_animation () != AI_ANIMATION_NONE; $sticky_background = $this->get_background (); if ($horizontal_margin === null) $horizontal_margin = trim ($this->get_horizontal_margin ()); if ($vertical_margin === null) $vertical_margin = trim ($this->get_vertical_margin ()); if ($sticky_background) $horizontal_margin = ''; $main_content_fixed_width = is_numeric (get_main_content_element ()); if ($main_content_fixed_width) { $main_content_shift = (int) (get_main_content_element () / 2); } if ($horizontal_position == AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER && $sticky_background && $this->get_set_body_background ()) { $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_TOP; } else switch ($vertical_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_TOP: switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_TOP; break; default: if ($sticky_background) { $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_TOP; } else $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_TOP_OFFSET; break; } if ($vertical_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'top', $vertical_margin . 'px'); } break; case AI_STICK_VERTICAL_CENTER: if ($animation) $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_CENTER_VERTICAL_H_ANIM; else switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_CENTER_VERTICAL_H_ANIM; break; default: $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_CENTER_VERTICAL; break; } break; case AI_SCROLL_WITH_THE_CONTENT: if ($sticky_background) { $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_SCROLL_WITH_THE_CONTENT_BKG; } else $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_SCROLL_WITH_THE_CONTENT; if ($vertical_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'top', $vertical_margin . 'px'); } break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM: switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM; break; default: if ($sticky_background) { $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM; } else $style = AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM_OFFSET; break; } if ($vertical_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'bottom', $vertical_margin . 'px'); } break; } switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT: if ($sticky_background) { $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT_BKG; } else $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT; if ($horizontal_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'left', $horizontal_margin . 'px'); } break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT: if ($sticky_background) { $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT_BKG; } else $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT; if ($horizontal_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'margin-right', $horizontal_margin . 'px'); } if ($main_content_fixed_width) { $style = $style . ai_change_css (AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT_W, 'right', 'calc(50% + ' . $main_content_shift . 'px)'); } break; case AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: if ($sticky_background) { $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_CENTER_HORIZONTAL_BKG; $background_css = ''; $background_color = trim ($this->get_background_color ()); if ($background_color != '') { $background_css .= ' background-color: ' . $background_color . ';'; } $background_image = trim ($this->get_background_image ()); if ($background_image != '') { $background_css .= ' background-image: url(' . $background_image . ');'; } $background_size = $this->get_background_size (); if ($background_size != AI_BACKGROUND_SIZE_DEFAULT) { switch ($background_size) { case AI_BACKGROUND_SIZE_COVER: $background_css .= ' background-size: cover;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_SIZE_FIT: $background_css .= ' background-size: contain;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_SIZE_FILL: $background_css .= ' background-size: 100% 100%;'; break; } } $background_repeat = $this->get_background_repeat (); if ($background_repeat != AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_DEFAULT) { switch ($background_repeat) { case AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_NO: $background_css .= ' background-repeat: no-repeat;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_YES: $background_css .= ' background-repeat: repeat;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_HORIZONTALY: $background_css .= ' background-repeat: repeat-x;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_VERTICALLY: $background_css .= ' background-repeat: repeat-y;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_SPACE: $background_css .= ' background-repeat: space;'; break; case AI_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_ROUND: $background_css .= ' background-repeat: round;'; break; } } $style .= $background_css; if ($this->get_set_body_background ()) { $ai_wp_data [AI_BODY_STYLE] = trim ('background-attachment: fixed; ' . $background_css); $style .= 'display: none;'; } } elseif ($animation) $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_CENTER_HORIZONTAL_ANIM; else switch ($vertical_position) { case AI_STICK_VERTICAL_CENTER: $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_CENTER_HORIZONTAL_V; break; default: $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_CENTER_HORIZONTAL; break; } break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT: if ($sticky_background) { $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT_BKG; } else $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT; if ($horizontal_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'margin-left', $horizontal_margin . 'px'); } if ($main_content_fixed_width) { $style = $style . ai_change_css (AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT_W, 'left', 'calc(50% + ' . $main_content_shift . 'px)'); } break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT: switch ($vertical_position) { case AI_SCROLL_WITH_THE_CONTENT: $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT_SCROLL; if ($horizontal_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'right', $horizontal_margin . 'px'); } break; default: if ($sticky_background) { $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT_BKG; } else $style .= AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT; if ($horizontal_margin != '') { $style = ai_change_css ($style, 'right', $horizontal_margin . 'px'); } break; } break; } return $style; } public function stick_to_the_content_class () { $classes = array (); $alignment_type = $this->get_alignment_type (); $custom_css = $this->get_custom_css (); $horizontal_position = $this->get_horizontal_position (); $vertical_position = $this->get_vertical_position (); $sticky_background = $this->get_background (); $main_content_fixed_width = is_numeric (get_main_content_element ()); switch ($alignment_type) { case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY: if (!$main_content_fixed_width) { switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT: $classes []= 'ai-sticky-content'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-left'; break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT: $classes []= 'ai-sticky-content'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-right'; break; } if ($sticky_background) { switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT: case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT: $classes [] = 'ai-sticky-background'; $classes [] = 'ai-sticky-left'; break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT: case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT: $classes [] = 'ai-sticky-background'; $classes [] = 'ai-sticky-right'; break; // case AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: // $classes [] = 'ai-fixed-background'; // break; } } } switch ($vertical_position) { case AI_SCROLL_WITH_THE_CONTENT: if ($sticky_background) $classes []= 'ai-sticky-background'; else $classes []= 'ai-sticky-content'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-scroll'; break; } break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS: $clean_custom_css_code = str_replace (' ', '', $custom_css); if (!$main_content_fixed_width && strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'position:fixed') !== false && strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'z-index:') !== false) { if (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'display:none') !== false) { if (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, ';left:auto') !== false) {$classes []= 'ai-sticky-content'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-left';} // to avoid margin-left:auto elseif (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'right:auto') !== false) {$classes []= 'ai-sticky-content'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-right';} if (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'margin-bottom:auto') !== false) {$classes []= 'ai-sticky-content'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-scroll';} } elseif ($sticky_background && strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'z-index:-') === false) { // if (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, ';top:0;left:0') !== false) $classes []= 'ai-fixed-background'; // to avoid detecting ai-sticky-left // else if (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, ';left:0') !== false) {$classes [] = 'ai-sticky-background'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-left';} elseif (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, ';right:0') !== false) {$classes [] = 'ai-sticky-background'; $classes []= 'ai-sticky-right';} } } break; } $classes = array_unique ($classes); return implode (' ', $classes); } public function is_sticky () { $custom_sticky_css = false; if ($this->get_alignment_type () == AI_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS) { $clean_custom_css_code = str_replace (' ', '', $this->get_custom_css ()); if (strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'position:fixed') !== false && strpos ($clean_custom_css_code, 'z-index:') !== false) $custom_sticky_css = true; } return ($custom_sticky_css || $this->get_alignment_type () == AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY); } public function sticky_parameters (&$classes, $preview = false) { global $ai_wp_data; $sticky_parameters = ''; if ($this->is_sticky ()) { $horizontal_position = $this->get_horizontal_position (); $vertical_position = $this->get_vertical_position (); $animation = $this->get_animation (); $sticky_background = $this->get_background (); $stick_to_the_content_class = $this->stick_to_the_content_class (); if ($stick_to_the_content_class != '') { // if (!$sticky_background) { // $classes [] = 'ai-sticky-content'; // } $classes [] = $stick_to_the_content_class; } if ($this->get_set_body_background ()) { // Not used $classes [] = 'ai-body-background'; } $direction = ''; switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT: case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT: $direction = 'right'; break; case AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: $classes [] = 'ai-center-h'; switch ($vertical_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_TOP: case AI_SCROLL_WITH_THE_CONTENT: $direction = 'down'; break; case AI_STICK_VERTICAL_CENTER: $direction = 'left'; switch ($animation) { case AI_ANIMATION_SLIDE: case AI_ANIMATION_SLIDE_FADE: $animation = AI_ANIMATION_FADE; break; case AI_ANIMATION_ZOOM_IN: case AI_ANIMATION_ZOOM_OUT: $direction = 'up'; break; } break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM: $direction = 'up'; break; } break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT: case AI_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT: $direction = 'left'; break; } if ($vertical_position == AI_STICK_VERTICAL_CENTER) $classes [] = 'ai-center-v'; if (!$sticky_background) { switch ($horizontal_position) { case AI_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT: if ($animation == AI_ANIMATION_TURN) $direction = 'left'; break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT: if ($animation == AI_ANIMATION_TURN) $direction = 'right'; break; case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_LEFT: case AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT_RIGHT: if ($animation == AI_ANIMATION_SLIDE) $animation = AI_ANIMATION_SLIDE_FADE; break; } switch ($animation) { case AI_ANIMATION_FADE: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="fade"'; break; case AI_ANIMATION_SLIDE: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="slide-'.$direction.'"'; break; case AI_ANIMATION_SLIDE_FADE: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="fade-'.$direction.'"'; break; case AI_ANIMATION_TURN: $classes [] = 'ai-sticky-turn'; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="flip-'.$direction.'"'; break; case AI_ANIMATION_FLIP: if ($direction == 'right') $direction = 'left'; elseif ($direction == 'left') $direction = 'right'; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="flip-'.$direction.'"'; break; case AI_ANIMATION_ZOOM_IN: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="zoom-in-'.$direction.'"'; break; case AI_ANIMATION_ZOOM_OUT: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos="zoom-out-'.$direction.'"'; break; } if (!$preview) { switch ($this->get_animation_trigger ()) { case AI_TRIGGER_PAGE_SCROLLED_PC: $pc = $this->get_animation_trigger_value (); if (!is_numeric ($pc)) $pc = 0; $pc = intval ($pc); if ($pc < 0) $pc = 0; if ($pc > 100) $pc = 100; $pc = number_format ($pc / 100, 2); if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS])) $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS] = array (); $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS][$this->number] = $pc; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor="#ai-position-'.$this->number.'" data-aos-anchor-placement="top-top"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_PAGE_SCROLLED_PX: $px = $this->get_animation_trigger_value (); if (!is_numeric ($px)) $px = 0; $px = intval ($px); if ($px < 0) $px = 0; if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS])) $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS] = array (); $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS][$this->number] = $px; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor="#ai-position-'.$this->number.'" data-aos-anchor-placement="top-top"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENT_SCROLLS_IN: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor="'.$this->get_animation_trigger_value ().'"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENT_SCROLLS_OUT: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor="'.$this->get_animation_trigger_value ().'" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-top" '; break; } $offset = $this->get_animation_trigger_offset (); if (is_numeric ($offset)) { $offset = intval ($offset); if ($offset < -1000) $offset = - 1000; elseif ($offset > 1000) $offset = 1000; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-offset="'.$offset.'"'; } $delay = $this->get_animation_trigger_delay (); if (is_numeric ($delay) && $delay > 0) { $delay = 50 * intval ($delay / 50); // Limitation of AOS if ($delay > 3000) $delay = 3000; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-delay="'.$delay.'"'; } switch ($this->get_animation_out_trigger ()) { case AI_TRIGGER_DISABLED: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-once="true"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_ENABLED: break; case AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENT_SCROLLS_OUT: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor-out="'.$this->get_animation_out_trigger_value ().'" data-aos-anchor-placement-out="bottom-top" data-aos-mirror="true"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_PAGE_SCROLLED_PC: $pc = $this->get_animation_out_trigger_value (); if (!is_numeric ($pc)) $pc = 0; $pc = intval ($pc); if ($pc < 0) $pc = 0; if ($pc > 100) $pc = 100; $pc = number_format ($pc / 100, 2); if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS])) $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS] = array (); $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS][$this->number . '-out'] = $pc; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor-out="#ai-position-'.$this->number.'-out" data-aos-anchor-placement-out="top-top" data-aos-mirror="true"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_PAGE_SCROLLED_PX: $px = $this->get_animation_out_trigger_value (); if (!is_numeric ($px)) $px = 0; $px = intval ($px); if ($px < 0) $px = 0; if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS])) $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS] = array (); $ai_wp_data [AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENTS][$this->number . '-out'] = $px; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor-out="#ai-position-'.$this->number.'-out" data-aos-anchor-placement-out="top-top" data-aos-mirror="true"'; break; case AI_TRIGGER_ELEMENT_SCROLLS_IN: $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-anchor-out="'.$this->get_animation_out_trigger_value ().'" data-aos-mirror="true"'; break; } $offset = $this->get_animation_out_trigger_offset (); if (is_numeric ($offset)) { $offset = intval ($offset); if ($offset < -1000) $offset = - 1000; elseif ($offset > 1000) $offset = 1000; $sticky_parameters .= ' data-aos-offset-out="'.$offset.'"'; } } } } return $sticky_parameters; } public function size_background_style () { $style = ''; $width = trim ($this->get_block_width ()); $height = trim ($this->get_block_height ()); $background = trim ($this->get_block_background_color ()); $parallax_options = false; for ($index = 1; $index <= 3; $index ++) { $parallax_options |= $this->get_parallax ($index) && $this->get_parallax_image ($index) != ''; if ($parallax_options) break; } if ($width != '' && !$this->get_close_button ()) { if (is_numeric ($width)) { $width .= 'px'; } $style .= ' width: ' . $width . ';'; } if ($height != '' && !$parallax_options) { if (is_numeric ($height)) { $height .= 'px'; } $style .= ' height: ' . $height . ';'; } $sticky_background = $this->is_sticky () && $this->get_horizontal_position () == AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER && ($this->get_vertical_position () == AI_STICK_VERTICAL_CENTER || $this->get_vertical_position () == AI_STICK_TO_THE_TOP || $this->get_vertical_position () == AI_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM); if ($background != '' && !$sticky_background) { $style .= ' background-color: ' . $background . 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"||", $styles); } $style .= $size_background_style; } } if (!$all_styles && strpos ($style, "||") !== false) { $styles = explode ("||", $style); if (isset ($styles [0])) { $style = trim ($styles [0]); } } return $style; } public function get_horizontal_position (){ $option = - 1; if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ALIGNMENT_TYPE])) { switch ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ALIGNMENT_TYPE]) { case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_LEFT: $option = AI_STICK_TO_THE_LEFT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_RIGHT: $option = AI_STICK_TO_THE_RIGHT; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_TOP: $option = AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_BOTTOM: $option = AI_STICK_HORIZONTAL_CENTER; break; } } if ($option == - 1) { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HORIZONTAL_POSITION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] : DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_POSITION; } return $option; } public function get_vertical_position (){ $option = - 1; if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ALIGNMENT_TYPE])) { switch ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ALIGNMENT_TYPE]) { case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_LEFT: $option = AI_STICK_TO_THE_TOP; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_RIGHT: $option = AI_STICK_TO_THE_TOP; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_TOP: $option = AI_STICK_TO_THE_TOP; break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_BOTTOM: $option = AI_STICK_TO_THE_BOTTOM; break; } } if ($option == - 1) { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VERTICAL_POSITION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VERTICAL_POSITION] : DEFAULT_VERTICAL_POSITION; } return $option; } public function get_tracking ($saved_value = false){ $tracking = AI_DISABLED; if (ai_pro ()) { if (get_global_tracking () || $saved_value) { $tracking = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TRACKING]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TRACKING] : AI_DISABLED; } } return $tracking; } public function get_alignment_style (){ return $this->alignment_style ($this->get_alignment_type()); } public function get_html_selector ($decode = false){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HTML_SELECTOR]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HTML_SELECTOR] : ""; if ($decode) $option = html_entity_decode ($option); return $option; } public function get_server_side_insertion (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SERVER_SIDE_INSERTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SERVER_SIDE_INSERTION] : DEFAULT_SERVER_SIDE_INSERTION; return $option; } public function get_html_element_insertion () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HTML_ELEMENT_INSERTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HTML_ELEMENT_INSERTION] : DEFAULT_HTML_ELEMENT_INSERTION; if ($option == AI_HTML_INSERTION_CLIENT_SIDE_DOM_READY) { $option = AI_HTML_INSERTION_CLIENT_SIDE; } return $option; } public function get_wait_for () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WAIT_FOR]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WAIT_FOR] : ''; return $option; } public function get_wait_for_delay () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WAIT_FOR_DELAY]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WAIT_FOR_DELAY] : ''; if ($option === '0') { $option = ''; } return $option; } public function get_html_element_insertion_text ($translate = true) { switch ($this->get_html_element_insertion ()) { case AI_HTML_INSERTION_CLIENT_SIDE: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_CLIENT_SIDE; return AI_TEXT_CLIENT_SIDE; break; // case AI_HTML_INSERTION_CLIENT_SIDE_DOM_READY: // if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_CLIENT_SIDE_DOM_READY; // return AI_TEXT_CLIENT_SIDE_DOM_READY; // break; case AI_HTML_INSERTION_SEREVR_SIDE: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_SERVER_SIDE; return AI_TEXT_SERVER_SIDE; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_inside_element (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_INSIDE_ELEMENT]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_INSIDE_ELEMENT] : DEFAULT_INSIDE_ELEMENT; return $option; } public function get_paragraph_number(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARAGRAPH_NUMBER]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARAGRAPH_NUMBER] : ""; return $option; } public function get_paragraph_number_minimum(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_PARAGRAPHS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_PARAGRAPHS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_paragraph_number_maximum(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PARAGRAPHS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PARAGRAPHS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_skip_first_paragraphs (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SKIP_FIRST_PARAGRAPHS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SKIP_FIRST_PARAGRAPHS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_skip_last_paragraphs (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SKIP_LAST_PARAGRAPHS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SKIP_LAST_PARAGRAPHS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_minimum_words_above (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_WORDS_ABOVE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_WORDS_ABOVE] : ""; return $option; } public function get_minimum_words(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_WORDS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_WORDS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_maximum_words(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_WORDS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_WORDS] : ""; return $option; } public function get_paragraph_tags(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARAGRAPH_TAGS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARAGRAPH_TAGS] : DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_TAGS; return str_replace (array ('<', '>'), '', $option); } public function get_minimum_paragraph_words(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_PARAGRAPH_WORDS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MIN_PARAGRAPH_WORDS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_maximum_paragraph_words(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PARAGRAPH_WORDS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PARAGRAPH_WORDS] : ""; return $option; } public function get_count_inside_blockquote(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_BLOCKQUOTE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_BLOCKQUOTE] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_count_inside (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE] : DEFAULT_COUNT_INSIDE; return $option; } public function get_count_inside_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_count_inside ()) { case AI_DO_NOT_COUNT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DO_NOT_COUNT; return AI_TEXT_DO_NOT_COUNT; break; case AI_COUNT_ONLY: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_COUNT_ONLY; return AI_TEXT_COUNT_ONLY; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_count_inside_elements (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS] : ""; return $option; } public function get_count_inside_elements_contain (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_CONTAIN]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_CONTAIN] : DEFAULT_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_CONTAIN; return $option; } public function get_count_inside_elements_contain_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_count_inside_elements_contain ()) { case AI_CONTAIN: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_CONTAIN; return AI_TEXT_CONTAIN; break; case AI_DO_NOT_CONTAIN: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DO_NOT_CONTAIN; return AI_TEXT_DO_NOT_CONTAIN; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_count_inside_elements_text (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_TEXT]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNT_INSIDE_ELEMENTS_TEXT] : ""; return $option; } public function get_check_only_tag_attributes (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CHECK_ONLY_TAG_ATTRIBUTES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CHECK_ONLY_TAG_ATTRIBUTES] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_avoid_paragraphs_above(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_PARAGRAPHS_ABOVE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_PARAGRAPHS_ABOVE] : ""; return $option; } public function get_avoid_paragraphs_below(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_PARAGRAPHS_BELOW]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_PARAGRAPHS_BELOW] : ""; return $option; } public function get_avoid_text_above(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TEXT_ABOVE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TEXT_ABOVE] : ""; return $option; } public function get_avoid_text_below(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TEXT_BELOW]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TEXT_BELOW] : ""; return $option; } public function get_avoid_action(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_ACTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_ACTION] : DEFAULT_AVOID_ACTION; if ($option == '') $option = DEFAULT_AVOID_ACTION; elseif ($option == AD_DO_NOT_INSERT) $option = AI_DO_NOT_INSERT; elseif ($option == AD_TRY_TO_SHIFT_POSITION) $option = AI_TRY_TO_SHIFT_POSITION; return $option; } public function get_avoid_action_text ($translate = true) { switch ($this->get_avoid_action()) { case AI_DO_NOT_INSERT: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DO_NOT_INSERT; return AI_TEXT_DO_NOT_INSERT; break; case AI_TRY_TO_SHIFT_POSITION: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_TRY_TO_SHIFT_POSITION; return AI_TEXT_TRY_TO_SHIFT_POSITION; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_avoid_try_limit(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TRY_LIMIT]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_TRY_LIMIT] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AD_ZERO; return $option; } public function get_avoid_direction(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_DIRECTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AVOID_DIRECTION] : DEFAULT_AVOID_DIRECTION; if ($option == '') $option = DEFAULT_AVOID_DIRECTION; elseif ($option == AD_ABOVE) $option = AI_ABOVE; elseif ($option == AD_BELOW) $option = AI_BELOW; elseif ($option == AD_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW) $option = AI_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW; elseif ($option == AD_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE) $option = AI_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE; return $option; } public function get_avoid_direction_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_avoid_direction()) { case AI_ABOVE: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_ABOVE; return AI_TEXT_ABOVE; break; case AI_BELOW: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BELOW; return AI_TEXT_BELOW; break; case AI_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW; return AI_TEXT_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW; break; case AI_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE; return AI_TEXT_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_call_filter(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EXCERPT_NUMBER]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EXCERPT_NUMBER] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_filter_type(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_FILTER_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_FILTER_TYPE] : AI_FILTER_AUTO; if ($option == '') $option = AI_FILTER_AUTO; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_AUTO) $option = AI_FILTER_AUTO; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_PHP_FUNCTION_CALLS) $option = AI_FILTER_PHP_FUNCTION_CALLS; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_CONTENT_PROCESSING) $option = AI_FILTER_CONTENT_PROCESSING; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_EXCERPT_PROCESSING) $option = AI_FILTER_EXCERPT_PROCESSING; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_BEFORE_POST_PROCESSING) $option = AI_FILTER_BEFORE_POST_PROCESSING; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_AFTER_POST_PROCESSING) $option = AI_FILTER_AFTER_POST_PROCESSING; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_WIDGET_DRAWING) $option = AI_FILTER_WIDGET_DRAWING; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_SUBPAGES) $option = AI_FILTER_SUBPAGES; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_POSTS) $option = AI_FILTER_POSTS; elseif ($option == AI_OPTION_FILTER_COMMENTS) $option = AI_FILTER_COMMENTS; return $option; } public function get_filter_type_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_filter_type()) { case AI_FILTER_AUTO: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AUTO_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_AUTO_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_PHP_FUNCTION_CALLS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_PHP_FUNCTION_CALLS_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_PHP_FUNCTION_CALLS_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_CONTENT_PROCESSING: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_CONTENT_PROCESSING_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_CONTENT_PROCESSING_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_EXCERPT_PROCESSING: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_EXCERPT_PROCESSING_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_EXCERPT_PROCESSING_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_BEFORE_POST_PROCESSING: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_BEFORE_POST_PROCESSING_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_BEFORE_POST_PROCESSING_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_AFTER_POST_PROCESSING: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_AFTER_POST_PROCESSING_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_AFTER_POST_PROCESSING_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_WIDGET_DRAWING: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_WIDGET_DRAWING_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_WIDGET_DRAWING_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_SUBPAGES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_SUBPAGES_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_SUBPAGES_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_POSTS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_POSTS_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_POSTS_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_PARAGRAPHS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_PARAGRAPHS_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_PARAGRAPHS_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_IMAGES: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_IMAGES_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_IMAGES_COUNTER; break; case AI_FILTER_COMMENTS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_COMMENTS_COUNTER; return AI_TEXT_COMMENTS_COUNTER; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_inverted_filter (){ $inverted_filter = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_INVERTED_FILTER]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_INVERTED_FILTER] : AI_DISABLED; if ($inverted_filter == '') $inverted_filter = AI_DISABLED; return $inverted_filter; } public function get_direction_type () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DIRECTION_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DIRECTION_TYPE] : DEFAULT_DIRECTION_TYPE; if ($option == '') $option = DEFAULT_DIRECTION_TYPE; elseif ($option == AD_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP) $option = AI_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP; elseif ($option == AD_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) $option = AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM; return $option; } public function get_direction_type_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_direction_type ()) { case AI_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP; return AI_TEXT_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP; break; case AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM; return AI_TEXT_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_display_settings_post(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_POSTS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_POSTS] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_ENABLED; return $option; } public function get_display_settings_page(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_PAGES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_PAGES] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_display_settings_home(){ global $ai_db_options; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605') { if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION])) { $automatic_insertion = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION]; } else $automatic_insertion = ''; if ($automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT) $option = AI_DISABLED; } return $option; } public function get_display_settings_category(){ global $ai_db_options; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_CATEGORY_PAGES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_CATEGORY_PAGES] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605') { if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION])) { $automatic_insertion = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION]; } else $automatic_insertion = ''; if ($automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT) $option = AI_DISABLED; } return $option; } public function get_display_settings_search(){ global $ai_db_options; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_SEARCH_PAGES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_SEARCH_PAGES] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605') { if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION])) { $automatic_insertion = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION]; } else $automatic_insertion = ''; if ($automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT) $option = AI_DISABLED; } return $option; } public function get_display_settings_archive(){ global $ai_db_options; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_ARCHIVE_PAGES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_ON_ARCHIVE_PAGES] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = AI_DISABLED; if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605') { if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION])) { $automatic_insertion = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION]; } else $automatic_insertion = ''; if ($automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT) $option = AI_DISABLED; } return $option; } public function get_enable_feed (){ $enable_feed = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_FEED]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_FEED] : ""; if ($enable_feed == '') $enable_feed = AI_DISABLED; return $enable_feed; } public function get_enable_ajax (){ $enable_ajax = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_AJAX]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_AJAX] : ""; if ($enable_ajax == '') $enable_ajax = AI_ENABLED; return $enable_ajax; } public function get_disable_caching (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISABLE_CACHING]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISABLE_CACHING] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_max_page_blocks_enabled (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PAGE_BLOCKS_ENABLED]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_PAGE_BLOCKS_ENABLED] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_only_in_the_loop (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ONLY_IN_THE_LOOP]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ONLY_IN_THE_LOOP] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_embed_js_code (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EMBED_JS_CODE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EMBED_JS_CODE] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } // Used for shortcodes public function get_enable_manual (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLE_MANUAL]) ? 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$this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CUSTOM_CSS] : ""; // Fix for old bug if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605' && strpos ($option, "Undefined index")) $option = ""; return $option; } public function get_display_for_users (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_USERS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_USERS] : DEFAULT_DISPLAY_FOR_USERS; if ($option == '') $option = DEFAULT_DISPLAY_FOR_USERS; elseif ($option == 'all') $option = AI_DISPLAY_ALL_USERS; elseif ($option == 'logged in') $option = AI_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS; elseif ($option == 'not logged in') $option = AI_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_ALL_USERS) $option = AI_DISPLAY_ALL_USERS; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS) $option = AI_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS) $option = AI_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS; elseif ($option == AD_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATORS) $option = AI_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATORS; return $option; } public function get_display_for_users_text ($translate = true){ switch ($this->get_display_for_users ()) { case AI_DISPLAY_ALL_USERS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DISPLAY_ALL_USERS; return AI_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALL_USERS; break; case AI_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS; return AI_TEXT_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS; break; case AI_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS; return AI_TEXT_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS; break; case AI_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATORS: if (!$translate) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATORS; return AI_TEXT_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATORS; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_detection_client_side(){ global $ai_db_options; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DETECT_CLIENT_SIDE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DETECT_CLIENT_SIDE] : AI_DISABLED; if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605') { if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES])) { $display_for_devices = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES]; } else $display_for_devices = ''; if ($display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_ALL_DEVICES) $option = AI_DISABLED; } return $option; } public function get_client_side_action ($return_saved_value = false) { global $ai_db_options, $ai_wp_data; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLIENT_SIDE_ACTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLIENT_SIDE_ACTION] : DEFAULT_CLIENT_SIDE_ACTION; if ($return_saved_value) return $option; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] && $option == AI_CLIENT_SIDE_ACTION_INSERT) $option = AI_CLIENT_SIDE_ACTION_SHOW; return $option; } public function get_detection_viewport ($viewport){ global $ai_db_options; $option_name = AI_OPTION_DETECT_VIEWPORT . '_' . $viewport; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [$option_name]) ? $this->wp_options [$option_name] : AI_DISABLED; if (isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION']) && $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VERSION'] < '010605' && $this->get_detection_client_side()) { if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES])) { $display_for_devices = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DISPLAY_FOR_DEVICES]; } else $display_for_devices = ''; if ($display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_DEVICES || $display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES || $display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES) { switch ($viewport) { case 1: $option = AI_ENABLED; break; default: $option = AI_DISABLED; } } elseif ($display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_TABLET_DEVICES || $display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_MOBILE_DEVICES || $display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_TABLET_DEVICES) { switch ($viewport) { case 2: $option = AI_ENABLED; break; default: $option = AI_DISABLED; } } elseif ($display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_PHONE_DEVICES || $display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_MOBILE_DEVICES || $display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_DESKTOP_PHONE_DEVICES) { switch ($viewport) { case 3: $option = AI_ENABLED; break; default: $option = AI_DISABLED; } } elseif ($display_for_devices == AD_DISPLAY_ALL_DEVICES) $option = AI_DISABLED; } return $option; } public function ai_get_counters (&$title) { global $ai_wp_data, $ad_inserter_globals, $ai_custom_hooks; $predefined_counters_text = $this->counters; if ($predefined_counters_text != '') { $this->counters = ''; return $predefined_counters_text; } $counters = ''; $title = __('Counters', 'ad-inserter') . ':'; if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_CONTENT_COUNTER_NAME]) && ($ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_CONTENT || $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_SHORTCODE)) { $counters .= ' C='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_CONTENT_COUNTER_NAME]; $title .= ' C= ' . __('Content', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_EXCERPT_COUNTER_NAME]) && $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_EXCERPT) { $counters .= ' X='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_EXCERPT_COUNTER_NAME]; $title .= ' X = ' . __('Excerpt', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_BEFORE_COUNTER_NAME]) && $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_BEFORE_POST) { $counters .= ' B='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_BEFORE_COUNTER_NAME]; $title .= ' B = ' . __('Before post', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_AFTER_COUNTER_NAME]) && $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_AFTER_POST) { $counters .= ' A='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_AFTER_COUNTER_NAME]; $title .= ' A = ' . __('After post', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_POST_COUNTER_NAME]) && $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_BETWEEN_POSTS) { $counters .= ' L='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_POST_COUNTER_NAME]; $title .= ' L = ' . __('Between posts', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_WIDGET_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]) && $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_WIDGET) { $counters .= ' W='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_WIDGET_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; $title .= ' W = ' . __('Widget', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_PHP_FUNCTION_CALL_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number])) { $counters .= ' P='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_PHP_FUNCTION_CALL_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; $title .= ' P = ' . __('PHP function call', 'ad-inserter') . ', '; } foreach ($ai_custom_hooks as $index => $custom_hook) { if ($index >= 20) break; $globals_name = 'AI_' . strtoupper ($custom_hook ['action']) . '_' . (AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_CUSTOM_HOOK + $index) . '_COUNTER'; if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name]) && $ai_wp_data [AI_CONTEXT] == AI_CONTEXT_CUSTOM_HOOK + $index) { $counters .= ' H'.$custom_hook ['index'].'='.$ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name]; // Translators: %s: custom hook name $title .= ' H'.$custom_hook ['index'].' = ' . sprintf (__('Custom hook %s call', 'ad-inserter'), $custom_hook ['name']) . ', '; } } if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number])) { $counters .= ' N='.$ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; $title .= ' N = ' . __('Block', 'ad-inserter'); } return $counters; } public function ai_getAdLabel () { global $ai_wp_data; $label_enabled = $this->get_show_label (); if (!$label_enabled) return ''; $label_code = ai_ad_label_code (); $label_code = apply_filters ("ai_block_ad_label", $label_code, $this->number); return $label_code; } public function ai_generateDebugLabel ($class = '', $title = '') { global $ai_wp_data, $block_object; $right_title = ''; $fallback_block_name = ''; if ($class != '') { $this->labels->class = $class; } if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX) { $this->labels->class = 'ai-debug-ajax'; $title = __('AJAX REQUEST', 'ad-inserter'); if (isset ($_GET ["block"])) { $this->counters = 'IFRAME'; $right_title = __('Ajax request for block in iframe', 'ad-inserter'); } } elseif ($this->get_iframe ()) { $this->labels->class = 'ai-debug-iframe'; } if ($this->fallback != 0) { $this->labels->class = 'ai-debug-fallback'; $fallback_block = $block_object [$this->fallback]; $fallback_block_name = '  ⇦  '. $this->fallback . '   ' . $fallback_block->get_ad_name (); } if ($this->get_alignment_type() == AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING) { $this->labels->class .= ' ai-debug-no-wrapping'; } $counters = $this->ai_get_counters ($right_title); if (is_array ($this->check_codes_data) && isset ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index])) { $check_data = ''; foreach ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index] as $check_type => $check_list) { if ($check_list != '') { if ($check_type == 'block') continue; if ($check_type == 'name') continue; if ($check_type == 'check') continue; $check_data .= ' '. $check_type . '="' . $check_list . '"'; } } $check_text = is_array ($this->check_codes) ? ' - [CHECK' . $check_data. ']' : ''; } else $check_text = ''; $version_name = $this->version_name == '' ? '' : ' - ' . $this->version_name; $block_name = $this->number . '   ' . $this->get_ad_name () . $check_text . '' . $version_name . '' . $fallback_block_name; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX) { $left_text = ''.esc_attr ($_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']) . esc_attr ($_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']).''; $left_title = __('Ajax request url, click to open it in a new tab', 'ad-inserter'); if (isset ($_GET ["block"])) $ajax_bar = $this->labels->bar ($left_text, $left_title); else $ajax_bar = $this->labels->bar ($left_text, $left_title, '', __('IN THE LOOP', 'ad-inserter') . ': ' . 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'', $counters, $right_title); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $w3tc_debug_info = ''; if (!empty ($this->w3tc_debug)) { $w3tc_debug_info .= ai_w3tc_debug_info ($this->w3tc_debug); } } else $w3tc_debug_info = ''; $this->additional_code_before = $this->labels->block_start () . $label_bars . $ajax_bar . $w3tc_debug_info . $this->additional_code_before; $this->additional_code_after .= $this->labels->block_end (); } public function generate_html_from_w3tc_code ($code = '') { global $ai_wp_data; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= ' GENERATE HTML'; } if ($code == '') { $code = $this->w3tc_code; } return ( '' ); } public function generate_w3tc_code_from_html ($code) { global $ai_wp_data; if ($this->w3tc_code == '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'GENERATE W3TC FROM HTML'; } $this->w3tc_code = '$ai_code = base64_decode (\''.base64_encode ($code).'\'); $ai_enabled = true;'; } } public function regenerate_w3tc_code ($code, $update_w3tc = true) { global $ai_wp_data; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= ' REGENERATE W3TC'; } preg_match_all ('##', $code, $php_codes); $html_codes = explode ('[?#?]', preg_replace ('##', '[?#?]', $code)); $w3tc_code = 'ob_start (); $ai_enabled = true;'; foreach ($html_codes as $index => $html_code) { if ($html_code != '') { $w3tc_code .= 'echo base64_decode (\'' . base64_encode ($html_code) . 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'"'; } $code = "". ai_get_js ('ai-base64') . " ai_run_{$id} = function(){if (typeof ai_js_code == 'boolean') {{$js_code}};};{$code_fn} if (document.readyState === 'complete' || (document.readyState !== 'loading' && !document.documentElement.doScroll)) ai_run_{$id}{$id_fn} (); else document.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', ai_run_{$id}{$id_fn}); "; } else $code = ai_js_dom_ready ($js_code, $script_tag, $script_class); return $code; } public function ai_check_wait_for ($js_code) { global $ai_wp_data; $wait_for = trim ($this->get_wait_for ()); $delay = intval ($this->get_wait_for_delay ()); if ($wait_for != '' && $delay == 0) { $delay = 50; } if ($delay != 0) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FRONTEND_JS_DEBUGGING]) { $js_code = "console.log ('AI WAIT FOR ".$wait_for." INSERTING BLOCK ".$this->number."');\n" . $js_code; } $js_code = 'setTimeout (function () {'.$js_code.'}, '.$delay.');'; } if ($wait_for != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FRONTEND_JS_DEBUGGING]) { $js_code = "console.log ('AI WAIT FOR ".$wait_for." ACTIVATED, INSERTION DELAYED FOR ".$delay." ms');\n" . $js_code; } // $js_code = 'document.arrive ("'.$wait_for.'", function () {'.$js_code.'});'; $js_code = 'document.arrive ("'.$wait_for.'", {onceOnly: true, existing: true}, function () {'.$js_code.'});'; } return $js_code; } public function ai_processViewportSeparators ($processed_code) { global $ai_wp_data; preg_match_all ('/\|viewport([0-9]+?)\|/', $processed_code, $matches); if (count ($matches [1]) != 0) { $viewport_parameters = array (); foreach ($matches [1] as $match) { // $viewport_parameters []= $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['viewport'][$match]; $viewport_parameters []= $this->shortcodes ['viewport'][$match]; } if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { $processed_code = preg_replace ('/\|viewport([0-9]+?)\|/', '', $processed_code); } else $processed_code = preg_replace ('/\|viewport([0-9]+?)\|/', AD_VIEWPORT_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); } $this->viewport_names = null; if (strpos ($processed_code, AD_VIEWPORT_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $codes = explode (AD_VIEWPORT_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); if (trim ($codes [0]) == '') { unset ($codes [0]); $codes = array_values ($codes); } else array_unshift ($viewport_parameters, array ('viewport' => '', 'code' => '')); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE]) { // Code for preview if ($this->viewport_index >= count ($codes)) { $this->viewport_index = 0; } $processed_code = trim ($codes [$this->viewport_index]); foreach ($viewport_parameters as $index => $viewport_name) { $name = $viewport_name ['viewport']; if ($name == '') { $name = _x('ALL', 'viewports', 'ad-inserter'); } $this->viewport_names []= $name; } } else { $processed_code = ''; foreach ($codes as $viewport_code_index => $viewport_code) { $viewport_code = $this->ai_processFallbackSeparator ($viewport_code); $separator_viewports = explode (',', strtolower ($viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['viewport'])); foreach ($separator_viewports as $index => $separator_viewport) { $separator_viewports [$index] = trim ($separator_viewport); } $viewport_classes = ''; $invisible_viewport_classes = ''; for ($viewport = 1; $viewport <= 6; $viewport ++) { $viewport_name = strtolower (get_viewport_name ($viewport)); if ($viewport_name != '') { $viewport_found = in_array ($viewport_name, $separator_viewports); if ($viewport_found) { $viewport_classes .= " ai-viewport-" . $viewport; } else { $invisible_viewport_classes .= " ai-viewport-" . $viewport; } } } if ($viewport_classes == '') { if ($viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['viewport'] != '') { // Invalid viewport - Code will never be inserted if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels && !get_disable_js_code ()) { $invisible_debug_viewport = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-viewport-invisible'); $invisible_label = $invisible_debug_viewport->bar ("VIEWPORT='".$viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['viewport']."'", '', _x('HIDDEN', 'Block', 'ad-inserter'), ' '); $code_id = 'ai-viewport-code-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); $ai_dbg_code = base64_encode ($invisible_label); $processed_code .= "
\n"; $js_code = "ai_insert_code_by_class ('{$code_id}-dbg');"; $processed_code .= $this->ai_js_dom_ready ($js_code); } continue; } $invisible_viewport_classes = ''; } $viewport_classes = trim ($viewport_classes); $invisible_viewport_classes = trim ($invisible_viewport_classes); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $viewport_classes = ''; $invisible_viewport_classes = 'ai-viewport-0'; } if ($viewport_classes != '') { $viewport_class = " class='" . $viewport_classes . "'"; } else $viewport_class = ''; $insert_code = get_dynamic_blocks () == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT; switch (strtolower ($viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['code'])) { case 'insert': $insert_code = true; break; case 'show': $insert_code = false; break; } $invisible_label = ''; if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { if ($invisible_viewport_classes != '') { $invisible_label_classes = $insert_code ? '' : $invisible_viewport_classes; $invisible_debug_viewport = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-viewport-invisible '. $invisible_label_classes); $invisible_label = $invisible_debug_viewport->bar ("VIEWPORT='".$viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['viewport']."'", '', _x('HIDDEN', 'Block', 'ad-inserter'), ' '); } $debug_viewport = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-lists'); if ($viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['viewport'] == '') { $viewport_text = "ALL VIEWPORTS"; } else $viewport_text = "VIEWPORT='".$viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['viewport']."'"; $viewport_code = $debug_viewport->bar ($viewport_text, '', _x('VISIBLE', 'Block', 'ad-inserter'), ' ') . $viewport_code; } // All viewports selected if ($invisible_viewport_classes == '') { $processed_code .= $viewport_code; } else if ($insert_code) { $code_id = 'ai-viewport-code-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); if ($viewport_classes != '') { $viewport_classes = 'ai-viewports ' . $viewport_classes . ' '; } $ai_code = $this->base64_encode_w3tc (ai_strip_js_markers ($viewport_code), false); $style_attribute = ''; if (isset ($viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['css'])) { // Style is removed in ai-insert.js !!! $style_attribute = " style='" . $viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['css'] . "'"; // $style_attribute = " data-css='" . $viewport_parameters [$viewport_code_index]['css'] . "'"; } $processed_code .= "
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\n"; $js_code = "ai_insert_code_by_class ('{$code_id}-dbg');"; $processed_code .= $this->ai_js_dom_ready ($js_code); } } } else { if ($viewport_class != '') { $processed_code .= $invisible_label . "\n" . $viewport_code . "\n\n"; } else $processed_code .= $invisible_label . $viewport_code; } } } } return $processed_code; } public function ai_processFallbackSeparator ($processed_code) { global $ai_wp_data; $this->fallback_names = null; if (strpos ($processed_code, AD_FALLBACK_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $codes = explode (AD_FALLBACK_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE]) { // Code for preview if ($this->fallback_index >= count ($codes)) { $this->fallback_index = 0; } $processed_code = trim ($codes [$this->fallback_index]); $this->fallback_names []= _x('INACTIVE', 'fallback', 'ad-inserter'); $this->fallback_names []= _x('ACTIVE', 'fallback', 'ad-inserter'); } else { $processed_code = $codes [0]; if (!$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { // AdSense unfilled if (strtolower ($this->shortcodes ['fallback'][0]['fallback']) == 'adsense') { $insert_code = get_dynamic_blocks () == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT; switch (strtolower ($this->shortcodes ['fallback'][0]['code'])) { case 'insert': $insert_code = true; break; case 'show': $insert_code = false; break; } $debug_fallback_code = ''; if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $debug_fallback = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-fallback'); $debug_fallback_code = $debug_fallback->bar (_x('FALLBACK CODE', 'Block', 'ad-inserter'), '', 'AdSense UNFILLED', ' '); } $empty_fallback_code_class = trim ($codes [1]) == '' ? " ai-empty-code" : ''; $processed_code = "
" . $processed_code . "
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\n"; } else { $processed_code .= "
\n" . $debug_fallback_code . trim ($codes [1]) . "\n
\n"; } } } } } return $processed_code; } public function ai_getProcessedCode ($force_close_button = false) { global $ai_wp_data, $ad_inserter_globals, $block_object, $ai_total_hook_php_time, $filter_hooks; // Clear the codes for cases when the code block is called more than once $this->additional_code_before = ''; $this->additional_code_after = ''; $this->additional_code_before_block = ''; $this->w3tc_code = ''; $this->w3tc_debug = array (); $this->no_insertion_text = ''; $this->rotate_names = null; $not_iframe_or_inside = !$this->get_iframe () || $ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]; $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; // Code for ad label, close button $label_code = ''; $additional_code = ''; $check_block_code = false; if ($this->get_iframe () ? ($this->get_label_in_iframe () ? $ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] : !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) : true) { $label_code = $this->ai_getAdLabel (); } $close_button = $this->get_close_button (); $auto_close_time = $this->get_auto_close_time (); $stay_closed_time = $this->get_stay_closed_time (); $closed_code = ''; if (!$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $alignment_type = $this->get_alignment_type (); if ($force_close_button || (($close_button != AI_CLOSE_NONE || $auto_close_time) && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] && $alignment_type != AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING && !(($alignment_type == AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY) && $this->get_background ()) ) ) { switch ($close_button) { case AI_CLOSE_TOP_RIGHT: $button_class = 'ai-close-button ai-close-unprocessed'; break; case AI_CLOSE_TOP_LEFT: $button_class = 'ai-close-button ai-close-unprocessed ai-close-left'; break; case AI_CLOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT: $button_class = 'ai-close-button ai-close-unprocessed ai-close-bottom'; break; case AI_CLOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT: $button_class = 'ai-close-button ai-close-unprocessed ai-close-bottom ai-close-left'; break; default: $button_class = 'ai-close-button ai-close-unprocessed ai-close-none'; break; } $timeout_code = ''; if ($auto_close_time) { $timeout_code = " data-ai-close-timeout='{$auto_close_time}'"; } if ($stay_closed_time) { $closed_code = " data-ai-closed-time='{$stay_closed_time}'"; } $closed_block_code = ''; // All blocks with close button need block number // if ($closed_code != '' || $timeout_code != '') { $closed_block_code = " data-ai-block='{$this->number}'"; // } $additional_code .= "\n"; } $parallax_code = ''; for ($index = 1; $index <= 3; $index ++) { if ($this->get_parallax ($index) && $this->get_parallax_image ($index) != '') { $shift = (int) $this->get_parallax_shift ($index); $style = "background-image: url(\"".$this->get_parallax_image ($index)."\"); background-size: auto calc(100% + ".$shift."px);"; $parallax_code .= "
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'."\n" . $additional_code . '
'."\n"; // Block wrapping div needs to be positioned relative for bottom close button positions if ($additional_code != '') $additional_code_org .= '
'."\n" . $additional_code . '
'."\n"; $hook_start_time = microtime (true); $additional_code = apply_filters ("ai_block_additional_code", $additional_code_org, $this->number); if ($debug_processing && $additional_code != $additional_code_org) { $filter_hooks []= array ("ai_block_additional_code", $this->number); } $ai_total_hook_php_time += microtime (true) - $hook_start_time; } $processed_code = ''; // TODO single CHECK block // do { if ($this->get_iframe () && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $width = trim ($this->get_iframe_width ()); $height = trim ($this->get_iframe_height ()); $iframe_style = ($width != '' ? 'width: ' . $width . 'px; ' : 'width: 100%; ') . ($height != '' ? 'height: ' . $height . 'px;' : 'height: 0px;'); $iframe_parameters = ''; if (get_dynamic_blocks () != AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE) { if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $referer_host = strtolower (parse_url ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST)); } else $referer_host = ''; $iframe_parameters .= '&referrer='.urlencode_deep ($referer_host); } if ($this->client_side_cookie_check) { $iframe_parameters .= '&cookie_check=1'; } if ($this->client_side_cookie_check_url) { $iframe_parameters .= '&cookie_check_url=1'; } if ($this->hide_debug_labels) { $iframe_parameters .= '&hide-debug-labels=1'; } $iframe_parameters .= '&rnd=' . rand (1, 10000000000); foreach ($_GET as $url_parameter => $url_parameter_value) { if (in_array ($url_parameter, array ('action', 'block', 'referrer', 'cookie_check', 'hide-debug-labels', 'rnd'))) continue; $iframe_parameters .= '&'. $url_parameter . '=' . $url_parameter_value; } $attributes = ''; if (!get_disable_js_code () && ($height == '' || ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0)) { $attributes = ' onload="ai_resize_iframe (this);"'; } $code = '' . "\n"; } else { if (is_array ($this->check_codes) && isset ($this->check_codes [$this->check_codes_index])) { $this->check_codes_index ++; $code = $this->check_codes [$this->check_codes_index]; } else { unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['check']); unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['count']); unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate']); unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head']); unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['viewport']); $ai_wp_data [AI_CURRENT_BLOCK_NUMBER] = $this->number; $ai_wp_data [AI_CURRENT_BLOCK_NAME] = $this->get_ad_name (); $ai_code = $this->ai_getCode (); $replace_embed = false; if (stripos ($ai_code, 'embed]') !== false) { $replace_embed = true; $ai_code = str_ireplace (array ('[embed]', '[/embed]'), array ('[#embed#]', '[#/embed#]'), $ai_code); } $code = do_shortcode (replace_ai_tags ($ai_code, $this->get_ad_general_tag())); if ($replace_embed) { $code = str_ireplace (array ('[#embed#]', '[#/embed#]'), array ('[embed]', '[/embed]'), $code); $code = $GLOBALS[ 'wp_embed']->run_shortcode ($code); } unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_CURRENT_BLOCK_NUMBER]); unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_CURRENT_BLOCK_NAME]); if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES])) { $this->shortcodes = $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]; } } } $processed_code .= $code; // $this->needs_class = true; // ??? $this->wrapping_div_classes = array (); $dynamic_blocks = get_dynamic_blocks (); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE] || ($dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC && defined ('AI_NO_W3TC'))) $dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; if ($not_iframe_or_inside) { // [ADINSERTER CHECK] if (function_exists ('ai_check_separators')) { $processed_code = ai_check_separators ($this, $processed_code); if ($this->check_code_empty && $processed_code == '') { return ''; } } // [ADINSERTER COUNT] preg_match_all ('/\|count([0-9]+?)\|/', $processed_code, $matches); if (count ($matches [1]) != 0) { $count_parameters = array (); foreach ($matches [1] as $match) { // $count_parameters []= $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['count'][$match]; $count_parameters []= $this->shortcodes ['count'][$match]; } $processed_code = preg_replace ('/\|count([0-9]+?)\|/', AD_COUNT_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); // } else if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['count'])) $count_parameters = $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['count']; } else if (isset ($this->shortcodes ['count'])) $count_parameters = $this->shortcodes ['count']; if (strpos ($processed_code, AD_COUNT_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $ads = explode (AD_COUNT_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); $allow_empty = false; if (isset ($count_parameters [0]['count'])) { if (strpos (strtolower ($count_parameters [0]['count']), 'empty') !== false) { $allow_empty = true; } } if (trim ($ads [0]) == '' && !$allow_empty) { unset ($ads [0]); $ads = array_values ($ads); // $count_parameters are shifted (the first $count_parameters is for the deleted empty option) } $this->count_names = null; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE]) { // Code for preview $processed_code = $ads [$this->count_index]; foreach ($ads as $index => $ad) $this->count_names []= $index + 1; } else { if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number])) { $block_counter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; $option_index = $block_counter - 1; if (isset ($count_parameters [$block_counter - 1]['count'])) { if (strpos (strtolower ($count_parameters [$block_counter - 1]['count']), 'shuffle') !== false) { $ai_wp_data [AI_COUNT_SHUFFLE][$this->number] = $ads; shuffle ($ai_wp_data [AI_COUNT_SHUFFLE][$this->number]); } if (strpos (strtolower ($count_parameters [$block_counter - 1]['count']), 'repeat') !== false) { $ai_wp_data [AI_COUNT_REPEAT][$this->number] = true; } } if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_COUNT_SHUFFLE][$this->number])) { $ads = $ai_wp_data [AI_COUNT_SHUFFLE][$this->number]; } if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_COUNT_REPEAT][$this->number])) { $option_index = $option_index % count ($ads); } if ($option_index >= 0 && $option_index < count ($ads)) { $processed_code = $ads [$option_index]; } else { $processed_code = ''; $additional_code = ''; } } else $processed_code = $ads [rand (0, count ($ads) - 1)]; } } // [ADINSERTER ROTATE] // (Re)set option index and name $check_options_for_statistics = $this->check_statistics; $check_option_always = isset ($this->check_codes_data [0]) && empty ($this->check_codes_data [0]); if ($check_options_for_statistics) { $option_index = isset ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['name']) ? $this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['name'] : $this->check_codes_index; if ($check_option_always) { // first option with index 0 is always inserted // first check option has index 1 $this->code_version = isset ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['index']) && trim ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['index']) != '' ? (int) $this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['index'] : $this->check_codes_index; $this->tracking_index = $this->code_version; $this->version_name = isset ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['name']) ? $this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['name'] : ''; } else { // first check option has index 0 => 1 $this->code_version = isset ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['index']) && trim ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['index']) != '' ? (int) $this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['index'] : $this->check_codes_index + 1; $this->tracking_index = $this->code_version; $this->version_name = isset ($this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['name']) ? $this->check_codes_data [$this->check_codes_index]['name'] : ''; } } else { // Clear for ROTATE in case of multiple block insertions (CHECK separator) $this->code_version = 0; $this->tracking_index = 0; $this->version_name = ''; } preg_match_all ('/\|rotate([0-9]+?)\|/', $processed_code, $matches); if (count ($matches [1]) != 0) { $rotate_parameters = array (); foreach ($matches [1] as $match) { // $rotate_parameters []= $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate'][$match]; $rotate_parameters []= $this->shortcodes ['rotate'][$match]; } $processed_code = preg_replace ('/\|rotate([0-9]+?)\|/', AD_ROTATE_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); // } else if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate'])) $rotate_parameters = $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate']; } else if (isset ($this->shortcodes ['rotate'])) $rotate_parameters = $this->shortcodes ['rotate']; if (strpos ($processed_code, AD_ROTATE_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $ads = explode (AD_ROTATE_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); if (!isset ($rotate_parameters)) { // using old separator |rotate| $rotate_parameters = array (); foreach ($ads as $index => $ad) { // Skip parameters for first option (it will be added with array_unshift below) if ($index == 0) continue; $rotate_parameters []= array (); } } if (trim ($ads [0]) == '') { unset ($ads [0]); $ads = array_values ($ads); } else array_unshift ($rotate_parameters, array ('name' => '')); $prepend_code = ''; $append_code = ''; $shares = false; $ctr_shares = false; $ctr_min_impressions = 1000; $ctr_days = 30; $ctr_top_share = 75; $times = false; $scheduling = false; $groups = false; $unique = false; $version_names = array (); $tracking_indexes = array (); $version_shares = array (); $version_times = array (); $version_scheduling = array (); $version_groups = array (); foreach ($rotate_parameters as $index => $rotate_parameter) { if ((isset ($rotate_parameter ['code']) && trim ($rotate_parameter ['code']) != '')) { switch (strtolower ($rotate_parameter ['code'])) { case 'prepend': $prepend_code .= $ads [$index]; unset ($ads [$index]); unset ($rotate_parameters [$index]); break; case 'append': $append_code .= $ads [$index]; unset ($ads [$index]); unset ($rotate_parameters [$index]); break; } } } $ads = array_values ($ads); $rotate_parameters = array_values ($rotate_parameters); if ($prepend_code != '') { foreach ($ads as $index => $ad) { $ads [$index] = $prepend_code . $ads [$index]; } } if ($append_code != '') { foreach ($ads as $index => $ad) { $ads [$index] .= $append_code; } } foreach ($rotate_parameters as $index => $option) { $tracking_indexes []= isset ($option ['index']) && trim ($option ['index']) != '' ? (int) $option ['index'] : $index + 1; if ((isset ($option ['group']) && trim ($option ['group']) != '') || $groups) { $groups = true; $shares = false; $times = false; $version_groups []= mb_strtolower (trim ($option ['group'])); $version_names []= isset ($option ['group']) && trim ($option ['group']) != '' ? $option ['group'] : chr (ord ('A') + $index); $version_shares []= - 1; $version_times []= - 1; $version_scheduling []= - 1; } else { $version_names []= isset ($option ['name']) && trim ($option ['name']) != '' ? $option ['name'] : chr (ord ('A') + $index); // Just in case there will be a ROTATE group option $version_groups []= ''; if (isset ($option ['share']) && strpos ($share_option = strtolower ($option ['share']), 'ctr') === 0 && function_exists ('ai_get_impressions_and_clicks')) { $ctr_options = explode (':', $share_option); if (isset ($ctr_options [1]) && $ctr_options [1] > 0 && $ctr_options [1] < 366) { $ctr_days = (int) $ctr_options [1]; } if (isset ($ctr_options [2]) && $ctr_options [2] > 1 && $ctr_options [2] < 10000000) { $ctr_min_impressions = (int) $ctr_options [2]; } if (isset ($ctr_options [3]) && $ctr_options [3] > 1 && $ctr_options [3] < 100) { $ctr_top_share = (int) $ctr_options [3]; } $shares = true; $ctr_shares = true; $version_shares []= - 1; } else { $option_share = isset ($option ['share']) && is_numeric ($option ['share']); if ($option_share) $shares = true; $version_shares []= $option_share ? intval ($option ['share']) : - 1; } $option_time = isset ($option ['time']) && is_numeric ($option ['time']); if ($option_time) $times = true; $version_times []= $option_time ? intval ($option ['time']) : - 1; $option_scheduling = isset ($option ['scheduling']) && strpos ($option ['scheduling'], '=') !== false; if ($option_scheduling) $scheduling = true; $version_scheduling []= $option_scheduling ? trim ($option ['scheduling']) : - 1; } if (isset ($option ['rotate']) && strtolower ($option ['rotate']) == 'unique') $unique = true; } if ($unique && !isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_ROTATION_SEED])) { $ai_wp_data [AI_ROTATION_SEED] = mt_rand (1, time ()) % count ($ads); } $this->rotate_names = $version_names; if ($groups) { // Clear in case there were mixed rotate options foreach ($rotate_parameters as $index => $option) { $version_shares [$index] - 1; $version_times [$index] - 1; $version_scheduling [$index] - 1; } } if ($shares) { $total_share = 0; $no_share = 0; if ($ctr_shares) { $disabled_shares = 0; foreach ($version_shares as $index => $share) { if ($share == 0) { $disabled_shares ++; } } if ($disabled_shares < count ($rotate_parameters) - 1) { // Default state (no CTR data yet) is equal shares foreach ($version_shares as $index => $share) { if ($share != 0) { $version_shares [$index] = number_format (100 / (count ($rotate_parameters) - $disabled_shares), 2); } } if (count ($rotate_parameters) > 1 && $this->get_tracking () && get_internal_tracking ()) { $tracking_data = ai_get_impressions_and_clicks ($this->number, $ctr_days, false, true); if ($tracking_data [2] >= $ctr_min_impressions) { $max_ctr = 0; $max_ctr_option = 0; foreach ($tracking_data [4] as $option => $ctr) { if ($option == 0) continue; if ($ctr > $max_ctr) { $max_ctr = $ctr; $max_ctr_option = $option; } } // We have a winner if ($max_ctr_option != 0) { foreach ($version_shares as $index => $share) { if ($version_shares [$index] != 0) { if ($index + 1 == $max_ctr_option) $version_shares [$index] = $ctr_top_share; else $version_shares [$index] = number_format ((100 - $ctr_top_share) / (count ($rotate_parameters) - $disabled_shares - 1), 2); } } } } } else $ctr_shares = false; } } foreach ($version_shares as $index => $share) { if ($share < 0) $no_share ++; else $total_share += $share; } if ($total_share > 100 || $no_share == 0) { $scale = $total_share / 100; } else $scale = 1; foreach ($version_shares as $index => $share) { // Disable options with share 0 if ($share == 0) $version_shares [$index] = - 1; else if ($share < 0) $version_shares [$index] = (100 - $total_share / $scale) / $no_share; else $version_shares [$index] = $share / $scale; } $thresholds = array (); $total_share = 0; foreach ($version_shares as $index => $share) { if ($share >= 0) { $total_share += $share; $thresholds [] = round ($total_share); } else $thresholds [] = - 1; } } if ($times) { if ($dynamic_blocks != AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW && $dynamic_blocks != AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT) $dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW; $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_ROTATION] = true; } $rotation_dynamic_blocks = $dynamic_blocks; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE] || ($rotation_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW || $rotation_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT) && $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) $rotation_dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; $groups_marker = "##"; switch ($rotation_dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE: if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE]) { // Code for preview if ($this->rotate_index >= count ($ads)) { $this->rotate_index = 0; } $this->code_version = $this->rotate_index + 1; } elseif ($shares) { $random_threshold = mt_rand (0, 100); foreach ($thresholds as $index => $threshold) { $this->code_version = $index + 1; if ($threshold < 0) continue; if ($random_threshold <= $threshold) break; } } elseif ($groups) { $this->code_version = 0; $processed_code = ''; $this->version_name = ''; if (count ($ai_wp_data [AI_ACTIVE_GROUP_NAMES]) != 0) { $this->check_code_empty = true; foreach ($ai_wp_data [AI_ACTIVE_GROUP_NAMES] as $group_name) { foreach ($version_groups as $index => $version_group) { if ($version_group == trim ($group_name)) { $this->code_version = $index + 1; if ($debug_processing) ai_log ('GROUP NAME FOUND: "' . trim ($group_name) . '"'); break 2; } } } if ($this->code_version == 0) { if ($debug_processing) { $this->no_insertion_text = 'GROUP NAMES NOT FOUND IN "' . $ai_wp_data [AI_ACTIVE_GROUP_NAMES] . '"'; ai_log ($this->no_insertion_text); } return ''; } $this->check_code_empty = false; } } elseif ($scheduling) { $this->code_version = 0; foreach ($version_scheduling as $index => $scheduling_data) { if (check_scheduled_rotation ($scheduling_data)) { $this->code_version = $index + 1; break; } } } else { if ($unique) { $block_counter = isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]) ? $ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number] : 0; $this->code_version = $ai_wp_data [AI_ROTATION_SEED] + $block_counter; if ($this->code_version > count ($ads)) $this->code_version -= count ($ads); } else $this->code_version = mt_rand (1, count ($ads)); } if ($this->code_version != 0) { $processed_code = trim ($ads [$this->code_version - 1]); $this->tracking_index = $tracking_indexes [$this->code_version - 1]; $this->version_name = $version_names [$this->code_version - 1]; } if (preg_match ($groups_marker, $processed_code, $matches)) { $ai_wp_data [AI_ACTIVE_GROUP_NAMES] = array_merge ($ai_wp_data [AI_ACTIVE_GROUP_NAMES], json_decode (base64_decode ($matches [1]))); $processed_code = preg_replace ($groups_marker, '', $processed_code); if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0) ai_log ('GROUP NAMES SET: "' . implode (', ', $ai_wp_data [AI_ACTIVE_GROUP_NAMES]) . '"'); if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { $debug_list = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-iframe'); $processed_code = $debug_list->bar (__('ACTIVE GROUPS', 'ad-inserter') . ': ' . implode (', ', json_decode (base64_decode ($matches [1]))), '', '') . $processed_code; } } if ($processed_code == '') { $additional_code = ''; } break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW: case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT: $this->code_version = '""'; $this->tracking_index = '""'; $rotation_data = ''; if ($shares) { $rotation_data = " data-shares='".base64_encode (json_encode ($thresholds))."'"; } // Additional class to identify rotation code block in case of timed rotation $rotation_class = ''; if ($groups) { $rotation_class = ' ai-rotation-groups ai-'.$this->number; } if ($times) { // Add block insertion counter fo rrotation id - block might be inserted more than once and each insertion has different starting option and time $block_counter = 0; if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number])) { $block_counter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; } $rotation_class .= ' ai-timed-rotation'; $rotation_class .= ' ai-'.$this->number.'-'.$block_counter; $rotation_data .= " data-info='".base64_encode ('["'.$this->number.'-'.$block_counter.'",'.count ($ads).']')."'"; } if ($scheduling) { $rotation_class .= ' ai-rotation-scheduling'; $gmt = get_option ('gmt_offset') * 3600 * 1000; $rotation_data .= " data-gmt='$gmt'"; } $processed_code = ''; if (($times || $scheduling) && !isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_CSS])) { $processed_code = "\n"; } if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX) { $block_id = 'ai-rotate-' . $this->number . '-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); $rotation_class = ' ' . $block_id . $rotation_class; } if ($unique) { $rotation_class .= ' ai-unique'; $block_counter = isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]) ? $ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number] : 0; $rotation_data .= " data-counter='".$block_counter."'"; } if (defined ('AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES && !get_inline_styles ()) { $processed_code .= "\n
\n"; } else $processed_code .= "\n
\n"; foreach ($ads as $index => $ad) { // If AMP separator is present use only code for normal pages if (strpos ($ad, AD_AMP_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $codes = explode (AD_AMP_SEPARATOR, $ad); $ad = trim ($codes [0]); } if (strpos ($ad, AD_HEAD_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $head_body_code = explode (AD_HEAD_SEPARATOR, $ad ); $ad = trim ($head_body_code [1]); // Insert all HEAD codes for all options into section // if ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head'][0]['group'] != '') { if ($this->shortcodes ['head'][0]['group'] != '') { // $ai_wp_data [AI_HEAD_GROUPS][strtolower ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head'][0]['group'])] []= trim ($head_body_code [0]); $ai_wp_data [AI_HEAD_GROUPS][strtolower ($this->shortcodes ['head'][0]['group'])] []= trim ($head_body_code [0]); } else $ai_wp_data [AI_HEAD_CODES] []= trim ($head_body_code [0]); } $ad = $this->ai_processViewportSeparators ($ad); $ad = $this->ai_processFallbackSeparator ($ad); if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { $debug_list = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-iframe'); if (preg_match ($groups_marker, $ad, $matches)) { $current_group_name = implode (', ', json_decode (base64_decode ($matches [1]))); } else $current_group_name = ''; $ad = preg_replace ("#()#", '$1' . $debug_list->bar (__('ACTIVE GROUPS', 'ad-inserter') . ': ' . $current_group_name, '', ''), $ad); } $tracking_index_data = ' data-index="'.$tracking_indexes [$index].'"'; $version_name_data = ' data-name="' .base64_encode ($version_names [$index]).'"'; $version_time_data = $version_times [$index] >= 0 ? ' data-time="'.base64_encode ($version_times [$index]).'"' : ''; $version_scheduling_data = $version_scheduling [$index] != - 1 ? ' data-scheduling="'.base64_encode ($version_scheduling [$index]).'"' : ''; $version_group_data = $groups ? ' data-group="'.base64_encode ($version_groups [$index]).'"' : ''; switch ($rotation_dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW: switch ($index) { case 0: if (defined ('AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES && !get_inline_styles ()) { $processed_code .= "
\n".trim ($ad, "\n\r")."
\n"; } else $processed_code .= "\n"; break; default: if (defined ('AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES && !get_inline_styles ()) { $processed_code .= "
\n".trim ($ad, "\n\r")."
\n"; } else $processed_code .= "\n"; break; } break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT: $version_code_data = ' data-code="'.base64_encode (ai_strip_js_markers ($ad)).'"'; $processed_code .= '
\n"; break; } } $processed_code .= "
\n"; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] && !get_disable_js_code ()) { // $processed_code .= "\n"; $processed_code .= "\n"; } break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC: if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS ROTATE'; } if ($groups) { $ad_index_code = ' global $ai_groups; $ai_index = 0; if (isset ($ai_groups) && count ($ai_groups) != 0) {foreach ($ai_groups as $group_name) {foreach (unserialize (base64_decode (\''. base64_encode (serialize ($version_groups)).'\')) as $index => $version_group) {if ($version_group == trim ($group_name)) {$ai_index = $index + 1; break 2;}}}}'; } elseif ($shares) { $ad_index_code = ' $ai_random_threshold = mt_rand (0, 100); $ai_thresholds = unserialize (\''. serialize ($thresholds).'\'); foreach ($ai_thresholds as $ai_option_index => $ai_threshold) {$ai_index = $ai_option_index + 1; if ($ai_random_threshold <= $ai_threshold) break;}'; } elseif ($scheduling) { $ad_index_code = ' $ai_index = 0; $ai_scheduling_data = unserialize (\''. serialize ($version_scheduling).'\'); foreach ($ai_scheduling_data as $ai_option_index => $ai_scheduling_data_item) {if (check_scheduled_rotation ($ai_scheduling_data_item)) {$ai_index = $ai_option_index + 1; break;}}'; } elseif ($unique) { $ad_index_code = ' if (!defined (\'AI_W3TC_ROTATION_SEED\')) define (\'AI_W3TC_ROTATION_SEED\', mt_rand (1, time ()) % '.count ($ads).');'; $ad_index_code .= ' $ai_block_counter = '.(isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]) ? $ad_inserter_globals [AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number] : 0).';'; $ad_index_code .= ' $ai_index = AI_W3TC_ROTATION_SEED + $ai_block_counter; if ($ai_index > '.count ($ads).') $ai_index -= '.count ($ads).';'; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $ad_index_code .= 'ai_w3tc_log_run (\'PROCESS UNIQUE, SEED: \' . AI_W3TC_ROTATION_SEED . \', \' . $ai_block_counter);'; } } else $ad_index_code = ' $ai_index = mt_rand (1, '.count ($ads).');'; $this->w3tc_code .= '$ai_code = unserialize (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode (serialize ($ads)).'\'));'.$ad_index_code; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= 'ai_w3tc_log_run (\'PROCESS ROTATE: \' . $ai_index);'; } $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_index != 0) {$ai_dummy1 = $ai_dummy2 = null; $ai_code = ai_w3tc_execute_php ($ai_code [$ai_index - 1], $ai_dummy1, $ai_dummy2); $ai_enabled = true;} else {$ai_code = \'\'; $ai_enabled = false;}'; // Set $ai_version_name according to $ai_index and and $ai_index to the index for tracking $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_index != 0) {$version_names = unserialize (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode (serialize ($this->rotate_names)).'\')); $ai_version_name = $version_names [$ai_index - 1]; $tracking_indexes = unserialize (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode (serialize ($tracking_indexes)).'\')); $ai_index = $tracking_indexes [$ai_index - 1];'; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' ai_w3tc_log_run (\'TRACKING INDEX: \' . $ai_index . (isset ($ai_version_name) ? \' [\'.$ai_version_name.\']\' : \'\'));'; } $this->w3tc_code .= '}'; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$groups_marker = base64_decode (\'' . base64_encode ($groups_marker) . '\'); global $ai_groups; if (preg_match ($groups_marker, $ai_code, $matches)) {if (!isset ($ai_groups)) $ai_groups = array (); $ai_groups = array_merge ($ai_groups, json_decode (base64_decode ($matches [1]))); $ai_code = preg_replace ($groups_marker, \'\', $ai_code);}}'; $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); break; } } // [ADINSERTER AMP] // [ADINSERTER HEAD] $this->labels->class = 'ai-debug-default'; // If previously inserted block with AMP separator (multiple CHECK insertions) $amp_head_dynamic_blocks = $dynamic_blocks; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE]) $amp_head_dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; elseif ($amp_head_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC && $this->w3tc_code == '') $amp_head_dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; elseif ($amp_head_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW) $amp_head_dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; elseif ($amp_head_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT) $amp_head_dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; switch ($amp_head_dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE: if (strpos ($processed_code, AD_AMP_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $codes = explode (AD_AMP_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); $code_index = $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] ? 1 : 0; $this->labels->class = $code_index ? 'ai-debug-amp' : 'ai-debug-default'; if ($code_index == 1) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' AMP CODE USED'); } $processed_code = trim ($codes [$code_index]); if ($this->empty_code ($processed_code)) { ai_log ('AMP SEPARATOR ' . ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] ? '[AMP]' : '[NORMAL]') . ': EMPTY CODE FOR BLOCK ' . $this->number); $this->code_empty = true; } } else { // AMP page but No AMP separator - don't insert the code unless enabled if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { if (!$this->get_enable_amp ()) { $processed_code = ''; $additional_code = ''; $this->hide_debug_labels = true; ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' NOT ENABLED FOR AMP PAGES - EMPTY CODE'); $this->code_empty = true; } } } if (strpos ($processed_code, AD_HEAD_SEPARATOR) !== false) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' HEAD CODE'); $head_body_code = explode (AD_HEAD_SEPARATOR, $processed_code); $processed_code = trim ($head_body_code [1]); // $once = isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head'][0]['head']) && strtolower ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head'][0]['head']) == 'once'; $once = isset ($this->shortcodes ['head'][0]['head']) && strtolower ($this->shortcodes ['head'][0]['head']) == 'once'; if (!$once || !$this->head_code_written) { // if ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head'][0]['group'] != '') { if ($this->shortcodes ['head'][0]['group'] != '') { // $ai_wp_data [AI_HEAD_GROUPS][strtolower ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['head'][0]['group'])] []= trim ($head_body_code [0], "\n\r"); $ai_wp_data [AI_HEAD_GROUPS][strtolower ($this->shortcodes ['head'][0]['group'])] []= trim ($head_body_code [0], "\n\r"); } else $ai_wp_data [AI_HEAD_CODES] []= trim ($head_body_code [0]); $this->head_code_written = true; } } // $processed_code = $additional_code . $processed_code; break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC: if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS AMP, HEAD'; } if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { $this->labels->class = $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] ? 'ai-debug-amp' : 'ai-debug-default'; } $this->w3tc_code .= '$ai_amp_separator = base64_decode (\'' . base64_encode (AD_AMP_SEPARATOR) . '\'); $ai_amp_page = ' . ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] ? 'true' : 'false') . '; $ai_amp_enabled = ' . $this->get_enable_amp () . ';'; $this->w3tc_code .= '$ai_dummy1 = $ai_dummy2 = null; $ai_code = ai_w3tc_execute_php ($ai_code, $ai_dummy1, $ai_dummy2);'; // Fix to prevent converting && into && on AMP pages // $this->w3tc_code .= 'if (strpos ($ai_code, $ai_amp_separator) !== false) {$codes = explode ($ai_amp_separator, $ai_code); $ai_code = trim ($codes [$ai_amp_page ? 1 : 0]); } else {if ($ai_amp_page && !$ai_amp_enabled) $ai_code = \'\';} $ai_enabled = true;'; $this->w3tc_code .= 'if (strpos ($ai_code, $ai_amp_separator) !== false) {$codes = explode ($ai_amp_separator, $ai_code); $ai_code = trim ($codes [$ai_amp_page ? 1 : 0]); } else {if ($ai_amp_page + !$ai_amp_enabled == 2) $ai_code = \'\';} $ai_enabled = true;'; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' ai_w3tc_log_run (\'PROCESS AMP: \' . ($ai_amp_page ? \'AMP PAGE\' : \'NORMAL PAGE\'));'; } // Process HEAD separator $this->w3tc_code .= '$ai_head_separator = base64_decode (\'' . base64_encode (AD_HEAD_SEPARATOR) . '\');'; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' ai_w3tc_log_run (\'PROCESS HEAD: \' . (strpos ($ai_code, $ai_head_separator) !== false ? \'CODE\' : \'-\'));'; } $this->w3tc_code .= 'if (strpos ($ai_code, $ai_head_separator) !== false) {$codes = explode ($ai_head_separator, $ai_code); $ai_code = trim ($codes [1]);} $ai_enabled = true;'; $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); break; } // [ADINSERTER VIEWPORT] if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { // if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['viewport'])) { if (isset ($this->shortcodes ['viewport'])) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS VIEWPORT SEPARATORS'; } // $this->w3tc_code .= 'if ($ai_enabled) $ai_code = ai_process_viewport_separators ($ai_code, unserialize (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode (serialize ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['viewport'])).'\')));'; $this->w3tc_code .= 'if ($ai_enabled) $ai_code = ai_process_viewport_separators ($ai_code, unserialize (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode (serialize ($this->shortcodes)).'\')));'; $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); } } else $processed_code = $this->ai_processViewportSeparators ($processed_code); // [ADINSERTER FALLBACK] if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { if (isset ($this->shortcodes ['fallback'])) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS FALLBACK SEPARATOR'; } $this->w3tc_code .= 'if ($ai_enabled) $ai_code = ai_process_fallback_separator ($ai_code, unserialize (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode (serialize ($this->shortcodes)).'\')));'; $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); } } else $processed_code = $this->ai_processFallbackSeparator ($processed_code); } if ($this->check_block) { $this->check_block_additional_code = $additional_code; $additional_code = ''; } // Additional code (Ad label, close button, parallax backgrounds) if ($dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC && $this->w3tc_code != '' && !defined ('AI_NO_W3TC') && $additional_code != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS ADDITIONAL CODE'; } $this->w3tc_code .= 'if ($ai_code != \'\') $ai_code = base64_decode (\''.base64_encode ($additional_code).'\') . $ai_code;'; $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); } else $processed_code = $additional_code . $processed_code; if (!$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] && !$ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE]) { // PROTECTED if (function_exists ('ai_process_protected_code')) $processed_code = ai_process_protected_code ($this, $processed_code); // LAZY LOADING if ($this->get_lazy_loading () && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS LAZY LOADING'; } } $lazy_code = $this->base64_encode_w3tc ($processed_code); $wrapper_class = base64_encode (get_block_class_name (true)); $processed_code = '
'."\n"; // Recreate W3TC code if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { $processed_code = $this->regenerate_w3tc_code ($processed_code); } } // MANUAL LOADING ENABLED if ($this->get_manual_loading () == AI_MANUAL_LOADING_ENABLED && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS MANUAL LOADING ALWAYS'; } } $manual_code = $this->base64_encode_w3tc ($processed_code); $wrapper_class = base64_encode (get_block_class_name (true)); $processed_code = '
'."\n"; // Recreate W3TC code if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { $processed_code = $this->regenerate_w3tc_code ($processed_code); } } } if ($not_iframe_or_inside) { if (function_exists ('ai_adb_check') && !$ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE] && $not_iframe_or_inside) $processed_code = ai_adb_check ($this, $processed_code); // Reset if multiple block insertions $this->client_side_list_detection = false; $lists_dynamic_blocks = $dynamic_blocks; // replace with $this->server_side_check if ($ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE] || ($lists_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW || $lists_dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT) && $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) $lists_dynamic_blocks = AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE; // LISTS, COOKIE, SCHEDULING if ($lists_dynamic_blocks != AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE) { // Url parameters, cookies, referrers, clients do { $scheduling_start_time = ''; $scheduling_end_time = ''; $scheduling_days_in_week = ''; $scheduling_type = null; $scheduling_fallback_block = 0; $check_again = false; if (isset ($this->check_url_parameters) || isset ($this->check_cookies) || isset ($this->check_referers) || isset ($this->check_clients) || isset ($this->check_scheduling_start_time)) { $url_parameters_raw = ''; $url_parameter_list_type = ''; $cookies_raw = ''; $cookie_list_type = ''; $referers_raw = ''; $referer_list_type = ''; $clients_raw = ''; $client_list_type = ''; if (isset ($this->check_url_parameters)) { $url_parameters_raw = trim ($this->check_url_parameters); $url_parameter_list_type = $this->check_url_parameter_list_type; } if (isset ($this->check_cookies)) { $cookies_raw = trim ($this->check_cookies); $cookie_list_type = $this->check_cookie_list_type; } if (isset ($this->check_referers)) { $referers_raw = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower ($this->check_referers))); $referer_list_type = $this->check_referers_list_type; } if (isset ($this->check_clients)) { // $clients_raw = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower ($this->check_clients))); $clients_raw = trim ($this->check_clients); $client_list_type = $this->check_clients_list_type; } if (isset ($this->check_scheduling_start_time)) { $scheduling_start_time_raw = trim ($this->check_scheduling_start_time); $scheduling_start_time = base64_encode ($scheduling_start_time_raw); $scheduling_end_time_raw = trim ($this->check_scheduling_end_time); $scheduling_end_time = base64_encode ($scheduling_end_time_raw); $scheduling_days_in_week_raw = $this->check_scheduling_days_in_week; $scheduling_days_in_week = base64_encode ($scheduling_days_in_week_raw); $scheduling_type = $this->check_scheduling_type; $scheduling_fallback_block = $this->check_scheduling_fallback_block; } unset ($this->check_url_parameters); unset ($this->check_url_parameter_list_type); unset ($this->check_cookies); unset ($this->check_cookie_list_type); unset ($this->check_referers); unset ($this->check_referers_list_type); unset ($this->check_clients); unset ($this->check_clients_list_type); unset ($this->check_scheduling_start_time); unset ($this->check_scheduling_end_time); unset ($this->check_scheduling_days_in_week); unset ($this->check_scheduling_type); unset ($this->check_scheduling_fallback_block); $check_again = true; } else { $url_parameters_raw = trim ($this->get_url_parameter_list ()); $url_parameter_list_type = $this->get_url_parameter_list_type (); $cookies_raw = trim ($this->get_cookie_list ()); $cookie_list_type = $this->get_cookie_list_type (); $referers_raw = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower ($this->get_ad_domain_list ()))); $referer_list_type = $this->get_ad_domain_list_type (); // $clients_raw = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower ($this->get_client_list ()))); $clients_raw = trim ($this->get_client_list ()); $client_list_type = $this->get_client_list_type (); switch ($this->get_scheduling ()) { case AI_SCHEDULING_BETWEEN_DATES: case AI_SCHEDULING_OUTSIDE_DATES: $scheduling_start_time_raw = trim ($this->get_schedule_start_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_start_time ()); $scheduling_start_time = base64_encode ($scheduling_start_time_raw); $scheduling_end_time_raw = trim ($this->get_schedule_end_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_end_time ()); $scheduling_end_time = base64_encode ($scheduling_end_time_raw); $scheduling_days_in_week_raw = $this->get_schedule_weekdays (); $scheduling_days_in_week = base64_encode ($scheduling_days_in_week_raw); $scheduling_type = $this->get_scheduling(); $scheduling_fallback_block = intval ($this->get_scheduling_fallback()); break; } } $url_parameters = base64_encode (html_entity_decode ($url_parameters_raw)); $cookies = base64_encode (html_entity_decode ($cookies_raw)); $referers = base64_encode ($referers_raw); $clients = base64_encode (html_entity_decode ($clients_raw)); if (($this->client_side_cookie_check_url && $url_parameters != '') || ($this->client_side_cookie_check && $cookies != '') || $referers != '' || $clients != '' || $scheduling_type !== null) { switch ($dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW: case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT: if ($url_parameter_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $url_parameter_list_type = 'B'; else $url_parameter_list_type = 'W'; if ($cookie_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $cookie_list_type = 'B'; else $cookie_list_type = 'W'; if ($referer_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $referer_list_type = 'B'; else $referer_list_type = 'W'; if ($client_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $client_list_type = 'B'; else $client_list_type = 'W'; if ($scheduling_type == AI_SCHEDULING_OUTSIDE_DATES) { $scheduling_type_code = 'B'; $scheduling_type_text = 'OUT'; } else { $scheduling_type_code = 'W'; $scheduling_type_text = 'IN'; } $gmt = get_option ('gmt_offset') * 3600 * 1000; $fallback_code = ''; $fallback_code_data = ''; $fallback_block_data = 0; $fallback_level = ''; $fallback_tracking_data = ''; if ($scheduling_type !== null) { $fallback_block = $scheduling_fallback_block; if ($fallback_block != $this->number && $fallback_block >= 1 && $fallback_block <= 96) { $globals_name = AI_FALLBACK_DEPTH_NAME; if (!isset ($ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name])) { $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] = 0; } if ($ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] < 3) { $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] ++; $fallback_level = $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name]; $fallback_block_data = $fallback_block; $fallback_obj = $block_object [$fallback_block]; $fallback_code = $fallback_obj->ai_getProcessedCode (); $fallback_code_data = " data-fallback-code='" . base64_encode ($fallback_code) . "'"; $fallback_tracking_block = $fallback_obj->get_tracking () ? $fallback_obj->number : 0; // $fallback_tracking_data = base64_encode ("[{$fallback_tracking_block},{$fallback_obj->code_version},\"{$fallback_obj->get_ad_name ()}\",\"{$fallback_obj->version_name}\"]"); $fallback_tracking_data = base64_encode ("[{$fallback_tracking_block},{$fallback_obj->tracking_index},\"{$fallback_obj->get_ad_name ()}\",\"{$fallback_obj->version_name}\"]"); $ad_inserter_globals [$globals_name] --; } } } if ($this->client_side_cookie_check_url && $url_parameters != '') $url_parameter_attributes = " parameter-list='$url_parameters' parameter-list-type='$url_parameter_list_type'"; else $url_parameter_attributes = ''; if ($this->client_side_cookie_check && $cookies != '') $cookie_attributes = " cookie-list='$cookies' cookie-list-type='$cookie_list_type'"; else $cookie_attributes = ''; if ( $referers != '') $referer_attributes = " referer-list='$referers' referer-list-type='$referer_list_type'"; else $referer_attributes = ''; if ( $clients != '') $client_attributes = " client-list='$clients' client-list-type='$client_list_type'"; else $client_attributes = ''; if ($scheduling_type !== null ) $scheduling_attributes = " scheduling-start='$scheduling_start_time' scheduling-end='$scheduling_end_time' scheduling-days='$scheduling_days_in_week' scheduling-type='$scheduling_type_code' gmt='$gmt' scheduling-fallback='$fallback_block_data' fallback_level='$fallback_level' fallback-tracking='$fallback_tracking_data'"; else $scheduling_attributes = ''; // Deprecated $this->client_side_list_detection = true; // ??? If $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] is set it will not get here if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) $this->needs_class = true; // Hide block only when no block height is defined - for check options don't hide the first one if (trim ($this->get_block_height ()) == '' || isset ($this->check_codes) && $this->check_codes_index != 0) { $this->wrapping_div_classes []= 'ai-list-block'; } if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { $debug_id = 'ai-debug-info-' . $this->number . '-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); $debug_id_data = " data-debug-info='$debug_id'"; } else $debug_id_data = ''; switch ($dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW: if (($url_parameter_attributes != '' || $cookie_attributes != '') && $this->get_manual_loading () == AI_MANUAL_LOADING_AUTO) { $list_class = ' ai-list-manual'; } else $list_class = ''; $processed_code = "\n
\n"; if ($scheduling_type !== null) { $processed_code .= "
\n"; } break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT: $code_data = " data-code='".base64_encode ($processed_code)."'"; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $block_id = 'ai-list-' . $this->number . '-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); $list_class = ' ' . $block_id ; } else $list_class = ''; if (($url_parameter_attributes != '' || $cookie_attributes != '') && $this->get_manual_loading () == AI_MANUAL_LOADING_AUTO) { $list_class .= ' ai-list-manual'; } $processed_code = "\n
\n"; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] && !get_disable_js_code ()) { // $processed_code .= "\n"; $processed_code .= "\n"; } break; } if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { if ($scheduling_type !== null) { $scheduling_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__ ("start='%s' end='%s' days='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $scheduling_start_time_raw, $scheduling_end_time_raw, $scheduling_days_in_week_raw, $scheduling_type_text); $debug_scheduling = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-scheduling'); $debug_processed_code = $debug_scheduling->bar ($scheduling_attributes_dbg, 'OUT = ' . AI_TEXT_INSERT_OUTSIDE_DATES .', IN = ' . AI_TEXT_INSERT_BETWEEN_DATES, '', ''); $processed_code = $debug_processed_code . $processed_code; } if ($this->client_side_cookie_check_url && ($url_parameters != '')) $url_parameter_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__ ("parameters='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $url_parameters_raw, $url_parameter_list_type); else $url_parameter_attributes_dbg = ''; if ($this->client_side_cookie_check && ($cookies != '')) $cookie_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__ ("cookies='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $cookies_raw, $cookie_list_type); else $cookie_attributes_dbg = ''; // translators: %s: list parameters and type if ( $referers != '') $referer_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__ ("referers='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $referers_raw, $referer_list_type); else $referer_attributes_dbg = ''; // translators: %s: list parameters and type if ( $clients != '') $client_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__ ("clients='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $clients_raw, $client_list_type); else $client_attributes_dbg = ''; if ($url_parameter_attributes_dbg != '' || $cookie_attributes_dbg != '' || $referer_attributes_dbg != '' || $client_attributes_dbg) { $debug_list = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-lists'); $debug_processed_code = $debug_list->bar ($url_parameter_attributes_dbg . ' ' . $cookie_attributes_dbg . ' ' . $referer_attributes_dbg . ' ' . $client_attributes_dbg, 'B = ' . AI_TEXT_BLACK_LIST .', W = ' . AI_TEXT_WHITE_LIST, '', ''); $processed_code = $debug_processed_code . $processed_code; } if ($url_parameter_attributes_dbg != '' && ($this->get_manual_loading () == AI_MANUAL_LOADING_AUTO || strpos ($url_parameters_raw, 'tcf-') !== false || strpos ($url_parameters_raw, 'euconsent-v2') !== false) || $cookie_attributes_dbg != '' && ($this->get_manual_loading () == AI_MANUAL_LOADING_AUTO || strpos ($cookies_raw, 'tcf-') !== false || strpos ($cookies_raw, 'euconsent-v2') !== false)) { $debug_manual_loading = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-lists'); $version_name = $this->version_name == '' ? '' : ' - ' . $this->version_name; $block_name = $this->number . '   ' . $this->get_ad_name () . '' . $version_name . ''; $status = $this->get_manual_loading () == AI_MANUAL_LOADING_AUTO ? 'MANUAL LOADING' : 'NOT ENABLED'; // Debugging label before the hidden block in case manual loading is set to Auto and the block has not been enabled yet $this->additional_code_before_block = $debug_manual_loading->bar ($block_name, '', 'NOT LOADED', $status, '', $debug_id); } } break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC: if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS LISTS'; } $this->generate_w3tc_code_from_html ($processed_code); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' ai_w3tc_log_run (\'PROCESS LISTS\' . ($ai_enabled ? \'\' : \', NOT ENABLED\'));'; } if ($referers != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' REFERRERS: \\\'\' . base64_decode (\'' . $referers . '\').\'\\\' ' . ($referer_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'W':'B'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' FAILED\', \'color: red;\');'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_referer_list (base64_decode (\''.$referers.'\'), '.($referer_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'true':'false').');'.$w3tc_status.'};'; } if ($clients != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' CLIENTS: \\\'\' . base64_decode (\'' . $clients . '\').\'\\\' ' . ($client_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'W':'B'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' FAILED\', \'color: red;\');'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_client_list (base64_decode (\''.$clients.'\'), '.($client_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'true':'false').');'.$w3tc_status.'};'; } if ($this->client_side_cookie_check_url) { if ($url_parameters != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' URL PARAMETERS: \\\'\' . base64_decode (\'' . $url_parameters . '\').\'\\\' ' . ($url_parameter_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'W':'B'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (" FAILED", "color: red;");'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_cookie_list (base64_decode (\''.$url_parameters.'\'), '.($url_parameter_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'true':'false').');'.$w3tc_status.'};'; } } if ($this->client_side_cookie_check) { if ($cookies != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' COOKIES: \\\'\' . base64_decode (\'' . $cookies . '\').\'\\\' ' . ($cookie_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'W':'B'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (" FAILED", "color: red;");'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_cookie_list (base64_decode (\''.$cookies.'\'), '.($cookie_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'true':'false').');'.$w3tc_status.'};'; } } if ($scheduling_type !== null) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' SCHEDULING: \' . base64_decode (\'' . $scheduling_start_time . '\') . \', \' . base64_decode (\'' . $scheduling_end_time . '\'). \' [\' . base64_decode (\'' . $scheduling_days_in_week . '\') . \'] ' . ($scheduling_type == AI_SCHEDULING_BETWEEN_DATES ? 'IN':'OUT'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' FAILED\', \'color: red;\');'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $fallback_block = intval ($this->get_scheduling_fallback()); if ($fallback_block != $this->number && $fallback_block >= 1 && $fallback_block <= 96) { $fallback_obj = $block_object [$fallback_block]; $fallback_obj->hide_debug_labels = true; $fallback_block_code = base64_encode ($fallback_obj->ai_getProcessedCode ()); // Encode HTML + W3TC PHP $fallback_obj->hide_debug_labels = false; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $w3tc_fallback_status = ' ai_w3tc_log_run (\' FALLBACK BLOCK: ' . $fallback_block . '\');'; array_unshift ($fallback_obj->w3tc_debug, 'FALLBACK BLOCK ' . $fallback_block); $fallback_obj->w3tc_debug []= 'FALLBACK BLOCK END'; $this->w3tc_debug = array_merge ($this->w3tc_debug, $fallback_obj->w3tc_debug); } else $w3tc_fallback_status = ''; if ($fallback_obj->get_tracking ()) { $fallback_tracking_block = $fallback_block; } else $fallback_tracking_block = '0'; $fallback_code = ' if (!$ai_enabled) {'.$w3tc_fallback_status.' $ai_enabled = true; if (!isset ($ai_index)) $ai_index = 0; $ai_fallback = '.$fallback_tracking_block.'; $ai_code = ai_w3tc_execute_php (base64_decode (\''. $fallback_block_code . '\'), $ai_index, $ai_fallback);}'; } else $fallback_code = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_scheduling_time (base64_decode (\''. $scheduling_start_time.'\'), base64_decode (\''.$scheduling_end_time.'\'), base64_decode (\''.$scheduling_days_in_week.'\'), '.($scheduling_type == AI_SCHEDULING_BETWEEN_DATES ? 'true':'false').');' . $w3tc_status . $fallback_code . '};'; } $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); break; } } } while ($check_again); // Countries, IP addresses do { $check_again = false; if (isset ($this->check_countries) || isset ($this->check_ip_addresses)) { $countries = ''; $country_list_type = ''; $ip_addresses = ''; $ip_address_list_type = ''; if (isset ($this->check_countries)) { $countries = trim (strtoupper ($this->check_countries)); $country_list_type = $this->check_countries_list_type; } if (isset ($this->check_ip_addresses)) { $ip_addresses = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower ($this->check_ip_addresses))); $ip_address_list_type = $this->check_ip_addresses_list_type; } unset ($this->check_countries); unset ($this->check_countries_list_type); unset ($this->check_ip_addresses); unset ($this->check_ip_addresses_list_type); $check_again = true; } else { $countries = trim (strtoupper ($this->get_ad_country_list (true))); $country_list_type = $this->get_ad_country_list_type (); $ip_addresses = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower ($this->get_ad_ip_address_list ()))); $ip_address_list_type = $this->get_ad_ip_address_list_type (); } // $countries = trim (strtoupper (isset ($this->check_countries) ? $this->check_countries : $this->get_ad_country_list (true))); // $country_list_type = isset ($this->check_countries_list_type) ? $this->check_countries_list_type : $this->get_ad_country_list_type (); // $ip_addresses = trim (str_replace (' ', '', strtolower (isset ($this->check_ip_addresses) ? $this->check_ip_addresses : $this->get_ad_ip_address_list ()))); // $ip_address_list_type = isset ($this->check_ip_addresses_list_type) ? $this->check_ip_addresses_list_type : $this->get_ad_ip_address_list_type (); if ($countries != '' || $ip_addresses != '') { switch ($dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW: case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT: if ($country_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $country_list_type = 'B'; else $country_list_type = 'W'; if ($ip_address_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $ip_address_list_type = 'B'; else $ip_address_list_type = 'W'; if ($countries != '') $country_attributes = "countries='$countries' country-list='$country_list_type'"; else $country_attributes = ''; if ($ip_addresses != '') $ip_address_attributes = "ip-addresses='$ip_addresses' ip-address-list='$ip_address_list_type'"; else $ip_address_attributes = ''; // Deprecated $this->client_side_list_detection = true; // ??? If $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] is set it will not get here if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) $this->needs_class = true; // Hide block only when no block height is defined - for check options don't hide the first one if (trim ($this->get_block_height ()) == '' || isset ($this->check_codes) && $this->check_codes_index != 0) { $this->wrapping_div_classes []= 'ai-list-block-ip'; } switch ($dynamic_blocks) { case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW: $processed_code = "\n
\n"; break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT: $code_data = "data-code='".base64_encode ($processed_code)."'"; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $block_id = 'ai-ip-' . $this->number . '-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); $ip_class = ' ' . $block_id ; } else $ip_class = ''; $processed_code = "\n
\n"; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] && function_exists ('add_footer_inline_scripts_2') && !get_disable_js_code ()) { // $processed_code .= "\n"; $processed_code .= "\n"; } break; } if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { // translators: %s: list parameters and type if ($countries != '' ) $country_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__("countries='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $countries, $country_list_type); else $country_attributes_dbg = ''; // translators: %s: list parameters and type if ($ip_addresses != '' ) $ip_address_attributes_dbg = sprintf (__("ip addresses='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $ip_addresses, $ip_address_list_type); else $ip_address_attributes_dbg = ''; $debug_ip = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-lists'); $processed_code = $debug_ip->bar ($country_attributes_dbg . ' ' . $ip_address_attributes_dbg, 'B = ' . AI_TEXT_BLACK_LIST .', W = ' . AI_TEXT_WHITE_LIST, '', '') . $processed_code; } break; case AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE_W3TC: if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS IP ADDRESSES'; } $this->generate_w3tc_code_from_html ($processed_code); $this->w3tc_code .= ' require_once \''.AD_INSERTER_PLUGIN_DIR.'includes/geo/Ip2Country.php\';'; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\'PROCESS IP ADDRESSES\' . ($ai_enabled ? \'\' : \', NOT ENABLED\'));'; } if ($ip_addresses != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' IP ADDRESSES: \\\'\' . base64_decode (\'' . base64_encode ($ip_addresses) . '\').\'\\\' ' . ($ip_address_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'W':'B'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' FAILED\', \'color: red;\');'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_ip_address_list (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode ($ip_addresses).'\'), '.($ip_address_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'true':'false').');'.$w3tc_status.'};'; } if ($countries != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' COUNTRIES: \\\'\' . base64_decode (\'' . base64_encode ($countries) . '\').\'\\\' ' . ($country_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'W':'B'). '\');'; $w3tc_status = ' if (!$ai_enabled) ai_w3tc_log_run (\' FAILED\', \'color: red;\');'; } else $w3tc_status = ''; $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_enabled) {$ai_enabled = check_country_list (base64_decode (\''.base64_encode ($countries).'\'), '.($country_list_type == AI_WHITE_LIST ? 'true':'false').');'.$w3tc_status.'};'; } $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); break; } } } while ($check_again); } // Viewports if (!$ai_wp_data [AI_FORCE_SERVERSIDE_CODE] && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { $viewports_code = false; do { $check_again = false; if (isset ($this->check_viewports)) { $viewports = $this->check_viewports; $viewport_list_type = $this->check_viewports_list_type; unset ($this->check_viewports); unset ($this->check_viewports_list_type); // Not needed as only check possible is from the CHECK separator // $check_again = true; } else { $viewports = ''; $viewport_list_type = ''; } if ($viewports != '') { $separator_viewports = explode (',', strtolower ($viewports)); foreach ($separator_viewports as $index => $separator_viewport) { $separator_viewports [$index] = trim ($separator_viewport); } $viewport_classes = ''; $invisible_viewport_classes = ''; for ($viewport = 1; $viewport <= 6; $viewport ++) { $viewport_name = strtolower (get_viewport_name ($viewport)); $viewport_width = get_viewport_width ($viewport); if ($viewport_name != '') { $viewport_found = in_array ($viewport_name, $separator_viewports); if ($viewport_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) { $viewport_found = !$viewport_found; } if ($viewport_found) { $viewport_classes .= " ai-viewport-" . $viewport; } else { $invisible_viewport_classes .= " ai-viewport-" . $viewport; } } } if ($ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { $viewport_classes = ''; $invisible_viewport_classes = 'ai-viewport-0'; } elseif ($viewport_classes == '') { $viewport_classes = 'ai-viewport-0'; $invisible_viewport_classes = ''; } elseif ($invisible_viewport_classes == '') { $viewport_classes = ''; $invisible_viewport_classes = 'ai-viewport-0'; } $viewport_classes = trim ($viewport_classes); $invisible_viewport_classes = trim ($invisible_viewport_classes); if ($viewport_classes != '') { $viewport_class = " class='" . $viewport_classes . "'"; } else $viewport_class = ''; $invisible_label = ''; if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels && !$ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME]) { if ($viewport_list_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $list_type = 'B'; else $list_type = 'W'; $invisible_label_classes = $dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT ? '' : $invisible_viewport_classes; $invisible_debug_viewport = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-viewport-invisible '. $invisible_label_classes); $invisible_label = $invisible_debug_viewport->bar (sprintf (__("viewport='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $viewports, $list_type), '', _x('HIDDEN', 'Block', 'ad-inserter'), ' '); $debug_viewport = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-lists'); $processed_code = $debug_viewport->bar (sprintf (__("viewport='%s' type='%s'", 'ad-inserter'), $viewports, $list_type), '', _x('VISIBLE', 'Block', 'ad-inserter'), ' ') . $processed_code; } $viewports_code = true; // All viewports selected if ($viewport_classes == '' && $invisible_viewport_classes == 'ai-viewport-0') { // $processed_code already contains code for isnertion } else // No viewport selected if ($viewport_classes == 'ai-viewport-0' && $invisible_viewport_classes == '') { $processed_code = $invisible_label; } else if ($dynamic_blocks == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT) { $class_id = 'ai-insert-' . $this->number . '-' . rand (1000, 9999) . rand (1000, 9999); if ($viewport_classes != '') { $viewport_classes = 'ai-viewports ' . $viewport_classes; } $ai_code = $this->base64_encode_w3tc (ai_strip_w3tc_markers ($processed_code), false); // Use W3TC code in case W3TC was used before and insert was specified for CHECK $processed_code = "
\n"; if (!get_disable_js_code ()) { $js_code = "ai_insert_list_code ('{$class_id}');"; $processed_code .= $this->ai_js_dom_ready ($js_code); if ($invisible_label != '') { if ($invisible_viewport_classes != '') { $invisible_viewport_classes = 'ai-viewports ' . $invisible_viewport_classes . ' '; } $ai_dbg_code = base64_encode ($invisible_label); $processed_code .= "
\n"; $js_code = "ai_insert_code_by_class ('{$class_id}-dbg');"; $processed_code .= $this->ai_js_dom_ready ($js_code); } } } else { if ($this->get_alignment_type () == AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING || $invisible_label != '') { if ($viewport_class != '') { $processed_code = $invisible_label . "\n" . $processed_code . "\n
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'."\n"; // Recreate W3TC code if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { $processed_code = $this->regenerate_w3tc_code ($processed_code); } } // WAIT FOR INTERACTION if ($this->get_wait_for_interaction () && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) { if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS WAIT FOR INTERACTION'; } } $manual_code = $this->base64_encode_w3tc ($processed_code); $wrapper_class = base64_encode (get_block_class_name (true)); $processed_code = '
'."\n"; // Recreate W3TC code if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { $processed_code = $this->regenerate_w3tc_code ($processed_code); } } // CHECK RECAPTCHA SCORE if (function_exists ('get_recaptcha_site_key')) { if ($this->get_check_recaptcha_score () && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] && trim (get_recaptcha_site_key ()) != '' && trim (get_recaptcha_secret_key ()) != '' && is_numeric (get_recaptcha_threshold ())) { if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_debug []= 'PROCESS CHECK FOR RECAPTCHA SCORE'; } } $manual_code = $this->base64_encode_w3tc ($processed_code); $wrapper_class = base64_encode (get_block_class_name (true)); $processed_code = '
'."\n"; if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { $debug_label = new ai_block_labels ('ai-debug-script'); $processed_code = $debug_label->bar ('reCAPTCHA score threshold = '.get_recaptcha_threshold (), '', '', 'reCAPTCHA score: ') . $processed_code; } // Recreate W3TC code if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { $processed_code = $this->regenerate_w3tc_code ($processed_code); } } } } // TODO single CHECK block // } while (is_array ($this->check_codes) && isset ($this->check_codes [$this->check_codes_index + 1])); if (defined ('AI_DEBUGGING_DEMO') && !$this->demo_debugging) { $this->hide_debug_labels = true; } if ($close_button && ($width = trim ($this->get_block_width ())) != '' && $this->get_alignment_type() != AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING) { if (is_numeric ($width)) { $width .= 'px'; } $style = 'width: ' . $width . ';'; $processed_code = "
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\n" . $processed_code ."\n
\n"; } // Process W3TC filter hook if ($this->w3tc_code != '') { $processed_code = $this->regenerate_w3tc_code ($processed_code); $this->w3tc_code .= ' $ai_code_org = $ai_code; if (!isset ($ai_enabled) || $ai_enabled) {$ai_code = apply_filters ("ai_block_w3tc_code_after_processing", $ai_code_org, ' . $this->number . ');}'; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_W3TC_DEBUGGING]) { $this->w3tc_code .= ' if ($ai_code != $ai_code_org) {ai_w3tc_log_run ("PROCESS HOOK FILTER ai_block_w3tc_code_after_processing");}'; } $processed_code = $this->generate_html_from_w3tc_code (); } if (($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_BLOCKS) != 0 && !$this->hide_debug_labels) { $this->ai_generateDebugLabel (); } $code = $this->additional_code_before . $processed_code . $this->additional_code_after; // $this->additional_code_after may contain W3TC code because of ai_adb_block_actions () if ($this->w3tc_code != '' || strpos ($this->additional_code_after, ''; } else { $serverside_insertion_code = str_replace ('[#AI_CODE#]', $block_code, $serverside_insertion_code); } $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; $serverside_insertion_code_org = $serverside_insertion_code; $hook_start_time = microtime (true); $serverside_insertion_code = apply_filters ("ai_block_code_serverside_html_js", $serverside_insertion_code_org, $this->number); if ($debug_processing && $serverside_insertion_code != $serverside_insertion_code_org) { $filter_hooks []= array ("ai_block_code_serverside_html_js", $this->number); } $ai_total_hook_php_time += microtime (true) - $hook_start_time; return $serverside_insertion_code; } public function get_code_for_serverside_insertion ($include_viewport_classes = true, $hidden_widgets = false, $code_only = false) { global $ai_wp_data, $ai_total_hook_php_time, $filter_hooks; if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_NESTING_LEVEL])) $ai_wp_data [AI_NESTING_LEVEL] = 0; else $ai_wp_data [AI_NESTING_LEVEL] ++; $code = $this->get_html_js_code_for_serverside_insertion ($include_viewport_classes, $hidden_widgets, $code_only); if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_AJAX || $ai_wp_data [AI_NESTING_LEVEL] != 0) { // For Ajax pages and nested blocks do not extract JS code $code = ai_strip_js_markers ($code); } else { $code = ai_extract_js_code ($code); } $ai_wp_data [AI_NESTING_LEVEL] --; $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; $code_org = $code; $hook_start_time = microtime (true); $code = apply_filters ("ai_block_code_serverside_insertion", $code_org, $this->number); if ($debug_processing && $code != $code_org) { $filter_hooks []= array ("ai_block_code_serverside_insertion", $this->number); } $ai_total_hook_php_time += microtime (true) - $hook_start_time; return $code; } public function get_iframe_page () { global $ai_wp_data, $wp_version, $wp_scripts; $adb_code = defined ('AI_ADBLOCKING_DETECTION') && AI_ADBLOCKING_DETECTION && $ai_wp_data [AI_ADB_DETECTION] && !isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_ADB_SHORTCODE_DISABLED]); if (isset ($wp_scripts->registered ['jquery']->ver)) { $jquery_version = $wp_jquery_ver = $wp_scripts->registered ['jquery']->ver; } else $jquery_version = $wp_version; if (isset ($wp_scripts->registered ['jquery-migrate']->ver)) { $jquery_migrate_version = $wp_jquery_ver = $wp_scripts->registered ['jquery-migrate']->ver; } else $jquery_migrate_version = $wp_version; $ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] = true; ob_start (); echo ' '; if (!defined ('AI_NO_JQUERY')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } ai_wp_head_hook (); echo ' Ad Inserter Pro - Advanced WordPress Ads Management Plugin '; $ai_wp_data [AI_NESTING_LEVEL] = 0; // $include_viewport_classes = true, $hidden_widgets = false, $code_only = false echo ai_extract_js_code ($this->get_code_for_insertion (false, false, false)); echo "\n"; ai_set_footer_inline_scripts (); ai_wp_footer_hook_end_buffering (); ai_wp_footer_hook (); echo ' '; $page = ob_get_clean (); $ai_wp_data [AI_CODE_FOR_IFRAME] = false; $page = ai_process_head_codes ($page); return $page; } public function get_close_button (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLOSE_BUTTON]) ? 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$this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SET_BODY_BACKGROUND] : DEFAULT_SET_BODY_BACKGROUND; return $option; } public function get_parallax ($index) { $option_name = AI_OPTION_PARALLAX . '_' . $index; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [$option_name]) ? $this->wp_options [$option_name] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_parallax_image ($index) { $option_name = AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_IMAGE . '_' . $index; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [$option_name]) ? $this->wp_options [$option_name] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; return $option; } public function get_parallax_shift ($index) { $option_name = AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_SHIFT . '_' . $index; $option = isset ($this->wp_options [$option_name]) ? $this->wp_options [$option_name] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_parallax_link () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_LINK]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_LINK] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; return $option; } public function get_parallax_link_new_tab () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_LINK_NEW_TAB]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_PARALLAX_LINK_NEW_TAB] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; return $option; } public function get_visitor_max_impressions () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_MAX_IMPRESSIONS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_MAX_IMPRESSIONS] : DEFAULT_VISITOR_MAX_IMPRESSIONS; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_visitor_limit_impressions_per_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_PER_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_PER_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_VISITOR_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_PER_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_visitor_limit_impressions_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_VISITOR_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_max_impressions () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_IMPRESSIONS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_IMPRESSIONS] : DEFAULT_MAX_IMPRESSIONS; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_limit_impressions_per_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_PER_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_PER_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_PER_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_limit_impressions_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_LIMIT_IMPRESSIONS_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_visitor_max_clicks () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_MAX_CLICKS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_MAX_CLICKS] : DEFAULT_VISITOR_MAX_CLICKS; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_visitor_limit_clicks_per_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_CLICKS_PER_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_CLICKS_PER_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_VISITOR_LIMIT_CLICKS_PER_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_visitor_limit_clicks_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_CLICKS_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VISITOR_LIMIT_CLICKS_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_VISITOR_LIMIT_CLICKS_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_max_clicks () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_CLICKS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAX_CLICKS] : DEFAULT_MAX_CLICKS; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_limit_clicks_per_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_CLICKS_PER_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_CLICKS_PER_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_LIMIT_CLICKS_PER_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_limit_clicks_time_period () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_CLICKS_TIME_PERIOD]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMIT_CLICKS_TIME_PERIOD] : DEFAULT_LIMIT_CLICKS_TIME_PERIOD; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_trigger_click_fraud_protection () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TRIGGER_CLICK_FRAUD_PROTECTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TRIGGER_CLICK_FRAUD_PROTECTION] : DEFAULT_TRIGGER_CLICK_FRAUD_PROTECTION; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_limits_fallback () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK] : ""; return $option; } public function get_horizontal_margin (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN] : DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN; return $option; } public function get_vertical_margin () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VERTICAL_MARGIN]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_VERTICAL_MARGIN] : DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN; return $option; } public function get_animation () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION; return $option; } public function get_animation_trigger () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER; return $option; } public function get_animation_trigger_value () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_VALUE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_VALUE] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_VALUE; return $option; } public function get_animation_trigger_offset () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_OFFSET]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_OFFSET] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_OFFSET; return $option; } public function get_animation_trigger_delay () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_DELAY]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_DELAY] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_DELAY; return $option; } // Deprecated public function get_animation_trigger_once () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_ONCE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_ONCE] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_ONCE; return $option; } public function get_animation_out_trigger () { if ($this->get_animation_trigger_once ()) { return AI_TRIGGER_DISABLED; } $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_OUT_TRIGGER]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_OUT_TRIGGER] : AI_TRIGGER_ENABLED; return $option; } public function get_animation_out_trigger_value () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_OUT_TRIGGER_VALUE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_OUT_TRIGGER_VALUE] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_VALUE; return $option; } public function get_animation_out_trigger_offset () { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_OUT_TRIGGER_OFFSET]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ANIMATION_OUT_TRIGGER_OFFSET] : DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TRIGGER_OFFSET; return $option; } public function get_ad_general_tag(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_GENERAL_TAG]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_GENERAL_TAG] : DEFAULT_GENERAL_TAG; // if ($option == '') $option = DEFAULT_GENERAL_TAG; return $option; } public function get_adb_block_action (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_ACTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_ACTION] : DEFAULT_ADB_BLOCK_ACTION; return $option; } public function get_adb_block_replacement (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT] : AD_EMPTY_DATA; return $option; } public function get_scheduling(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING] : ""; // Convert old option if ($option == '' && intval ($this->get_ad_after_day()) != 0) $option = AI_SCHEDULING_DELAY_FOR; if ($option == '') $option = AI_SCHEDULING_OFF; return $option; } public function get_ad_after_day(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AFTER_DAYS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_AFTER_DAYS] : ""; // if ($option == '') $option = AD_ZERO; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_schedule_start_date(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_START_DATE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_START_DATE] : ""; return $option; } public function get_schedule_end_date(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_END_DATE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_END_DATE] : ""; return $option; } public function get_schedule_start_time(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_START_TIME]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_START_TIME] : ""; return $option; } public function get_schedule_end_time(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_END_TIME]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_END_TIME] : ""; return $option; } public function get_schedule_weekdays (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WEEKDAYS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_WEEKDAYS] : DEFAULT_WEEKDAYS; return $option; } public function get_scheduling_fallback(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING_FALLBACK]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING_FALLBACK] : ""; return $option; } public function get_maximum_insertions (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAXIMUM_INSERTIONS]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_MAXIMUM_INSERTIONS] : ""; if ($option == '0') $option = ''; return $option; } public function get_id_list(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ID_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ID_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_id_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ID_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ID_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_url_list(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_ad_url_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_url_parameter_list(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_PARAMETER_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_PARAMETER_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_url_parameter_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_PARAMETER_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_URL_PARAMETER_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_cookie_list(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COOKIE_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COOKIE_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_cookie_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COOKIE_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COOKIE_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_domain_list(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DOMAIN_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DOMAIN_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_ad_domain_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DOMAIN_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_DOMAIN_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_client_list(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLIENT_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLIENT_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_client_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLIENT_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CLIENT_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_ip_address_list (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IP_ADDRESS_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IP_ADDRESS_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_ad_ip_address_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IP_ADDRESS_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_IP_ADDRESS_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_country_list ($expand = false){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNTRY_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNTRY_LIST] : ""; if ($expand && function_exists ('expanded_country_list')) return expanded_country_list ($option); return $option; } public function get_ad_country_list_type (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNTRY_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_COUNTRY_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_name(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME] : ""; if ($option == '') $option = DEFAULT_AD_NAME. " " . $this->number; return $option; } public function get_ad_block_cat(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CATEGORY_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CATEGORY_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_ad_block_cat_type(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CATEGORY_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CATEGORY_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; // Update old data if ($option == ''){ $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CATEGORY_LIST_TYPE] = AI_BLACK_LIST; } if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_block_tag(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAG_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAG_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_ad_block_tag_type(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAG_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAG_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_block_taxonomy(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAXONOMY_LIST]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAXONOMY_LIST] : ""; return $option; } public function get_ad_block_taxonomy_type(){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAXONOMY_LIST_TYPE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_TAXONOMY_LIST_TYPE] : AI_BLACK_LIST; if ($option == '') $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_BLACK_LIST) $option = AI_BLACK_LIST; elseif ($option == AD_WHITE_LIST) $option = AI_WHITE_LIST; return $option; } public function get_ad_enabled_on_which_pages (){ // Old option if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_PAGES])) { $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_PAGES]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_PAGES] : AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; if ($option == '') $option = AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; elseif ($option == AD_ENABLED_ON_ALL) $option = AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; elseif ($option == AD_ENABLED_ON_ALL_EXCEPT_ON_SELECTED) $option = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED; elseif ($option == AD_ENABLED_ONLY_ON_SELECTED) $option = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED; return $option; } if (!$this->get_exceptions_enabled ()) { return AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; } return $this->get_exceptions_function (); } public function get_ad_enabled_on_which_pages_text ($translated = true){ switch ($this->get_ad_enabled_on_which_pages ()) { case AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_NO_INDIVIDUAL_EXCEPTIONS; return AI_TEXT_PAGES_NO_INDIVIDUAL_EXCEPTIONS; break; case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; return AI_TEXT_PAGES_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; break; case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; return AI_TEXT_PAGES_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_ad_enabled_on_which_posts (){ // Old option if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_POSTS])) { $option = $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_POSTS]; if ($option == '') $option = AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; elseif ($option == AD_ENABLED_ON_ALL) $option = AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; elseif ($option == AD_ENABLED_ON_ALL_EXCEPT_ON_SELECTED) $option = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED; elseif ($option == AD_ENABLED_ONLY_ON_SELECTED) $option = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED; return $option; } if (!$this->get_exceptions_enabled ()) { return AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; } return $this->get_exceptions_function (); } public function get_ad_enabled_on_which_posts_text ($translated = true){ switch ($this->get_ad_enabled_on_which_posts ()) { case AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_NO_INDIVIDUAL_EXCEPTIONS; return AI_TEXT_POSTS_NO_INDIVIDUAL_EXCEPTIONS; break; case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; return AI_TEXT_POSTS_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; break; case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; return AI_TEXT_POSTS_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function import_old_exception_settings (&$needs_check){ $needs_check = false; if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_POSTS]) || isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_PAGES])) { // Import old settings $posts = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_POSTS]) ? $this->get_ad_enabled_on_which_posts () : AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; $pages = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_PAGES]) ? $this->get_ad_enabled_on_which_pages () : AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; if ($posts == $pages) { return $posts; } if (!$this->get_display_settings_page ()) { return $posts; } if (!$this->get_display_settings_post ()) { return $pages; } $needs_check = true; // POSTS = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED NO INSERTION ON PAGES // POSTS = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED OK if ($pages == AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS) { return $posts; } // PAGES = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED NO INSERTION ON POSTS // PAGES = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED OK if ($posts == AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS) { return $pages; } // POSTS = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED NO INSERTION ON PAGES // PAGES = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED // POSTS = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED INVERTED INSERTION ON PAGES // PAGES = AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED return $posts; } return - 1; } public function get_exceptions_enabled (){ $needs_check = false; $option = $this->import_old_exception_settings ($needs_check); if ($option >= 0) { return $option != AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS; } $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED] : AI_DISABLED; return $option; } public function get_exceptions_function (){ $needs_check = false; $option = $this->import_old_exception_settings ($needs_check); if ($option >= 0) { if ($option == AI_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS) $option == AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED; return $option; } $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EXCEPTIONS_FUNCTION]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_EXCEPTIONS_FUNCTION] : AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED; return $option; } public function get_exceptions_function_text ($translated = true){ switch ($this->get_exceptions_function ()) { case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_ENABLED; return AI_TEXT_ENABLED; break; case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED: if (!$translated) return AI_TEXT_ENG_DISABLED; return AI_TEXT_DISABLED; break; default: return ''; break; } } public function get_name_class () { $name = $this->get_ad_name (); if ($name == '') return ''; return strtolower (str_replace ('--', '-', preg_replace ('/[^\-_a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', str_replace (' ', '-', html_entity_decode ($name))))); } public function get_viewport_classes () { global $ai_wp_data; // if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) return ''; $viewport_classes = ""; if ($this->get_detection_client_side ()) { $all_viewports = true; for ($viewport = 1; $viewport <= 6; $viewport ++) { $viewport_name = get_viewport_name ($viewport); if ($viewport_name != '') { if ($this->get_detection_viewport ($viewport)) $viewport_classes .= " ai-viewport-" . $viewport; else $all_viewports = false; } } if ($viewport_classes == "") $viewport_classes = " ai-viewport-0"; elseif ($all_viewports) $viewport_classes = ""; } return ($viewport_classes); } public function get_viewport_names () { global $ai_wp_data; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]) return ''; $viewport_names = array (); if ($this->get_detection_client_side ()) { for ($viewport = 1; $viewport <= 6; $viewport ++) { $viewport_name = get_viewport_name ($viewport); if ($viewport_name != '') { if ($this->get_detection_viewport ($viewport)) $viewport_names []= $viewport_name; } } } return (implode (', ', $viewport_names)); } public function get_alignment_class ($block_class_name = null){ global $ai_wp_data; if (defined ('AI_AMP_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_AMP_HEADER_STYLES && $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] || defined ('AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] && !get_inline_styles ()) { return $this->generate_alignment_class ($block_class_name); } return ''; } public function generate_alignment_class ($block_class_name = null){ if ($block_class_name == null) $block_class_name = get_block_class_name (true); $block_class_name .= '-'; switch ($this->get_alignment_type ()) { case AI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: case AI_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_LEFT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT_RIGHT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_LEFT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_RIGHT: case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_TOP: case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY_BOTTOM: return $block_class_name . str_replace (' ', '-', strtolower ($this->get_alignment_type_text (false))); break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_STICKY: // return $block_class_name . str_replace (' ', '-', strtolower (md5 ($this->alignment_style ($this->get_alignment_type ())))); return $block_class_name . strtolower (md5 ($this->alignment_style ($this->get_alignment_type ()))); break; case AI_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS: // return $block_class_name . str_replace (' ', '-', strtolower (md5 ($this->get_custom_css ()))); return $block_class_name . strtolower (md5 ($this->get_custom_css ())); break; } return ''; } public function get_size_class ($block_class_name = null){ global $ai_wp_data; if (defined ('AI_AMP_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_AMP_HEADER_STYLES && $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] || defined ('AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES') && AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES && !$ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE] && !get_inline_styles ()) { return $this->generate_size_class ($block_class_name); } return ''; } public function generate_size_class ($block_class_name = null) { $size_background_style = $this->size_background_style (); if ($this->get_alignment_type () != AI_ALIGNMENT_CUSTOM_CSS && $size_background_style != '') { if ($block_class_name == null) $block_class_name = get_block_class_name (true); $block_class_name .= '-'; return $block_class_name . ai_css_to_name ($size_background_style); } return ''; } public function before_image ($content, $position_preview = false) { return $this->before_paragraph ($content, $position_preview, true); } public function before_paragraph ($content, $position_preview = false, $before_image = false) { global $ai_wp_data, $ai_last_check, $special_element_tags, $ad_inserter_globals; $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; $multibyte = $ai_wp_data [AI_MBSTRING_LOADED] && get_paragraph_counting_functions() == AI_MULTIBYTE_PARAGRAPH_COUNTING_FUNCTIONS; $paragraph_positions = array (); $active_paragraph_positions = array (); $dummy = array (); if ($before_image) { $paragraph_tags = 'figure,img,amp-img'; } else $paragraph_tags = trim ($this->get_paragraph_tags()); if ($paragraph_tags == '') return $content; $paragraph_start_strings = explode (",", $paragraph_tags); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPH_TAGS; if (count ($paragraph_start_strings) == 0) return $content; get_paragraph_start_positions ($content, $multibyte, $dummy, $paragraph_start_strings, $paragraph_positions, $active_paragraph_positions); // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_WITH_TAGS; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; sort ($paragraph_positions); ksort ($active_paragraph_positions); $new_active_paragraph_positions = array (); foreach ($active_paragraph_positions as $active_paragraph_position) { $new_active_paragraph_positions [] = $active_paragraph_position; } $active_paragraph_positions = $new_active_paragraph_positions; if (!$this->get_count_inside_blockquote () || $before_image) { $special_element_offsets = array (); if ($before_image) { $special_element_tags_array = array_unique (array_merge ($special_element_tags, array ('figure', 'amp-img'))); } else $special_element_tags_array = $special_element_tags; foreach ($special_element_tags_array as $special_element_tag) { preg_match_all ("/<\/?$special_element_tag/i", $content, $special_elements, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $nesting = array (); $special_elements = $special_elements [0]; foreach ($special_elements as $index => $special_element) { if (isset ($special_elements [$index + 1][0])) { $tag1 = strtolower ($special_element [0]); $tag2 = strtolower ($special_elements [$index + 1][0]); $start_offset = $special_element [1]; $nesting_ended = false; $tag1_start = $tag1 == "<$special_element_tag"; $tag2_start = $tag2 == "<$special_element_tag"; $tag1_end = $tag1 == "= $special_element_offset [0] && $paragraph_position <= $special_element_offset [1]) $inside_special_element [] = $paragraph_position; } } foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if (in_array ($paragraph_position, $inside_special_element)) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_NO_COUNTING_INSIDE; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } $element_tags = $this->get_count_inside_elements (); if ($element_tags != '') { $special_element_tags_array = explode (',', str_replace (' ', '', $element_tags)); $count_inside = $this->get_count_inside (); $element_text_type = $this->get_count_inside_elements_contain (); $check_only_tag_attributes = $this->get_check_only_tag_attributes (); $element_text = str_replace (' ', '', html_entity_decode ($this->get_count_inside_elements_text ())); if (strpos ($element_text, ",") !== false) { $element_texts = explode (',', $element_text); } elseif (trim ($element_text) != '') $element_texts = array (trim ($element_text)); else $element_texts = array (); $special_element_offsets = array (); foreach ($special_element_tags_array as $special_element_tag) { preg_match_all ("/<\/?$special_element_tag/i", $content, $special_elements, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $special_elements = $special_elements [0]; if (count ($special_elements) % 2 != 0) { if ($debug_processing) ai_log ('INVALID TAGS: ODD NUMBER OF ' . $special_element_tag . ' TAGS'); } $elements = array (); $nesting = array (); foreach ($special_elements as $index => $special_element) { $tag = strtolower ($special_element [0]); $tag_start = $tag == "<$special_element_tag"; $tag_end = $tag == "]+?)>#', $search_content, $search_content_tag); if (isset ($search_content_tag [1])) { $search_content = $search_content_tag [1]; } } if (stripos ($search_content, $element_text)) { $check = true; break; } } switch ($element_text_type) { case AI_CONTAIN: if ($check) { $special_element_offsets []= $element_offsets; } break; default: if (!$check) { $special_element_offsets []= $element_offsets; } break; } } else { $special_element_offsets []= $element_offsets; } } } $inside_special_element = array (); if (count ($special_element_offsets) != 0) { foreach ($special_element_offsets as $special_element_offset) { foreach ($paragraph_positions as $paragraph_position) { if ($paragraph_position >= $special_element_offset [0] + 1 && $paragraph_position <= $special_element_offset [1]) $inside_special_element [] = $paragraph_position; } } } foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { $paragraph_inside = in_array ($paragraph_position, $inside_special_element); switch ($count_inside) { case AI_COUNT_ONLY: if (!$paragraph_inside) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; break; default: if ($paragraph_inside) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; break; } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_NO_COUNTING_INSIDE_ELEMENTS; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } if (!$before_image) { $paragraph_min_words = intval ($this->get_minimum_paragraph_words()); $paragraph_max_words = intval ($this->get_maximum_paragraph_words()); if ($paragraph_min_words != 0 || $paragraph_max_words != 0) { if (!isset ($paragraph_end_positions)) { $paragraph_end_positions = array (); get_paragraph_end_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_start_strings, $paragraph_end_positions, $dummy); } foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index] == 0) continue; if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position, $paragraph_end_positions [$index] - $paragraph_position + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_position, $paragraph_end_positions [$index] - $paragraph_position + 1); } if (!$this->check_number_of_words_in_paragraph ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_min_words, $paragraph_max_words)) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } } // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_MIN_MAX_WORDS; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; $paragraph_texts = explode (",", html_entity_decode ($this->get_paragraph_text())); if ($this->get_paragraph_text() != "" && count ($paragraph_texts) != 0) { if (!isset ($paragraph_end_positions)) { $paragraph_end_positions = array (); get_paragraph_end_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_start_strings, $paragraph_end_positions, $dummy); } $paragraph_text_type = $this->get_paragraph_text_type (); foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index] == 0) continue; if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position, $paragraph_end_positions [$index] - $paragraph_position + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_position, $paragraph_end_positions [$index] - $paragraph_position + 1); } if ($paragraph_text_type == AI_CONTAIN) { $found = true; foreach ($paragraph_texts as $paragraph_text) { if (trim ($paragraph_text) == '') continue; $paragraph_text = trim ($paragraph_text); $invert = false; if ($paragraph_text [0] == '^') { $paragraph_text = substr ($paragraph_text, 1); $invert = true; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_text_found = mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if (!$paragraph_text_found) { $found = false; break; } } else { $paragraph_text_found = stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if (!$paragraph_text_found) { $found = false; break; } } } if (!$found) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } elseif ($paragraph_text_type == AI_DO_NOT_CONTAIN) { $found = false; foreach ($paragraph_texts as $paragraph_text) { if (trim ($paragraph_text) == '') continue; $paragraph_text = trim ($paragraph_text); $invert = false; if ($paragraph_text [0] == '^') { $paragraph_text = substr ($paragraph_text, 1); $invert = true; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_text_found = mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if ($paragraph_text_found) { $found = true; break; } } else { $paragraph_text_found = stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if ($paragraph_text_found) { $found = true; break; } } } if ($found) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } } } // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_TEXT; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } // !$before_image $position_text = trim ($this->get_paragraph_number()); if ($before_image) { $direction_type = AI_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP; } else $direction_type = $this->get_direction_type(); // Prepare $paragraph_end_positions // if ($position_preview || $position_text == '') { // Prepare always if (!isset ($paragraph_end_positions)) { $paragraph_end_positions = array (); get_paragraph_end_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_start_strings, $paragraph_end_positions, $dummy); } $filtered_paragraph_end_positions = array (); // Use $paragraph_positions for counting as it is checked for consistency foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index]) $filtered_paragraph_end_positions [] = $paragraph_end_positions [$index]; } $paragraph_end_positions = $filtered_paragraph_end_positions; if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $paragraph_end_positions = array_reverse ($paragraph_end_positions); } // } $filtered_paragraph_positions = array (); foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index]) $filtered_paragraph_positions [] = $paragraph_position; } $paragraph_positions = $filtered_paragraph_positions; if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $paragraph_positions = array_reverse ($paragraph_positions); } // $positions contains indexes in $paragraph_positions $positions = array (); if (!$position_preview) { if (strpos ($position_text, '[') !== false) { $random_range = false; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen ($position_text); $i ++) { switch ($position_text [$i]) { case '[': $random_range = true; break; case ']': $random_range = false; break; case ',': if ($random_range) { $position_text [$i] = '|'; } break; } } } $position = $position_text; if (is_numeric ($position)) { if ($position > 0 && $position < 1) { $position = intval ($position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) + 0.5); } elseif ($position > - 1 && $position < 0) { $position = intval (count ($paragraph_positions) + $position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) - 0.5); } elseif ($position <= - 1) { $position = count ($paragraph_positions) + $position; } elseif ($position == 0) { $position = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $position --; $positions = array ($position); } elseif (strpos ($position_text, '[') === 0 && strpos ($position_text, ']') === strlen ($position_text) - 1) { $wanted_paragraphs_text = trim (substr ($position_text, 1, strlen ($position_text) - 2)); $wanted_paragraph_ranges = array (); $wanted_paragraphs = array (); if (strpos ($position_text, '|') !== false) { $items = explode ('|', str_replace (' ', '', $wanted_paragraphs_text)); foreach ($items as $item) { $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $item; } } else $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $wanted_paragraphs_text; foreach ($wanted_paragraph_ranges as $wanted_paragraph_range) { if (strpos ($wanted_paragraph_range, '-') !== false) { $limits = explode ('-', $wanted_paragraph_range); $limit_min = (int) $limits [0]; $limit_max = (int) $limits [1]; } else { $limit_min = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; $limit_max = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; } if ($limit_min < 0) $limit_min = 0; else if ($limit_min > 9999) $limit_min = 9999; if ($limit_max < 0) $limit_max = 0; else if ($limit_max > 9999) $limit_max = 9999; if ($limit_min > $limit_max) $limit_max = $limit_min; while ($limit_max >= $limit_min) { $wanted_paragraphs [] = $limit_max; $limit_max --; } } $wanted_paragraphs = array_unique ($wanted_paragraphs); sort ($wanted_paragraphs); if (count ($wanted_paragraphs) == 0) $wanted_paragraphs = array (0); $random_paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($wanted_paragraphs) - 1); $paragraph = $wanted_paragraphs [$random_paragraph]; if ($paragraph == 0) { $paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $paragraph --; $positions = array ($paragraph); if ($debug_processing) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' RANDOM PARAGRAPHS ' . str_replace ('|', ', ', $position_text) . ' => [' . implode (', ', $wanted_paragraphs) . '] of ' . count ($paragraph_positions) . ' => ' . ($paragraph + 1)); } } elseif (strpos ($position_text, ',') !== false) { if ($debug_processing) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' BEFORE PARAGRAPHS ' . str_replace ('|', ', ', $position_text) . ' of ' . count ($paragraph_positions) . ' available'); } $new_positions = array (); $positions = explode (',', str_replace (' ', '', $position_text)); foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { if (isset ($position [0]) && strpos ($position, '[') === 0 && strpos ($position, ']') === strlen ($position) - 1) { $wanted_paragraphs_text = trim (substr ($position, 1, strlen ($position) - 2)); $wanted_paragraph_ranges = array (); $wanted_paragraphs = array (); if (strpos ($position, '|') !== false) { $items = explode ('|', str_replace (' ', '', $wanted_paragraphs_text)); foreach ($items as $item) { $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $item; } } else $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $wanted_paragraphs_text; foreach ($wanted_paragraph_ranges as $wanted_paragraph_range) { if (strpos ($wanted_paragraph_range, '-') !== false) { $limits = explode ('-', $wanted_paragraph_range); $limit_min = (int) $limits [0]; $limit_max = (int) $limits [1]; } else { $limit_min = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; $limit_max = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; } if ($limit_min < 0) $limit_min = 0; else if ($limit_min > 9999) $limit_min = 9999; if ($limit_max < 0) $limit_max = 0; else if ($limit_max > 9999) $limit_max = 9999; if ($limit_min > $limit_max) $limit_max = $limit_min; while ($limit_max >= $limit_min) { $wanted_paragraphs [] = $limit_max; $limit_max --; } } $wanted_paragraphs = array_unique ($wanted_paragraphs); sort ($wanted_paragraphs); if (count ($wanted_paragraphs) == 0) $wanted_paragraphs = array (0); $random_paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($wanted_paragraphs) - 1); $paragraph = $wanted_paragraphs [$random_paragraph]; if ($paragraph == 0) { $paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $paragraph --; $positions [$index] = $paragraph; if ($debug_processing) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' RANDOM PARAGRAPHS ' . str_replace ('|', ', ', $position) . ' => [' . implode (', ', $wanted_paragraphs) . '] of ' . count ($paragraph_positions) . ' => ' . ($paragraph + 1)); } } elseif (isset ($position [0]) && $position [0] == '%') { unset ($positions [$index]); $position = substr ($position, 1); $mod_value = $position; $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($index + 1 < $offset_value) continue; if (($index + 1 - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) $new_positions []= $index; } } } elseif (is_numeric ($position) && $position > 0 && $position < 1) { $positions [$index] = intval ($position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) + 0.5); } elseif (is_numeric ($position) && $position > - 1 && $position < 0) { $positions [$index] = intval (count ($paragraph_positions) + $position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) - 0.5); } elseif (is_numeric ($position) && $position <= - 1) { $positions [$index] = count ($paragraph_positions) + $position; } elseif ($position == 0) { $positions [$index] = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $positions [$index] = (int) $position - 1; } $positions = array_unique (array_merge ($positions, $new_positions)); sort ($positions); } elseif (isset ($position_text [0]) && $position_text [0] == '%') { $position_text = substr ($position_text, 1); $mod_value = $position_text; $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($index + 1 < $offset_value) continue; if (($index + 1 - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) $positions []= $index; } } } elseif ($position_text == '') { $positions = array (); $min_words_above = $this->get_minimum_words_above (); if (!empty ($min_words_above) && !$before_image) { $words_above = 0; foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($direction_type != AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { if ($words_above >= $min_words_above) { $positions []= $index; $words_above = 0; } } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position, $paragraph_end_positions [$index] - $paragraph_position + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_position, $paragraph_end_positions [$index] - $paragraph_position + 1); } $words_above += number_of_words ($paragraph_code); if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { if ($words_above >= $min_words_above) { $positions []= $index; $words_above = 0; } } } } else foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { $positions []= $index; } $filter_settings = trim (str_replace (' ', '', $this->get_call_filter())); if (!empty ($filter_settings)) { $filter_counter = $before_image ? AI_FILTER_IMAGES : AI_FILTER_PARAGRAPHS; if ($this->get_filter_type() == $filter_counter) { $filter_values = array (); if (strpos ($filter_settings, ",") !== false) { $filter_values = explode (",", $filter_settings); } else $filter_values []= $filter_settings; $inverted_filter = $this->get_inverted_filter(); $filtered_positions = array (); foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { $insert = false; if (in_array ($index + 1, $filter_values)) { $insert = true; } else { foreach ($filter_values as $filter_value) { $filter_value = trim ($filter_value); if (isset ($filter_value [0]) && $filter_value [0] == '%') { $mod_value = substr ($filter_value, 1); $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { // if (($index + 1) % $mod_value == 0) { if ($index + 1 >= $offset_value && ($index + 1 - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) { $insert = true; break; } } } } } if ($insert xor $inverted_filter) $filtered_positions []= $position; } $positions = $filtered_positions; } } } } $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; if (!empty ($positions) && !$before_image) { // if (!isset ($paragraph_end_positions)) { // $paragraph_end_positions = array (); // get_paragraph_end_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_start_strings, $paragraph_end_positions, $dummy); // } $avoid_paragraphs_above = intval ($this->get_avoid_paragraphs_above()); $avoid_paragraphs_below = intval ($this->get_avoid_paragraphs_below()); $avoid_text_above = $this->get_avoid_text_above(); $avoid_text_below = $this->get_avoid_text_below(); $avoid_paragraph_texts_above = explode (",", html_entity_decode (trim ($avoid_text_above))); $avoid_paragraph_texts_below = explode (",", html_entity_decode (trim ($avoid_text_below))); $check_direction = $this->get_avoid_direction(); $max_checks = $this->get_avoid_try_limit(); $check_strictly_inside_paragraphs = false; $failed_clearance_positions = array (); foreach ($positions as $position_index => $position) { $direction = $check_direction; if (($avoid_paragraphs_above != 0 || $avoid_paragraphs_below != 0) && count ($paragraph_positions) > $position) { if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) { ai_log ('---------------------------------'); ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' CLEARANCE CHECK POSITION ' . ($position + 1)); } $checks = $max_checks; $saved_position = $position; do { $found_above = false; $paragraph_text_found_above = ''; if ($position != 0 && $avoid_paragraphs_above != 0 && $avoid_text_above != "" && is_array ($avoid_paragraph_texts_above) && count ($avoid_paragraph_texts_above) != 0) { for ($avoid_paragraph_above = $avoid_paragraphs_above; $avoid_paragraph_above > 0; $avoid_paragraph_above --) { $paragraph_position_above = $position - $avoid_paragraph_above; if (!$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { if ($paragraph_position_above < 0) { // If paragraph position is not the first one start with the first paragraph if ($position != 0) $paragraph_position_above = 0; // Othewise do not check anything } } if ($paragraph_position_above >= 0) { if ($check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { $start_position_above = $paragraph_positions [$paragraph_position_above]; $end_position_above = $paragraph_end_positions [$paragraph_position_above]; } else { $start_position_above = $paragraph_positions [$paragraph_position_above]; $end_position_above = $paragraph_positions [$position]; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $start_position_above, $end_position_above - $start_position_above); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $start_position_above, $end_position_above - $start_position_above); } foreach ($avoid_paragraph_texts_above as $paragraph_text_above) { if (trim ($paragraph_text_above) == '') continue; if ($multibyte) { if (mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_above)) !== false) { $found_above = true; $paragraph_text_found_above = $paragraph_text_above; break; } } else { if (stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_above)) !== false) { $found_above = true; $paragraph_text_found_above = $paragraph_text_above; break; } } } } if ($found_above || !$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) break; } } $found_below = false; $paragraph_text_found_below = ''; if ($avoid_paragraphs_below != 0 && $avoid_text_below != "" && is_array ($avoid_paragraph_texts_below) && count ($avoid_paragraph_texts_below) != 0) { for ($avoid_paragraph_below = $avoid_paragraphs_below; $avoid_paragraph_below > 0; $avoid_paragraph_below --) { $paragraph_position_below = $position + $avoid_paragraph_below - 1; if (!$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { if ($paragraph_position_below >= count ($paragraph_positions)) $paragraph_position_below = count ($paragraph_positions) - 1; } if ($paragraph_position_below < count ($paragraph_positions)) { if ($check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { $start_position_below = $paragraph_positions [$paragraph_position_below]; $end_position_below = $paragraph_end_positions [$paragraph_position_below]; } else { $start_position_below = $paragraph_positions [$position]; $end_position_below = $paragraph_end_positions [$paragraph_position_below]; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $start_position_below, $end_position_below - $start_position_below); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $start_position_below, $end_position_below - $start_position_below); } foreach ($avoid_paragraph_texts_below as $paragraph_text_below) { if (trim ($paragraph_text_below) == '') continue; if ($multibyte) { if (mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_below)) !== false) { $found_below = true; $paragraph_text_found_below = $paragraph_text_below; break; } } else { if (stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_below)) !== false) { $found_below = true; $paragraph_text_found_below = $paragraph_text_below; break; } } } } if ($found_below || !$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) break; } } // echo "position: $position = before #", $position + 1, "
\n"; // echo "checks: $checks
\n"; // echo "direction: $direction
\n"; // if ($found_above) // echo "found_above
\n"; // if ($found_below) // echo "found_below
\n"; // echo "=================
\n"; if ($found_above || $found_below) { if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' CLEARANCE CHECK POSITION ' . ($position + 1) . ' FAILED (' . ($found_above ? 'ABOVE: ' . $paragraph_text_found_above .($found_below ? ', ' : '') : '') . ($found_below ? 'BELOW: ' . $paragraph_text_found_below : '') . ')'); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DO_NOT_INSERT; if ($this->get_avoid_action() == AI_DO_NOT_INSERT) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break; } switch ($direction) { case AI_ABOVE: // Try above $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_ABOVE; // Already at the top - do not insert if ($position == 0) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position --; break; case AI_BELOW: // Try below $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_BELOW; // Already at the bottom - do not insert if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position ++; break; case AI_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW: // Try first above and then below if ($position == 0 || $checks == 0) { // Try below $direction = AI_BELOW; $checks = $max_checks; $position = $saved_position; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_BELOW; // Already at the bottom - do not insert if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position ++; } else $position --; break; case AI_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE: // Try first below and then above if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - 1 || $checks == 0) { // Try above $direction = AI_ABOVE; $checks = $max_checks; $position = $saved_position; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_ABOVE; // Already at the top - do not insert if ($position == 0) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position --; } else $position ++; break; } } else { if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' CLEARANCE CHECK POSITION ' . ($position + 1) . ' OK'); // Text not found - insert $positions [$position_index] = $position; break; } // Try next position if ($checks <= 0) { // Suitable position not found - do not insert $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break; } $checks --; } while (true); } // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_CLEARANCE; if (count ($paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) ai_log ('---------------------------------'); } if (!$before_image) { $no_insertion_first_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_skip_first_paragraphs ()); $no_insertion_last_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_skip_last_paragraphs ()); if ($no_insertion_first_paragraphs != 0 /*&& $no_insertion_first_paragraphs <= count ($paragraph_positions)*/) { foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { if ($position < $no_insertion_first_paragraphs) unset ($positions [$index]); } $positions = array_values ($positions); } if ($no_insertion_last_paragraphs != 0 /*&& $no_insertion_last_paragraphs <= count ($paragraph_positions)*/) { foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - $no_insertion_last_paragraphs) unset ($positions [$index]); } $positions = array_values ($positions); } } if ($position_preview || !empty ($positions)) { $offset = 0; if (!empty ($positions)) $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPH_NUMBER; $real_positions = array (); foreach ($positions as $position_index) $real_positions []= $position_index >= 0 ? $position_index + 1 : '*'; if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0 && count ($real_positions) != 0) ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' INSERTION POSITIONS: ' . implode (', ', $real_positions)); $min_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_paragraph_number_minimum()); $max_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_paragraph_number_maximum()); $max_page_blocks_enabled = $this->get_max_page_blocks_enabled (); foreach ($paragraph_positions as $counter => $paragraph_position) { if ($position_preview) { if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position + $offset, $paragraph_end_positions [$counter] - $paragraph_position + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_position + $offset, $paragraph_end_positions [$counter] - $paragraph_position + 1); } $paragraph_words = number_of_words ($paragraph_code); $debug_label = $before_image ? 'BI' : 'BP'; $inserted_code = "[[AI_".$debug_label.($counter + 1)."=".$paragraph_words."]]"; } elseif (!empty ($positions) && in_array ($counter, $positions)) { $inserted = false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_MIN_NUMBER; if (count ($paragraph_positions) >= $min_paragraphs) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_MAX_NUMBER; if ($max_paragraphs <= 0 || count ($paragraph_positions) <= $max_paragraphs) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MAX_PAGE_BLOCKS; if (!$max_page_blocks_enabled || $ai_wp_data [AI_PAGE_BLOCKS] < get_max_page_blocks ()) { // Last check before insertion if ($this->check_and_increment_block_counter ()) { // Increment page block counter if ($max_page_blocks_enabled) $ai_wp_data [AI_PAGE_BLOCKS] ++; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DEBUG_NO_INSERTION; if (!$this->get_debug_disable_insertion ()) { $inserted_code = $this->get_code_for_serverside_insertion (); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INSERTED; $this->clear_code_cache (); $inserted = true; } } } } } if ($debug_processing) ai_log (ai_log_block_status ($this->number, $ai_last_check)); if (!$inserted) continue; } else { if ($debug_processing && isset ($failed_clearance_positions [$counter])) ai_log (ai_log_block_status ($this->number, $failed_clearance_positions [$counter])); continue; } if ($multibyte) { if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $content = mb_substr ($content, 0, $paragraph_position) . $inserted_code . mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position); } else { $content = mb_substr ($content, 0, $paragraph_position + $offset) . $inserted_code . mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position + $offset); $offset += mb_strlen ($inserted_code); } } else { if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $content = substr_replace ($content, $inserted_code, $paragraph_position, 0); } else { $content = substr_replace ($content, $inserted_code, $paragraph_position + $offset, 0); $offset += strlen ($inserted_code); } } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_NONE; // Already logged on each insertion return $content; } // empty $positions $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_NO_PARAGRAPHS; return $content; } public function after_image ($content, $position_preview = false) { return $this->after_paragraph ($content, $position_preview, true); } public function after_paragraph ($content, $position_preview = false, $after_image = false) { global $ai_wp_data, $ai_last_check, $special_element_tags; $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; $multibyte = $ai_wp_data [AI_MBSTRING_LOADED] && get_paragraph_counting_functions() == AI_MULTIBYTE_PARAGRAPH_COUNTING_FUNCTIONS; $paragraph_positions = array (); $active_paragraph_positions = array (); $dummy = array (); if ($multibyte) { $last_content_position = mb_strlen ($content) - 1; } else { $last_content_position = strlen ($content) - 1; } if ($after_image) { $paragraph_tags = 'figure,img,amp-img'; } else $paragraph_tags = trim ($this->get_paragraph_tags()); if ($paragraph_tags == '') return $content; $paragraph_end_strings = explode (",", $paragraph_tags); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPH_TAGS; if (count ($paragraph_end_strings) == 0) return $content; get_paragraph_end_positions ($content, $multibyte, $dummy, $paragraph_end_strings, $paragraph_positions, $active_paragraph_positions); // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_WITH_TAGS; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; sort ($paragraph_positions); ksort ($active_paragraph_positions); $new_active_paragraph_positions = array (); foreach ($active_paragraph_positions as $active_paragraph_position) { $new_active_paragraph_positions [] = $active_paragraph_position; } $active_paragraph_positions = $new_active_paragraph_positions; if (!$this->get_count_inside_blockquote () || $after_image) { $special_element_offsets = array (); if ($after_image) { $special_element_tags_array = array_unique (array_merge ($special_element_tags, array ('figure', 'amp-img'))); } else $special_element_tags_array = $special_element_tags; foreach ($special_element_tags_array as $special_element_tag) { preg_match_all ("/<\/?$special_element_tag/i", $content, $special_elements, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $nesting = array (); $special_elements = $special_elements [0]; foreach ($special_elements as $index => $special_element) { if (isset ($special_elements [$index + 1][0])) { $tag1 = strtolower ($special_element [0]); $tag2 = strtolower ($special_elements [$index + 1][0]); $start_offset = $special_element [1]; $nesting_ended = false; $tag1_start = $tag1 == "<$special_element_tag"; $tag2_start = $tag2 == "<$special_element_tag"; $tag1_end = $tag1 == "= $special_element_offset [0] && $paragraph_position <= $special_element_offset [1]) $inside_special_element [] = $paragraph_position; } } foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if (in_array ($paragraph_position, $inside_special_element)) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_NO_COUNTING_INSIDE; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } $element_tags = $this->get_count_inside_elements (); if ($element_tags != '') { $special_element_tags_array = explode (',', str_replace (' ', '', $element_tags)); $count_inside = $this->get_count_inside (); $element_text_type = $this->get_count_inside_elements_contain (); $check_only_tag_attributes = $this->get_check_only_tag_attributes (); $element_text = str_replace (' ', '', html_entity_decode ($this->get_count_inside_elements_text ())); if (strpos ($element_text, ",") !== false) { $element_texts = explode (',', $element_text); } elseif (trim ($element_text) != '') $element_texts = array (trim ($element_text)); else $element_texts = array (); $special_element_offsets = array (); foreach ($special_element_tags_array as $special_element_tag) { preg_match_all ("/<\/?$special_element_tag/i", $content, $special_elements, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $special_elements = $special_elements [0]; if (count ($special_elements) % 2 != 0) { if ($debug_processing) ai_log ('INVALID TAGS: ODD NUMBER OF ' . $special_element_tag . ' TAGS'); } $elements = array (); $nesting = array (); foreach ($special_elements as $index => $special_element) { $tag = strtolower ($special_element [0]); $tag_start = $tag == "<$special_element_tag"; $tag_end = $tag == "]+?)>#', $search_content, $search_content_tag); if (isset ($search_content_tag [1])) { $search_content = $search_content_tag [1]; } } if (stripos ($search_content, $element_text)) { $check = true; break; } } switch ($element_text_type) { case AI_CONTAIN: if ($check) { $special_element_offsets []= $element_offsets; } break; default: if (!$check) { $special_element_offsets []= $element_offsets; } break; } } else { $special_element_offsets []= $element_offsets; } } } $inside_special_element = array (); if (count ($special_element_offsets) != 0) { foreach ($special_element_offsets as $special_element_offset) { foreach ($paragraph_positions as $paragraph_position) { if ($paragraph_position >= $special_element_offset [0] && $paragraph_position <= $special_element_offset [1]) $inside_special_element [] = $paragraph_position; } } } foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { $paragraph_inside = in_array ($paragraph_position, $inside_special_element); switch ($count_inside) { case AI_COUNT_ONLY: if (!$paragraph_inside) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; break; default: if ($paragraph_inside) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; break; } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_NO_COUNTING_INSIDE_ELEMENTS; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } if (!$after_image) { $paragraph_min_words = intval ($this->get_minimum_paragraph_words()); $paragraph_max_words = intval ($this->get_maximum_paragraph_words()); if ($paragraph_min_words != 0 || $paragraph_max_words != 0) { if (!isset ($paragraph_start_positions)) { $paragraph_start_positions = array (); get_paragraph_start_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_end_strings, $paragraph_start_positions, $dummy); } foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index] == 0) continue; if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_start_positions [$index], $paragraph_position - $paragraph_start_positions [$index] + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_start_positions [$index], $paragraph_position - $paragraph_start_positions [$index] + 1); } if (!$this->check_number_of_words_in_paragraph ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_min_words, $paragraph_max_words)) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } } // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_MIN_MAX_WORDS; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; $paragraph_texts = explode (",", html_entity_decode ($this->get_paragraph_text())); if ($this->get_paragraph_text() != "" && count ($paragraph_texts) != 0) { if (!isset ($paragraph_start_positions)) { $paragraph_start_positions = array (); get_paragraph_start_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_end_strings, $paragraph_start_positions, $dummy); } $paragraph_text_type = $this->get_paragraph_text_type (); foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index] == 0) continue; if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_start_positions [$index], $paragraph_position - $paragraph_start_positions [$index] + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_start_positions [$index], $paragraph_position - $paragraph_start_positions [$index] + 1); } if ($paragraph_text_type == AI_CONTAIN) { $found = true; foreach ($paragraph_texts as $paragraph_text) { if (trim ($paragraph_text) == '') continue; $paragraph_text = trim ($paragraph_text); $invert = false; if ($paragraph_text [0] == '^') { $paragraph_text = substr ($paragraph_text, 1); $invert = true; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_text_found = mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if (!$paragraph_text_found) { $found = false; break; } } else { $paragraph_text_found = stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if (!$paragraph_text_found) { $found = false; break; } } } if (!$found) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } elseif ($paragraph_text_type == AI_DO_NOT_CONTAIN) { $found = false; foreach ($paragraph_texts as $paragraph_text) { if (trim ($paragraph_text) == '') continue; $paragraph_text = trim ($paragraph_text); $invert = false; if ($paragraph_text [0] == '^') { $paragraph_text = substr ($paragraph_text, 1); $invert = true; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_text_found = mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if ($paragraph_text_found) { $found = true; break; } } else { $paragraph_text_found = stripos ($paragraph_code, $paragraph_text) !== false; if ($invert) { $paragraph_text_found = !$paragraph_text_found; } if ($paragraph_text_found) { $found = true; break; } } } if ($found) $active_paragraph_positions [$index] = 0; } } } // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_TEXT; if (array_sum ($active_paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } // !$after_image $position_text = trim ($this->get_paragraph_number()); if ($after_image) { $direction_type = AI_DIRECTION_FROM_TOP; } else $direction_type = $this->get_direction_type(); // Prepare $paragraph_start_positions // if ($position_preview || $position_text == '') { // Prepare always if (!isset ($paragraph_start_positions)) { $paragraph_start_positions = array (); get_paragraph_start_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_end_strings, $paragraph_start_positions, $dummy); } $filtered_paragraph_positions = array (); // Use $paragraph_positions for counting as it is checked for consistency foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index]) $filtered_paragraph_positions [] = $paragraph_start_positions [$index]; } $paragraph_start_positions = $filtered_paragraph_positions; if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $paragraph_start_positions = array_reverse ($paragraph_start_positions); } // } $filtered_paragraph_positions = array (); foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($active_paragraph_positions [$index]) $filtered_paragraph_positions [] = $paragraph_position; } $paragraph_positions = $filtered_paragraph_positions; if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $paragraph_positions = array_reverse ($paragraph_positions); } // $positions contains indexes in $paragraph_positions $positions = array (); if (!$position_preview) { if (strpos ($position_text, '[') !== false) { $random_range = false; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen ($position_text); $i ++) { switch ($position_text [$i]) { case '[': $random_range = true; break; case ']': $random_range = false; break; case ',': if ($random_range) { $position_text [$i] = '|'; } break; } } } $position = $position_text; if (is_numeric ($position)) { if ($position > 0 && $position < 1) { $position = intval ($position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) + 0.5); } elseif ($position > - 1 && $position < 0) { $position = intval (count ($paragraph_positions) + $position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) - 0.5); } elseif ($position <= - 1) { $position = count ($paragraph_positions) + $position; } elseif ($position == 0) { $position = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $position --; $positions = array ($position); } elseif (strpos ($position_text, '[') === 0 && strpos ($position_text, ']') === strlen ($position_text) - 1) { $wanted_paragraphs_text = trim (substr ($position_text, 1, strlen ($position_text) - 2)); $wanted_paragraph_ranges = array (); $wanted_paragraphs = array (); if (strpos ($position_text, '|') !== false) { $items = explode ('|', str_replace (' ', '', $wanted_paragraphs_text)); foreach ($items as $item) { $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $item; } } else $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $wanted_paragraphs_text; foreach ($wanted_paragraph_ranges as $wanted_paragraph_range) { if (strpos ($wanted_paragraph_range, '-') !== false) { $limits = explode ('-', $wanted_paragraph_range); $limit_min = (int) $limits [0]; $limit_max = (int) $limits [1]; } else { $limit_min = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; $limit_max = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; } if ($limit_min < 0) $limit_min = 0; else if ($limit_min > 9999) $limit_min = 9999; if ($limit_max < 0) $limit_max = 0; else if ($limit_max > 9999) $limit_max = 9999; if ($limit_min > $limit_max) $limit_max = $limit_min; while ($limit_max >= $limit_min) { $wanted_paragraphs [] = $limit_max; $limit_max --; } } $wanted_paragraphs = array_unique ($wanted_paragraphs); sort ($wanted_paragraphs); if (count ($wanted_paragraphs) == 0) $wanted_paragraphs = array (0); $random_paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($wanted_paragraphs) - 1); $paragraph = $wanted_paragraphs [$random_paragraph]; if ($paragraph == 0) { $paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $paragraph --; $positions = array ($paragraph); if ($debug_processing) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' RANDOM PARAGRAPHS ' . str_replace ('|', ', ', $position_text) . ' => [' . implode (',', $wanted_paragraphs) . '] of ' . count ($paragraph_positions) . ' => ' . ($paragraph + 1)); } } elseif (strpos ($position_text, ',') !== false) { if ($debug_processing) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' AFTER PARAGRAPHS ' . str_replace ('|', ', ', $position_text) . ' of ' . count ($paragraph_positions) . ' available'); } $new_positions = array (); $positions = explode (',', str_replace (' ', '', $position_text)); foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { if (isset ($position [0]) && strpos ($position, '[') === 0 && strpos ($position, ']') === strlen ($position) - 1) { $wanted_paragraphs_text = trim (substr ($position, 1, strlen ($position) - 2)); $wanted_paragraph_ranges = array (); $wanted_paragraphs = array (); if (strpos ($position, '|') !== false) { $items = explode ('|', str_replace (' ', '', $wanted_paragraphs_text)); foreach ($items as $item) { $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $item; } } else $wanted_paragraph_ranges []= $wanted_paragraphs_text; foreach ($wanted_paragraph_ranges as $wanted_paragraph_range) { if (strpos ($wanted_paragraph_range, '-') !== false) { $limits = explode ('-', $wanted_paragraph_range); $limit_min = (int) $limits [0]; $limit_max = (int) $limits [1]; } else { $limit_min = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; $limit_max = (int) $wanted_paragraph_range; } if ($limit_min < 0) $limit_min = 0; else if ($limit_min > 9999) $limit_min = 9999; if ($limit_max < 0) $limit_max = 0; else if ($limit_max > 9999) $limit_max = 9999; if ($limit_min > $limit_max) $limit_max = $limit_min; while ($limit_max >= $limit_min) { $wanted_paragraphs [] = $limit_max; $limit_max --; } } $wanted_paragraphs = array_unique ($wanted_paragraphs); sort ($wanted_paragraphs); if (count ($wanted_paragraphs) == 0) $wanted_paragraphs = array (0); $random_paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($wanted_paragraphs) - 1); $paragraph = $wanted_paragraphs [$random_paragraph]; if ($paragraph == 0) { $paragraph = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $paragraph --; $positions [$index] = $paragraph; if ($debug_processing) { ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' RANDOM PARAGRAPHS ' . str_replace ('|', ', ', $position) . ' => [' . implode (', ', $wanted_paragraphs) . '] of ' . count ($paragraph_positions) . ' => ' . ($paragraph + 1)); } } elseif (isset ($position [0]) && $position [0] == '%') { unset ($positions [$index]); $position = substr ($position, 1); $mod_value = $position; $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($index + 1 < $offset_value) continue; if (($index + 1 - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) $new_positions []= $index; } } } elseif (is_numeric ($position) && $position > 0 && $position < 1) { $positions [$index] = intval ($position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) + 0.5); } elseif (is_numeric ($position) && $position > - 1 && $position < 0) { $positions [$index] = intval (count ($paragraph_positions) + $position * (count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) - 0.5); } elseif (is_numeric ($position) && $position <= - 1) { $positions [$index] = count ($paragraph_positions) + $position; } elseif ($position == 0) { $positions [$index] = mt_rand (0, count ($paragraph_positions) - 1); } else $positions [$index] = (int) $position - 1; } $positions = array_unique (array_merge ($positions, $new_positions)); sort ($positions); } elseif (isset ($position_text [0]) && $position_text [0] == '%') { $position_text = substr ($position_text, 1); $mod_value = $position_text; $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($index + 1 < $offset_value) continue; if (($index + 1 - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) $positions []= $index; } } } elseif ($position_text == '') { $positions = array (); $min_words_above = $this->get_minimum_words_above (); if (!empty ($min_words_above) && !$after_image) { $words_above = 0; foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { if ($words_above >= $min_words_above) { $positions []= $index; $words_above = 0; } } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_start_positions [$index], $paragraph_position - $paragraph_start_positions [$index] + 1); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $paragraph_start_positions [$index], $paragraph_position - $paragraph_start_positions [$index] + 1); } $words_above += number_of_words ($paragraph_code); if ($direction_type != AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { if ($words_above >= $min_words_above) { $positions []= $index; $words_above = 0; } } } } else foreach ($paragraph_positions as $index => $paragraph_position) { $positions []= $index; } $filter_settings = trim (str_replace (' ', '', $this->get_call_filter())); if (!empty ($filter_settings)) { $filter_counter = $after_image ? AI_FILTER_IMAGES : AI_FILTER_PARAGRAPHS; if ($this->get_filter_type() == $filter_counter) { $filter_values = array (); if (strpos ($filter_settings, ",") !== false) { $filter_values = explode (",", $filter_settings); } else $filter_values []= $filter_settings; $inverted_filter = $this->get_inverted_filter(); $filtered_positions = array (); foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { $insert = false; if (in_array ($index + 1, $filter_values)) { $insert = true; } else { foreach ($filter_values as $filter_value) { $filter_value = trim ($filter_value); if (isset ($filter_value [0]) && $filter_value [0] == '%') { $mod_value = substr ($filter_value, 1); $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } // if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0) { if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { // if (($index + 1) % $mod_value == 0) { if ($index + 1 >= $offset_value && ($index + 1 - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) { $insert = true; break; } } } } } if ($insert xor $inverted_filter) $filtered_positions []= $position; } $positions = $filtered_positions; } } } } $debug_processing = ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_DEBUGGING] & AI_DEBUG_PROCESSING) != 0; if (!empty ($positions) && !$after_image) { // Not needed anymore // if (!isset ($paragraph_start_positions)) { // $paragraph_start_positions = array (); // get_paragraph_start_positions ($content, $multibyte, $paragraph_positions, $paragraph_end_strings, $paragraph_start_positions, $dummy); // } $avoid_paragraphs_above = intval ($this->get_avoid_paragraphs_above()); $avoid_paragraphs_below = intval ($this->get_avoid_paragraphs_below()); $avoid_text_above = $this->get_avoid_text_above(); $avoid_text_below = $this->get_avoid_text_below(); $avoid_paragraph_texts_above = explode (",", html_entity_decode (trim ($avoid_text_above))); $avoid_paragraph_texts_below = explode (",", html_entity_decode (trim ($avoid_text_below))); $check_direction = $this->get_avoid_direction(); $max_checks = $this->get_avoid_try_limit(); $check_strictly_inside_paragraphs = false; $failed_clearance_positions = array (); foreach ($positions as $position_index => $position) { $direction = $check_direction; if (($avoid_paragraphs_above != 0 || $avoid_paragraphs_below != 0) && count ($paragraph_positions) > $position) { if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) { ai_log ('---------------------------------'); ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' CLEARANCE CHECK POSITION ' . ($position + 1)); } $checks = $max_checks; $saved_position = $position; do { $found_above = false; $paragraph_text_found_above = ''; if ($avoid_paragraphs_above != 0 && $avoid_text_above != "" && is_array ($avoid_paragraph_texts_above) && count ($avoid_paragraph_texts_above) != 0) { for ($avoid_paragraph_above = $avoid_paragraphs_above; $avoid_paragraph_above > 0; $avoid_paragraph_above --) { $paragraph_position_above = $position - $avoid_paragraph_above + 1; if (!$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { if ($paragraph_position_above < 0) $paragraph_position_above = 0; } if ($paragraph_position_above >= 0) { if ($check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { $start_position_above = $paragraph_start_positions [$paragraph_position_above]; $end_position_above = $paragraph_positions [$paragraph_position_above]; } else { $start_position_above = $paragraph_start_positions [$paragraph_position_above]; $end_position_above = $paragraph_positions [$position]; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $start_position_above, $end_position_above - $start_position_above); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $start_position_above, $end_position_above - $start_position_above); } foreach ($avoid_paragraph_texts_above as $paragraph_text_above) { if (trim ($paragraph_text_above) == '') continue; if ($multibyte) { if (mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_above)) !== false) { $found_above = true; $paragraph_text_found_above = $paragraph_text_above; break; } } else { if (stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_above)) !== false) { $found_above = true; $paragraph_text_found_above = $paragraph_text_above; break; } } } } if ($found_above || !$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) break; } } $found_below = false; $paragraph_text_found_below = ''; if ($avoid_paragraphs_below != 0 && $position != count ($paragraph_positions) - 1 && $avoid_text_below != "" && is_array ($avoid_paragraph_texts_below) && count ($avoid_paragraph_texts_below) != 0) { for ($avoid_paragraph_below = $avoid_paragraphs_below; $avoid_paragraph_below > 0; $avoid_paragraph_below --) { $paragraph_position_below = $position + $avoid_paragraph_below; if (!$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { if ($paragraph_position_below >= count ($paragraph_positions)) { // If paragraph position is not the last one end with the last paragraph if ($position != count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) $paragraph_position_below = count ($paragraph_positions) - 1; // Othewise do not check anything } } if ($paragraph_position_below < count ($paragraph_positions)) { if ($check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) { $start_position_below = $paragraph_start_positions [$paragraph_position_below]; $end_position_below = $paragraph_positions [$paragraph_position_below]; } else { $start_position_below = $paragraph_positions [$position]; $end_position_below = $paragraph_positions [$paragraph_position_below]; } if ($multibyte) { $paragraph_code = mb_substr ($content, $start_position_below, $end_position_below - $start_position_below); } else { $paragraph_code = substr ($content, $start_position_below, $end_position_below - $start_position_below); } foreach ($avoid_paragraph_texts_below as $paragraph_text_below) { if (trim ($paragraph_text_below) == '') continue; if ($multibyte) { if (mb_stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_below)) !== false) { $found_below = true; $paragraph_text_found_below = $paragraph_text_below; break; } } else { if (stripos ($paragraph_code, trim ($paragraph_text_below)) !== false) { $found_below = true; $paragraph_text_found_below = $paragraph_text_below; break; } } } } if ($found_below || !$check_strictly_inside_paragraphs) break; } } // echo "position: $position = after #", $position + 1, "
\n"; // echo "checks: $checks
\n"; // echo "direction: $direction
\n"; // if ($found_above) // echo "found_above
\n"; // if ($found_below) // echo "found_below
\n"; // echo "=================
\n"; if ($found_above || $found_below) { if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' CLEARANCE CHECK POSITION ' . ($position + 1) . ' FAILED (' . ($found_above ? 'ABOVE: ' . $paragraph_text_found_above .($found_below ? ', ' : '') : '') . ($found_below ? 'BELOW: ' . $paragraph_text_found_below : '') . ')'); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DO_NOT_INSERT; if ($this->get_avoid_action() == AI_DO_NOT_INSERT) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break; } switch ($direction) { case AI_ABOVE: // Try above $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_ABOVE; // Already at the top - do not insert if ($position == 0) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position --; break; case AI_BELOW: // Try below $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_BELOW; // Already at the bottom - do not insert if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position ++; break; case AI_ABOVE_AND_THEN_BELOW: // Try first above and then below if ($position == 0 || $checks == 0) { // Try below $direction = AI_BELOW; $checks = $max_checks; $position = $saved_position; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_BELOW; // Already at the bottom - do not insert if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - 1) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position ++; } else $position --; break; case AI_BELOW_AND_THEN_ABOVE: // Try first below and then above if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - 1 || $checks == 0) { // Try above $direction = AI_ABOVE; $checks = $max_checks; $position = $saved_position; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_AD_ABOVE; // Already at the top - do not insert if ($position == 0) { $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break 2; } $position --; } else $position ++; break; } } else { if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' CLEARANCE CHECK POSITION ' . ($position + 1) . ' OK'); // Text not found - insert $positions [$position_index] = $position; break; } // Try next position if ($checks <= 0) { // Suitable position not found - do not insert $failed_clearance_positions [$positions [$position_index]] = $ai_last_check; $positions [$position_index] = - 1; break; } $checks --; } while (true); } // Nothing to do $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_AFTER_CLEARANCE; if (count ($paragraph_positions) == 0) return $content; } if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0) ai_log ('---------------------------------'); } if (!$after_image) { $no_insertion_first_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_skip_first_paragraphs ()); $no_insertion_last_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_skip_last_paragraphs ()); if ($no_insertion_first_paragraphs != 0 /*&& $no_insertion_first_paragraphs <= count ($paragraph_positions)*/) { foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { if ($position < $no_insertion_first_paragraphs) unset ($positions [$index]); } $positions = array_values ($positions); } if ($no_insertion_last_paragraphs != 0 /*&& $no_insertion_last_paragraphs <= count ($paragraph_positions)*/) { foreach ($positions as $index => $position) { if ($position >= count ($paragraph_positions) - $no_insertion_last_paragraphs) unset ($positions [$index]); } $positions = array_values ($positions); } } if ($position_preview || !empty ($positions)) { $offset = 0; if (!empty ($positions)) $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPH_NUMBER; $real_positions = array (); foreach ($positions as $position_index) $real_positions []= $position_index >= 0 ? $position_index + 1 : '*'; if ($debug_processing && $this->number != 0 && count ($real_positions) != 0) ai_log ('BLOCK ' . $this->number . ' INSERTION POSITIONS: ' . implode (', ', $real_positions) . ' of ' . count ($paragraph_positions)); $min_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_paragraph_number_minimum()); $max_paragraphs = intval ($this->get_paragraph_number_maximum()); $max_page_blocks_enabled = $this->get_max_page_blocks_enabled (); foreach ($paragraph_positions as $counter => $paragraph_position) { $debug_label = $after_image ? 'AI' : 'AP'; if ($position_preview) $inserted_code = "[[AI_".$debug_label.($counter + 1)."]]"; elseif (!empty ($positions) && in_array ($counter, $positions)) { $inserted = false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_MIN_NUMBER; if (count ($paragraph_positions) >= $min_paragraphs) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PARAGRAPHS_MAX_NUMBER; if ($max_paragraphs <= 0 || count ($paragraph_positions) <= $max_paragraphs) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MAX_PAGE_BLOCKS; if (!$max_page_blocks_enabled || $ai_wp_data [AI_PAGE_BLOCKS] < get_max_page_blocks ()) { // Last check before insertion if ($this->check_and_increment_block_counter ()) { // Increment page block counter if ($max_page_blocks_enabled) $ai_wp_data [AI_PAGE_BLOCKS] ++; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_DEBUG_NO_INSERTION; if (!$this->get_debug_disable_insertion ()) { $inserted_code = $this->get_code_for_serverside_insertion (); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INSERTED; $this->clear_code_cache (); $inserted = true; } } } } } if ($debug_processing) ai_log (ai_log_block_status ($this->number, $ai_last_check)); if (!$inserted) continue; } else { if ($debug_processing && isset ($failed_clearance_positions [$counter])) ai_log (ai_log_block_status ($this->number, $failed_clearance_positions [$counter])); continue; } if ($multibyte) { if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $content = mb_substr ($content, 0, $paragraph_position + 1) . $inserted_code . mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position + 1); } else { $content = mb_substr ($content, 0, $paragraph_position + $offset + 1) . $inserted_code . mb_substr ($content, $paragraph_position + $offset + 1); $offset += mb_strlen ($inserted_code); } } else { if ($direction_type == AI_DIRECTION_FROM_BOTTOM) { $content = substr_replace ($content, $inserted_code, $paragraph_position + 1, 0); } else { $content = substr_replace ($content, $inserted_code, $paragraph_position + $offset + 1, 0); $offset += strlen ($inserted_code); } } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_NONE; // Already logged on each insertion return $content; } // empty $positions $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_NO_PARAGRAPHS; return $content; } // Deprecated function manual ($content){ if (preg_match_all("/{adinserter (.+?)}/", $content, $tags)){ $block_class_name = get_block_class_name (); $viewport_classes = $this->get_viewport_classes (); if ($block_class_name != '' || $viewport_classes != '') { if ($block_class_name =='') $viewport_classes = trim ($viewport_classes); $class = " class='" . ($block_class_name != '' ? $block_class_name . " " . $block_class_name . "-" . $this->number : '') . $viewport_classes ."'"; } else $class = ''; // $display_for_devices = $this->get_display_for_devices (); foreach ($tags [1] as $tag) { $ad_tag = strtolower (trim ($tag)); $ad_name = strtolower (trim ($this->get_ad_name())); if ($ad_tag == $ad_name || $ad_tag == $this->number) { if ($this->get_alignment_type() == AI_ALIGNMENT_NO_WRAPPING) $ad_code = $this->ai_getProcessedCode (); else $ad_code = "" . $this->ai_getProcessedCode () . ""; $content = preg_replace ("/{adinserter " . $tag . "}/", $ad_code, $content); } } } return $content; } // Deprecated function display_disabled ($content){ $ad_name = $this->get_ad_name(); if (preg_match ("//i", $content)) return true; if (preg_match ("//i", $content)) return true; if (preg_match ("//i", $content)) return true; if (strpos ($content, "") != false) return true; return false; } function check_disabled () { global $ai_wp_data; if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_DISABLED_BLOCKS])) { if (in_array ($this->number, $ai_wp_data [AI_DISABLED_BLOCKS])) { return false; } if (in_array ('#', $ai_wp_data [AI_DISABLED_BLOCKS])) { return false; } } return true; } function check_category ($categories = null, $cat_type = AI_WHITE_LIST) { global $ai_wp_data; if ($categories === null) { $categories = trim (strtolower ($this->get_ad_block_cat())); $cat_type = $this->get_ad_block_cat_type(); } if ($categories == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; switch ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE]) { case AI_PT_STATIC: case AI_PT_POST: $wp_categories = get_the_category (); break; default: $wp_categories = get_queried_object(); if ($wp_categories instanceof WP_Term) { $wp_categories = array ($wp_categories); } else $wp_categories = array (); break; } if ($cat_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) { // if ($categories == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; $cats_listed = explode (",", $categories); foreach ($wp_categories as $wp_category) { if (isset ($wp_category->cat_name) && isset ($wp_category->slug)) foreach ($cats_listed as $cat_disabled) { $check_parent = true; $check_childern = false; $cat_disabled = trim ($cat_disabled); if (substr ($cat_disabled, - 1) == '*') { $check_childern = true; $cat_disabled = rtrim ($cat_disabled, '*'); } elseif (substr ($cat_disabled, - 1) == '+') { $check_parent = false; $check_childern = true; $cat_disabled = rtrim ($cat_disabled, '+'); } $wp_category_name = strtolower ($wp_category->cat_name); $wp_category_slug = strtolower ($wp_category->slug); if ($check_parent) { if ($wp_category_name == $cat_disabled || $wp_category_slug == $cat_disabled) { return false; } } if ($check_childern) { if (ai_post_is_in_child_categories ($cat_disabled)) { return false; } } } } return true; } else { // if ($categories == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return false; $cats_listed = explode (",", $categories); foreach ($wp_categories as $wp_category) { if (isset ($wp_category->cat_name) && isset ($wp_category->slug)) foreach ($cats_listed as $cat_enabled) { $check_parent = true; $check_childern = false; $cat_enabled = trim ($cat_enabled); if (substr ($cat_enabled, - 1) == '*') { $check_childern = true; $cat_enabled = rtrim ($cat_enabled, '*'); } elseif (substr ($cat_enabled, - 1) == '+') { $check_parent = false; $check_childern = true; $cat_enabled = rtrim ($cat_enabled, '+'); } $wp_category_name = strtolower ($wp_category->cat_name); $wp_category_slug = strtolower ($wp_category->slug); if ($check_parent) { if ($wp_category_name == $cat_enabled || $wp_category_slug == $cat_enabled) { return true; } } if ($check_childern) { if (ai_post_is_in_child_categories ($cat_enabled)) { return true; } } } } return false; } } function check_tag ($tags = null, $tag_type = AI_WHITE_LIST) { if ($tags === null) { $tags = $this->get_ad_block_tag(); $tag_type = $this->get_ad_block_tag_type(); } $tags = trim ($tags); if ($tags == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; $tags_listed = explode (",", $tags); foreach ($tags_listed as $index => $tag_listed) { $tags_listed [$index] = trim ($tag_listed); } // $has_any_of_the_given_tags = has_tag ($tags_listed); $has_any_of_the_given_tags = has_tag ($tags_listed, ai_get_post_id ()); if ($tag_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) { // if ($tags == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; if (is_tag()) { foreach ($tags_listed as $tag_listed) { if (is_tag ($tag_listed)) return false; } return true; } return !$has_any_of_the_given_tags; } else { // if ($tags == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return false; if (is_tag()) { foreach ($tags_listed as $tag_listed) { if (is_tag ($tag_listed)) return true; } return false; } return $has_any_of_the_given_tags; } } function check_taxonomy ($taxonomies = null, $taxonomy_type = AI_WHITE_LIST) { global $ai_wp_data; if ($taxonomies === null) { $taxonomies = trim ($this->get_ad_block_taxonomy ()); $taxonomy_type = $this->get_ad_block_taxonomy_type(); } if ($taxonomies == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; if ($taxonomy_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) { $taxonomies_listed = explode (",", $taxonomies); foreach ($taxonomies_listed as $taxonomy_disabled) { $taxonomy_disabled_org = trim ($taxonomy_disabled); $taxonomy_disabled = strtolower ($taxonomy_disabled_org); if (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'user:') === 0) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if ($terms [1] == 'logged-in') { return !is_user_logged_in (); } elseif ($terms [1] == 'not-logged-in') { return is_user_logged_in (); } if ($terms [1] == $current_user->user_login) return false; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'author:') === 0) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_POST || $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_STATIC) $current_author = strtolower (get_the_author_meta ('user_login')); else $current_author = ''; $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if ($terms [1] == $current_author) return false; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'user-role:') === 0) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); foreach (wp_get_current_user()->roles as $role) { if ($terms [1] == $role) return false; } } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'post-type:') === 0) { $post_type = get_post_type (); $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if ($terms [1] == $post_type) return false; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'primary-category:') === 0) { $primary_category = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if ($primary_category [1] == ai_primary_category ()) return false; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'yoast-primary-category:') === 0) { $primary_category = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if ($primary_category [1] == ai_yoast_primary_category ()) return false; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, 'multisite:') === 0) { if (is_multisite () && function_exists ('ai_plugin_settings')) { $site_id = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if ($site_id [1] == '#' && is_main_site ()) return false; if (get_current_blog_id () == $site_id [1]) return false; } else return true; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled_org, 'meta:') === 0) { $meta_data = explode (':', str_replace ('meta:', '', $taxonomy_disabled_org)); if (count ($meta_data) == 2) { if (get_post_meta (get_the_id (), $meta_data [0], true) == $meta_data [1]) return false; } else { if (get_post_meta (get_the_id (), $meta_data [0], true) != '') return false; } } $taxonomy_names = get_post_taxonomies (); foreach ($taxonomy_names as $taxonomy_name) { $terms = get_the_terms (0, $taxonomy_name); if (is_array ($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $term) { $post_term_name = strtolower ($term->name); $post_term_slug = strtolower ($term->slug); $post_taxonomy = strtolower ($term->taxonomy); if ($post_term_name == $taxonomy_disabled || $post_term_slug == $taxonomy_disabled) return false; $post_taxonomy = strtolower ($term->taxonomy); if ($post_taxonomy == $taxonomy_disabled) return false; $check_parent = true; $check_childern = false; if (substr ($taxonomy_disabled, - 1) == '*') { $check_childern = true; $taxonomy_disabled = rtrim ($taxonomy_disabled, '*'); } elseif (substr ($taxonomy_disabled, - 1) == '+') { $check_parent = false; $check_childern = true; $taxonomy_disabled = rtrim ($taxonomy_disabled, '+'); } if ($check_parent) { if ($taxonomy_disabled == $post_taxonomy . ':' . $post_term_slug) { return false; } } if ($check_childern) { if (strpos ($taxonomy_disabled, ':') !== false) { $taxonomy_data = explode (':', $taxonomy_disabled); if (count ($taxonomy_data) == 2 && ai_post_is_in_child_taxonomies ($taxonomy_data [0], $taxonomy_data [1])) { return false; } } } } } } } return true; } else { $taxonomies_listed = explode (",", $taxonomies); foreach ($taxonomies_listed as $taxonomy_enabled) { $taxonomy_enabled_org = trim ($taxonomy_enabled); $taxonomy_enabled = strtolower ($taxonomy_enabled_org); if (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'user:') === 0) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if ($terms [1] == 'logged-in') { return is_user_logged_in (); } elseif ($terms [1] == 'not-logged-in') { return !is_user_logged_in (); } if ($terms [1] == $current_user->user_login) return true; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'author:') === 0) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_POST || $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_STATIC) $current_author = strtolower (get_the_author_meta ('user_login')); else $current_author = ''; $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if ($terms [1] == $current_author) return true; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'user-role:') === 0) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); foreach (wp_get_current_user()->roles as $role) { if ($terms [1] == $role) return true; } } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'post-type:') === 0) { $post_type = get_post_type (); $terms = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if ($terms [1] == $post_type) return true; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'primary-category:') === 0) { $primary_category = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if ($primary_category [1] == ai_primary_category ()) return true; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'yoast-primary-category:') === 0) { $primary_category = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if ($primary_category [1] == ai_yoast_primary_category ()) return true; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, 'multisite:') === 0) { if (is_multisite () && function_exists ('ai_plugin_settings')) { $site_id = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if ($site_id [1] == '#' && is_main_site ()) return true; if (get_current_blog_id () == $site_id [1]) return true; } else return false; } elseif (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled_org, 'meta:') === 0) { $meta_data = explode (':', str_replace ('meta:', '', $taxonomy_enabled_org)); if (count ($meta_data) == 2) { if (get_post_meta (get_the_id (), $meta_data [0], true) == $meta_data [1]) return true; } else { if (get_post_meta (get_the_id (), $meta_data [0], true) != '') return true; } } $taxonomy_names = get_post_taxonomies (); foreach ($taxonomy_names as $taxonomy_name) { $terms = get_the_terms (0, $taxonomy_name); if (is_array ($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $term) { $post_term_name = strtolower ($term->name); $post_term_slug = strtolower ($term->slug); $post_taxonomy = strtolower ($term->taxonomy); if ($post_term_name == $taxonomy_enabled || $post_term_slug == $taxonomy_enabled) return true; $post_taxonomy = strtolower ($term->taxonomy); if ($post_taxonomy == $taxonomy_enabled) return true; $check_parent = true; $check_childern = false; if (substr ($taxonomy_enabled, - 1) == '*') { $check_childern = true; $taxonomy_enabled = rtrim ($taxonomy_enabled, '*'); } elseif (substr ($taxonomy_enabled, - 1) == '+') { $check_parent = false; $check_childern = true; $taxonomy_enabled = rtrim ($taxonomy_enabled, '+'); } if ($check_parent) { if ($taxonomy_enabled == $post_taxonomy . ':' . $post_term_slug) { return true; } } if ($check_childern) { if (strpos ($taxonomy_enabled, ':') !== false) { $taxonomy_data = explode (':', $taxonomy_enabled); if (count ($taxonomy_data) == 2 && ai_post_is_in_child_taxonomies ($taxonomy_data [0], $taxonomy_data [1])) { return true; } } } } } } } return false; } } function check_id ($ids = null, $id_type = AI_WHITE_LIST) { global $ai_wp_data; // Check post IDs only on posts and static pages if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] != AI_PT_POST && $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] != AI_PT_STATIC) return true; if ($ids === null) { $ids = trim ($this->get_id_list()); $id_type = $this->get_id_list_type(); } if ($ids == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; $page_id = get_the_ID(); if ($id_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $return = false; else $return = true; if (/*$ids == AD_EMPTY_DATA ||*/ $page_id === false) { return !$return; } $ids_listed = explode (",", $ids); foreach ($ids_listed as $index => $id_listed) { if (trim ($id_listed) == "") unset ($ids_listed [$index]); else $ids_listed [$index] = trim ($id_listed); } foreach ($ids_listed as $index => $id_listed) { switch ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE]) { case AI_PT_POST: if ($ids_listed [$index] == 'posts') return $return; break; case AI_PT_STATIC: if ($ids_listed [$index] == 'pages') return $return; break; } if (strpos ($ids_listed [$index], '-') !== false) { $id_limits = explode ('-', str_replace (' ', '', $ids_listed [$index])); if ($page_id >= $id_limits [0] && $page_id <= $id_limits [1]) return $return; } } if (in_array ($page_id, $ids_listed)) return $return; return !$return; } function check_url ($urls = null, $url_type = AI_WHITE_LIST) { global $ai_wp_data; if ($urls === null) { $urls = trim ($this->get_ad_url_list()); $url_type = $this->get_ad_url_list_type(); } $page_url = $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_URL]; if ($url_type == AI_BLACK_LIST) $return = false; else $return = true; if ($urls == AD_EMPTY_DATA) return true; $list_separator = ','; if (strpos ($urls, ' ') !== false && strpos ($urls, ',') === false) $list_separator = ' '; $urls_listed = explode ($list_separator, $urls); foreach ($urls_listed as $index => $url_listed) { if (trim ($url_listed) == "") unset ($urls_listed [$index]); else $urls_listed [$index] = trim ($url_listed); } // print_r ($urls_listed); // echo "
\n"; // echo ' page url: ' . $page_url, "
\n"; // echo ' listed urls: ' . $urls, "\n"; // echo "
\n"; foreach ($urls_listed as $url_listed) { if ($url_listed == '*') return $return; if ($url_listed [0] == '*') { if ($url_listed [strlen ($url_listed) - 1] == '*') { $url_listed = substr ($url_listed, 1, strlen ($url_listed) - 2); if (strpos ($page_url, $url_listed) !== false) return $return; } else { $url_listed = substr ($url_listed, 1); if (substr ($page_url, - strlen ($url_listed)) == $url_listed) return $return; } } elseif ($url_listed [strlen ($url_listed) - 1] == '*') { $url_listed = substr ($url_listed, 0, strlen ($url_listed) - 1); if (strpos ($page_url, $url_listed) === 0) return $return; } elseif ($url_listed == $page_url) return $return; } return !$return; } function check_scheduling ($server_side_check) { global $block_object, $ai_wp_data; switch ($this->get_scheduling()) { case AI_SCHEDULING_OFF: return true; break; case AI_SCHEDULING_DELAY_FOR: $after_days = trim ($this->get_ad_after_day()); if ($after_days == '') return true; $after_days = $after_days; $post_date = get_the_date ('U'); if ($post_date === false) return true; return (date ('U', current_time ('timestamp')) >= $post_date + $after_days * 86400); break; case AI_SCHEDULING_INSERT_ONLY_FOR: $after_days = trim ($this->get_ad_after_day()); if ($after_days == '') return false; $after_days = $after_days; $post_date = get_the_date ('U'); if ($post_date === false) return false; return (date ('U', current_time ('timestamp')) < $post_date + $after_days * 86400); break; case AI_SCHEDULING_BETWEEN_DATES: if (!function_exists ('ai_scheduling_options')) return true; if (!$server_side_check) return true; $start_time = $this->get_schedule_start_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_start_time (); $end_time = $this->get_schedule_end_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_end_time (); $days_in_week = $this->get_schedule_weekdays (); $insertion_enabled = check_scheduling_time ($start_time, $end_time, $days_in_week, true); if (!$insertion_enabled) { if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL])) $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] = 1; else $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] ++; $fallback = intval ($this->get_scheduling_fallback()); if ($fallback != $this->number && $fallback != 0 && $fallback <= 96 && $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] <= 2) { $fallback_obj = $block_object [$fallback]; if ($fallback_obj->check_scheduling ($server_side_check) && ai_check_impression_and_click_limits ($fallback, true)) { $this->fallback = $fallback_obj->fallback != 0 ? $fallback_obj->fallback : $fallback; $insertion_enabled = true; } } $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] --; } return ($insertion_enabled); break; case AI_SCHEDULING_OUTSIDE_DATES: if (!function_exists ('ai_scheduling_options')) return true; if (!$server_side_check) return true; $start_time = $this->get_schedule_start_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_start_time (); $end_time = $this->get_schedule_end_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_end_time (); $days_in_week = $this->get_schedule_weekdays (); $insertion_enabled = check_scheduling_time ($start_time, $end_time, $days_in_week, false); if (!$insertion_enabled) { if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL])) $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] = 1; else $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] ++; $fallback = intval ($this->get_scheduling_fallback()); if ($fallback != $this->number && $fallback != 0 && $fallback <= 96 && $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] <= 2) { $fallback_obj = $block_object [$fallback]; if ($fallback_obj->check_scheduling ($server_side_check) && ai_check_impression_and_click_limits ($fallback, true)) { $this->fallback = $fallback_obj->fallback != 0 ? $fallback_obj->fallback : $fallback; $insertion_enabled = true; } } $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] --; } return ($insertion_enabled); break; case AI_SCHEDULING_PUBLISHED_BETWEEN_DATES: if (!function_exists ('ai_scheduling_options')) return true; $post_date = get_the_date ('U'); if ($post_date === false) return false; $post_weekday = date ('w', $post_date); if ($post_weekday == 0) $post_weekday = 6; else $post_weekday --; $current_time = current_time ('timestamp'); $current_weekday = date ('w', $current_time); if ($current_weekday == 0) $current_weekday = 6; else $current_weekday --; $start_date = strtotime ($this->get_schedule_start_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_start_time (), $current_time); $end_date = strtotime ($this->get_schedule_end_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_end_time (), $current_time); $weekdays = explode (',', $this->get_schedule_weekdays ()); if (isset ($weekdays [0]) and $weekdays [0] === '') $weekdays = array (); $insertion_enabled = $post_date >= $start_date && $post_date < $end_date && in_array ($post_weekday, $weekdays); if (!$insertion_enabled) { if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL])) $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] = 1; else $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] ++; $fallback = intval ($this->get_scheduling_fallback()); if ($fallback != $this->number && $fallback != 0 && $fallback <= 96 && $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] <= 2) { $this->fallback = $fallback; return true; } $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] --; } return ($insertion_enabled); break; case AI_SCHEDULING_PUBLISHED_OUTSIDE_DATES: if (!function_exists ('ai_scheduling_options')) return true; $post_date = get_the_date ('U'); if ($post_date === false) return true; $post_weekday = date ('w', $post_date); if ($post_weekday == 0) $post_weekday = 6; else $post_weekday --; $current_time = current_time ('timestamp'); $current_weekday = date ('w', $current_time); if ($current_weekday == 0) $current_weekday = 6; else $current_weekday --; $start_date = strtotime ($this->get_schedule_start_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_start_time (), $current_time); $end_date = strtotime ($this->get_schedule_end_date () . ' ' . $this->get_schedule_end_time (), $current_time); $weekdays = explode (',', $this->get_schedule_weekdays ()); if (isset ($weekdays [0]) and $weekdays [0] === '') $weekdays = array (); // echo "
//        echo "current_time ", $current_time, " ", date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_time), "
"; // echo "start_date ", $start_date, " ", date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start_date), "
"; // echo "end_date ", $end_date, " ", date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end_date), "
"; // echo "post_date ", $post_date, " ", date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", $post_date), "
"; // echo "
"; $insertion_enabled = $post_date < $start_date || $post_date >= $end_date || !in_array ($post_weekday, $weekdays); if (!$insertion_enabled) { if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL])) $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] = 1; else $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] ++; $fallback = intval ($this->get_scheduling_fallback()); if ($fallback != $this->number && $fallback != 0 && $fallback <= 96 && $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] <= 2) { $this->fallback = $fallback; return true; } $ai_wp_data [AI_FALLBACK_LEVEL] --; } return ($insertion_enabled); break; default: return true; break; } } function check_referer () { return check_referer_list ($this->get_ad_domain_list(), $this->get_ad_domain_list_type() == AI_WHITE_LIST); } function check_client () { return check_client_list ($this->get_client_list(), $this->get_client_list_type() == AI_WHITE_LIST); } function check_number_of_words (&$content = null, $number_of_words = 0) { global $ai_last_check, $ai_wp_data; $minimum_words = intval ($this->get_minimum_words()); $maximum_words = intval ($this->get_maximum_words()); if ($minimum_words == 0 && $maximum_words == 0) return true; // if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_POST || $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_STATIC) { if ($number_of_words == 0) { if (!isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_WORD_COUNT])) { if ($content === null) { $content = ''; $content_post = get_post (); if (isset ($content_post->post_content)) $content = $content_post->post_content; } $number_of_words = number_of_words ($content); } else $number_of_words = $ai_wp_data [AI_WORD_COUNT]; } // } else $number_of_words = 0; // Cache word count only on single pages if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_POST || $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_STATIC) $ai_wp_data [AI_WORD_COUNT] = $number_of_words; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MIN_NUMBER_OF_WORDS; if ($number_of_words < $minimum_words) return false; if ($maximum_words <= 0) $maximum_words = 1000000; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORDS; if ($number_of_words > $maximum_words) return false; return true; } function check_number_of_words_in_paragraph ($content, $min, $max) { $number_of_words = number_of_words ($content); if ($max <= 0) $max = 1000000; if ($number_of_words < $min || $number_of_words > $max) return false; return true; } function server_side_check () { global $ai_wp_data; return get_dynamic_blocks () == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_SERVER_SIDE || ((get_dynamic_blocks () == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_SHOW || get_dynamic_blocks () == AI_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERT) && $ai_wp_data [AI_WP_AMP_PAGE]); } function check_page_types_lists_users ($ignore_page_types = false) { global $ai_last_check, $ai_wp_data; if (!$ignore_page_types) { if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_HOMEPAGE){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_FRONT_PAGE; if (!$this->get_display_settings_home()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_STATIC){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_STATIC_PAGE; if (!$this->get_display_settings_page()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_POST){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_POST; if (!$this->get_display_settings_post()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_CATEGORY){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_CATEGORY; if (!$this->get_display_settings_category()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_SEARCH){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_SEARCH; if (!$this->get_display_settings_search()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_ARCHIVE){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_ARCHIVE; if (!$this->get_display_settings_archive()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_FEED){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_FEED; if (!$this->get_enable_feed()) return false; } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_404){ $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_PAGE_TYPE_404; if (!$this->get_enable_404()) return false; } } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_CATEGORY; if (!$this->check_category ()) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_TAG; if (!$this->check_tag ()) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_TAXONOMY; if (!$this->check_taxonomy ()) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_ID; if (!$this->check_id ()) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_URL; if (!$this->check_url ()) return false; $server_side_check = $this->server_side_check (); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_URL_PARAMETER; switch ($server_side_check) { case true: if (!check_url_parameter_and_cookie_list ($this->get_url_parameter_list(), $this->get_url_parameter_list_type() == AI_WHITE_LIST)) return false; break; default: $url_parameter_found = false; $url_parameter_list_pass = check_url_parameter_list ($this->get_url_parameter_list(), $this->get_url_parameter_list_type() == AI_WHITE_LIST, $url_parameter_found); if ($url_parameter_found && !$url_parameter_list_pass) return false; if (!$url_parameter_found) $this->client_side_cookie_check_url = true; break; } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_COOKIE; switch ($server_side_check) { case true: if (!check_cookie_list ($this->get_cookie_list(), $this->get_cookie_list_type() == AI_WHITE_LIST)) return false; break; default: $this->client_side_cookie_check = true; break; } if ($server_side_check) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_REFERER; if (!$this->check_referer ()) return false; } if ($server_side_check) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_CLIENT; if (!$this->check_client ()) return false; } if (function_exists ('ai_check_lists')) { if (!ai_check_lists ($this, $server_side_check)) return false; } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_SCHEDULING; if (!$this->check_scheduling ($server_side_check)) return false; $display_for_users = $this->get_display_for_users (); $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_LOGGED_IN_USER; if ($display_for_users == AI_DISPLAY_LOGGED_IN_USERS && ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_USER] & AI_USER_LOGGED_IN) != AI_USER_LOGGED_IN) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USER; if ($display_for_users == AI_DISPLAY_NOT_LOGGED_IN_USERS && ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_USER] & AI_USER_LOGGED_IN) == AI_USER_LOGGED_IN) return false; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_ADMINISTRATOR; if ($display_for_users == AI_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATORS && ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_USER] & AI_USER_ADMINISTRATOR) != AI_USER_ADMINISTRATOR) return false; if (function_exists ('ai_check_impression_and_click_limits')) { if ($server_side_check && !ai_check_impression_and_click_limits ($this->number)) return false; } return true; } function check_post_page_exceptions ($selected_blocks) { global $ai_last_check, $ai_wp_data; if (isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_POSTS]) || isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_ENABLED_ON_WHICH_PAGES])) { // Use old settings if ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_POST) { $enabled_on = $this->get_ad_enabled_on_which_posts (); if ($enabled_on == AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; if (in_array ($this->number, $selected_blocks)) return false; } elseif ($enabled_on == AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; if (!in_array ($this->number, $selected_blocks)) return false; } } elseif ($ai_wp_data [AI_WP_PAGE_TYPE] == AI_PT_STATIC) { $enabled_on = $this->get_ad_enabled_on_which_pages (); if ($enabled_on == AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; if (in_array ($this->number, $selected_blocks)) return false; } elseif ($enabled_on == AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED) { $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; if (!in_array ($this->number, $selected_blocks)) return false; } } return true; } if (!$this->get_exceptions_enabled ()) return true; switch ($this->get_exceptions_function ()) { case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_ENABLED: $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INDIVIDUALLY_DISABLED; if (in_array ($this->number, $selected_blocks)) return false; break; case AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED: $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_INDIVIDUALLY_ENABLED; if (!in_array ($this->number, $selected_blocks)) return false; break; } return true; } function check_filter ($counter_for_filter) { global $ai_last_check, $ad_inserter_globals, $page; $filter_ok = $this->get_inverted_filter() ? false : true; $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_FILTER; $filter_settings = trim (str_replace (' ', '', $this->get_call_filter())); if (empty ($filter_settings)) return $filter_ok; switch ($this->get_filter_type ()) { case AI_FILTER_PHP_FUNCTION_CALLS: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_PHP_FUNCTION_CALL_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_PHP_FUNCTION_CALL_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_CONTENT_PROCESSING: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_CONTENT_COUNTER_NAME])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_CONTENT_COUNTER_NAME]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_EXCERPT_PROCESSING: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_EXCERPT_COUNTER_NAME])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_EXCERPT_COUNTER_NAME]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_BEFORE_POST_PROCESSING: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_BEFORE_COUNTER_NAME])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_BEFORE_COUNTER_NAME]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_AFTER_POST_PROCESSING: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_AFTER_COUNTER_NAME])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_LOOP_AFTER_COUNTER_NAME]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_WIDGET_DRAWING: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_WIDGET_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_WIDGET_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_SUBPAGES: if (isset ($page)) $counter_for_filter = $page; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_POSTS: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_POST_COUNTER_NAME])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_POST_COUNTER_NAME]; else return !$filter_ok; break; case AI_FILTER_PARAGRAPHS: case AI_FILTER_IMAGES: return true; break; case AI_FILTER_COMMENTS: if (isset ($ad_inserter_globals [AI_COMMENT_COUNTER_NAME])) $counter_for_filter = $ad_inserter_globals [AI_COMMENT_COUNTER_NAME]; else return !$filter_ok; break; } $filter_values = array (); if (strpos ($filter_settings, ",") !== false) { $filter_values = explode (",", $filter_settings); } else $filter_values []= $filter_settings; foreach ($filter_values as $filter_value) { $filter_value = trim ($filter_value); if (isset ($filter_value [0]) && $filter_value [0] == '%') { $mod_value = substr ($filter_value, 1); $offset_value = 0; if (strpos ($mod_value, '@') !== false) { $mod_value_array = explode ('@', $mod_value); $mod_value = $mod_value_array [0]; $offset_value = $mod_value_array [1]; } // if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0) { if (is_numeric ($mod_value) && $mod_value > 0 && is_numeric ($offset_value)) { // if ($counter_for_filter % $mod_value == 0) return $filter_ok; if ($counter_for_filter >= $offset_value && ($counter_for_filter - $offset_value) % $mod_value == 0) return $filter_ok; } } } return in_array ($counter_for_filter, $filter_values) xor !$filter_ok; } function check_and_increment_block_counter () { global $ad_inserter_globals, $ai_last_check; $global_name = AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number; $max_insertions = intval ($this->get_maximum_insertions ()); if (!isset ($ad_inserter_globals [$global_name])) { $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] = 0; } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MAX_INSERTIONS; if ($max_insertions != 0 && $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] >= $max_insertions) return false; $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] ++; return true; } function check_block_counter () { global $ad_inserter_globals, $ai_last_check; $global_name = AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number; $max_insertions = intval ($this->get_maximum_insertions ()); if (!isset ($ad_inserter_globals [$global_name])) { $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] = 0; } $ai_last_check = AI_CHECK_MAX_INSERTIONS; if ($max_insertions != 0 && $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] >= $max_insertions) return false; return true; } function increment_block_counter () { global $ad_inserter_globals; if ($this->number == 0) return; $global_name = AI_BLOCK_COUNTER_NAME . $this->number; if (!isset ($ad_inserter_globals [$global_name])) { $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] = 0; } $ad_inserter_globals [$global_name] ++; return; } function extract_features (){ global $ai_wp_data; // AI_SERVER_SIDE_DETECTION // AI_CLIENT_SIDE_DETECTION // AI_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERTION // AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT // AI_TRACKING // AI_CLOSE_BUTTONS // AI_IFRAMES // AI_ANIMATION // AI_LAZY_LOADING // AI_GEOLOCATION // if ($this->get_detection_server_side()) echo "#", $this->number; // echo "#", $this->number; // return; if ($this->get_detection_server_side()) $ai_wp_data [AI_SERVER_SIDE_DETECTION] = true; if (trim ($this->get_client_list ()) != '') $ai_wp_data [AI_MOBILE_DETECT_JS] = true; if ($this->get_detection_client_side ()) { $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_DETECTION] = true; if ($this->get_client_side_action () == AI_CLIENT_SIDE_ACTION_INSERT) { $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERTION] = true; } } else { $code = $this->get_ad_data(); if (stripos ($code, '[adinserter') !== false) { if (stripos ($code, 'viewport=') !== false) { $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_DETECTION] = true; $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERTION] = true; } if (stripos ($code, 'fallback=') !== false) { $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERTION] = true; } } } if (function_exists ('ai_extract_features_2')) ai_extract_features_2 ($this); if ($this->stick_to_the_content_class () != '' || $this->get_background ()) $ai_wp_data [AI_STICK_TO_THE_CONTENT] = true; switch ($this->get_automatic_insertion()) { case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_HTML_ELEMENT: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_HTML_ELEMENT: if ($this->get_html_element_insertion () != AI_HTML_INSERTION_SEREVR_SIDE) $ai_wp_data [AI_CLIENT_SIDE_INSERTION] = true; break; } } } class ai_Block extends ai_CodeBlock { public function __construct ($number) { parent::__construct(); $this->number = $number; } } class ai_AdH extends ai_BaseCodeBlock { public function __construct () { parent::__construct(); $this->number = 'H'; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME] = 'HEADER'; } } class ai_AdF extends ai_BaseCodeBlock { public function __construct () { parent::__construct(); $this->number = 'F'; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME] = 'FOOTER'; } } class ai_AdA extends ai_BaseCodeBlock { public function __construct () { parent::__construct(); $this->number = 'A'; $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_BLOCK_NAME] = 'AD BLOCKING MESSAGE'; } public function get_ad_data (){ $option = isset ($this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CODE]) ? $this->wp_options [AI_OPTION_CODE] : AI_DEFAULT_ADB_MESSAGE; if ($option == AD_EMPTY_DATA) $option = AI_DEFAULT_ADB_MESSAGE; return $option; } } class ai_Walker_Comment extends Walker_Comment { public function comment_callback ($comment, $args, $depth) { if (($comment->comment_type == 'pingback' || $comment->comment_type == 'trackback') && $args ['short_ping']) { $this->ping ($comment, $depth, $args); } elseif ($args['format'] === 'html5') { $this->html5_comment ($comment, $depth, $args); } else { $this->comment ($comment, $depth, $args); } } } class ai_code_generator { public function __construct () { } public function generate ($data){ $code = ''; switch ($data ['generate-code']) { case AI_CODE_BANNER: $code = ''; if (isset ($data ['image']) && $data ['image'] != '') { $attributes = ''; if (isset ($data ['loading']) && $data ['loading'] != '') { $attributes .= ' loading="'.esc_html ($data ['loading']).'"'; } if (isset ($data ['alt']) && $data ['alt'] != '') { $attributes .= ' alt="'.esc_html ($data ['alt']).'"'; } $code = ''; } if (isset ($data ['link']) && $data ['link'] != '') { $code = '' . $code . ''; } break; case AI_CODE_ADSENSE: $adsense_size = ($data ['adsense-width'] != '' ? ' width: '. esc_html ($data ['adsense-width']). 'px;' : '') . ($data ['adsense-height'] != '' ? ' height: '.esc_html ($data ['adsense-height']).'px;' : ''); switch ($data ['adsense-type']) { case AI_ADSENSE_AMP_ONLY: $code = ''; break; default: $code = ''; if ($data ['adsense-comment']) $code .= "\n"; $adsense_full_width_responsive = $data ['adsense-full-width-responsive'] != '' ? "\n".' data-full-width-responsive="' . esc_html ($data ['adsense-full-width-responsive']) . '"' : ''; break; } switch ($data ['adsense-type']) { case AI_ADSENSE_STANDARD: switch ($data ['adsense-size']) { case AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED: // Normal $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED_BY_VIEWPORT: $code = $this->adsense_size_styles ($data) . $code; // Normal $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_RESPONSIVE: // Responsive $code .= ' '; break; } break; case AI_ADSENSE_LINK: switch ($data ['adsense-size']) { case AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED: // Normal $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED_BY_VIEWPORT: $code = $this->adsense_size_styles ($data) . $code; // Normal $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_RESPONSIVE: // Responsive $code .= ' '; break; } break; case AI_ADSENSE_IN_ARTICLE: $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_IN_FEED: $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_MATCHED_CONTENT: $code .= ' '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_AUTO: $code .= ' '; break; } if ($data ['adsense-amp'] != AI_ADSENSE_AMP_DISABLED) { if ($code != '') { $code .= ' '; } switch ($data ['adsense-amp']) { case AI_ADSENSE_AMP_AUTO: $code .= '[ADINSERTER AMP] '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_AMP_ABOVE_THE_FOLD: $code .= '[ADINSERTER AMP] '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_AMP_FIXED: $code .= '[ADINSERTER AMP] '; break; case AI_ADSENSE_AMP_BELOW_THE_FOLD: $code .= '[ADINSERTER AMP]
'; break; case AI_ADSENSE_AMP_STICKY: if ($data ['adsense-width'] == '') { $data ['adsense-width'] = 320; } if ($data ['adsense-height'] == '') { $data ['adsense-height'] = 50; } $code .= '[ADINSERTER AMP] '; break; } } break; case AI_CODE_AMAZON: $code_lines = explode ("\n", stripslashes ($data ['amazon-data'])); $clean_code = ''; $regionurl = ''; $amp_lines = array (); foreach ($code_lines as $index => $code_line) { if (strpos ($code_line, 'regionurl') !== false) { unset ($code_lines [$index]); $regionurl = trim (str_replace ('regionurl', '', $code_line)); $regionurl = trim (ltrim ($regionurl, '=')); } else { $amp_lines [] = ' data-' . $code_lines [$index]; $code_lines [$index] = ' ' . $code_lines [$index] . ';'; } } $amazon_data = implode ("\n", $code_lines); $code .= ' '; if ($data ['amazon-amp']) { $code .= ' [ADINSERTER AMP] '; } break; } return $code; } public function adsense_size_styles ($data){ $code = ' '; return $code; } public function import ($code){ if (trim ($code) == '') { return array ('type' => AI_CODE_UNKNOWN); } $code_expanded_shortodes = do_shortcode ($code); $amp = false; $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_DISABLED; if (strpos ($code_expanded_shortodes, AD_AMP_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $amp = true; $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_ABOVE_THE_FOLD; } if (!class_exists ('DOMDocument')) { echo __('ERROR: class DOMDocument not found. Your webhost needs to install the DOM extension for PHP.', 'ad-inserter'); wp_die (); } try { $dom = new DOMDocument (); libxml_use_internal_errors (true); $dom->loadHTML ($code); libxml_clear_errors (); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'ERROR: ', $e->getMessage(); wp_die (); } // AdSense if (strpos ($code, 'data-ad-client') !== false) { $adsense_code = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('ins'); $adsense_code_amp = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('amp-ad'); $adsense_code_amp_sticky = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('amp-sticky-ad'); $adsense_code_amp_auto = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('amp-auto-ads'); if ($adsense_code_amp_sticky->length != 0) { $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_STICKY; } elseif ($adsense_code_amp_auto->length != 0) { $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_AUTO; } if ($adsense_code_amp->length == 0) { if ($adsense_code_amp_auto->length != 0) { $adsense_code_amp = $adsense_code_amp_auto; } } if ($adsense_code_amp->length != 0) { // $layout = $adsense_code_amp [0]->getAttribute ('layout'); // PHP 5.6.3 $layout = $adsense_code_amp->item (0)->getAttribute ('layout'); if ($adsense_amp != AI_ADSENSE_AMP_DISABLED) { switch ($layout) { case 'fixed-height': $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_ABOVE_THE_FOLD; break; case 'fixed': $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_FIXED; break; case 'nodisplay': $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_STICKY; break; default: $auto_format = $adsense_code_amp->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-auto-format'); if ($auto_format == "rspv") { $adsense_amp = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_BELOW_THE_FOLD; } break; } } if ($adsense_code->length == 0) $adsense_code = $adsense_code_amp; } if ($adsense_code->length != 0) { $data = array ( 'type' => AI_CODE_ADSENSE, 'adsense-publisher-id' => '', 'adsense-ad-slot-id' => '', 'adsense-type' => AI_ADSENSE_STANDARD, 'adsense-size' => AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED, 'adsense-width' => '', 'adsense-height' => '', 'adsense-layout' => '', 'adsense-layout-key' => '', 'adsense-full-width-responsive' => '', 'adsense-comment' => '', 'adsense-amp' => $adsense_amp, 'adsense-amp-block-on-consent' => '#', ); // $data ['adsense-publisher-id'] = str_replace ('ca-', '', $adsense_code [0]->getAttribute ('data-ad-client')); $data ['adsense-publisher-id'] = str_replace ('ca-', '', $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-ad-client')); // $data ['adsense-ad-slot-id'] = $adsense_code [0]->getAttribute ('data-ad-slot'); $data ['adsense-ad-slot-id'] = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-ad-slot'); if ($data ['adsense-ad-slot-id'] == '') { $data ['adsense-ad-slot-id'] = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-slot'); } // $adsense_style = $adsense_code [0]->getAttribute ('style'); $adsense_style = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('style'); $style_width = preg_match ("/width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/", $adsense_style, $width_match); if ($style_width) $data ['adsense-width'] = $width_match [1]; if ($data ['adsense-width'] == '') { $data ['adsense-width'] = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('width'); } $style_height = preg_match ("/height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/", $adsense_style, $height_match); if ($style_height) $data ['adsense-height'] = $height_match [1]; if ($data ['adsense-height'] == '') { $data ['adsense-height'] = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('height'); } $display = ''; $style_display = preg_match ("/display\s*:\s*([a-z\-]+)/", $adsense_style, $display_match); if ($style_display) $display = $display_match [1]; $adsense_class = trim ($adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('class')); $adsense_classes = explode (' ', $adsense_class); $adsense_size = !$style_width && !$style_height && $display == 'block' ? AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_RESPONSIVE : AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED; if (count ($adsense_classes) == 2 && !$style_width && !$style_height) { $adsense_size = AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED_BY_VIEWPORT; $viewport_class = $adsense_classes [1]; $style = preg_match ("##s", $code, $style_match); $style_lines = explode ("\n", trim ($style_match [1])); $viewport_data = array (); for ($viewport = 1; $viewport <= 6; $viewport ++) { $viewport_name = get_viewport_name ($viewport); $viewport_width = get_viewport_width ($viewport); if ($viewport_name != '') { $viewport_data []= array ('index' => $viewport, 'name' => $viewport_name, 'width' => $viewport_width); } } usort ($viewport_data, 'ai_compare_viewport'); $viewport_data = array_reverse ($viewport_data); $sizes = array (); $viewport_widths = array (); $viewport_indexes = array (); foreach ($viewport_data as $index => $viewport) { $viewport_name = $viewport ['name']; $viewport_width = $viewport ['width']; $viewport_index = $viewport ['index']; if ($viewport_name != '') { $viewport_widths [] = $viewport_width; $viewport_indexes [] = $viewport_index; $sizes []= array (0 => '', 1 => ''); } } if (count ($style_lines) == count ($sizes)) { foreach ($style_lines as $index => $style_line) { $viewport_index = $viewport_indexes [$index] - 1; if (strpos ($style_line, $viewport_class) !== false) { $min_width = preg_match ("/min-width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/", $style_line, $min_width_match); $viewport_width = $min_width ? $min_width_match [1] : 0; if ($viewport_width == $viewport_widths [$index]) { $styles = explode ($viewport_class, $style_line); $style_line = $styles [1]; $style_width = preg_match ("/width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/", $style_line, $width_match); $adsense_width = $style_width ? $width_match [1] : ''; $style_height = preg_match ("/height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/", $style_line, $height_match); $adsense_height = $style_height ? $height_match [1] : ''; $sizes [$viewport_index] = array (0 => $adsense_width, 1 => $adsense_height); } } else $sizes [$viewport_index] = array ('', ''); } } $data ['adsense-sizes'] = $sizes; } $data ['adsense-size'] = $adsense_size; $comment = preg_match ("##", $code, $comment_match); if ($comment) $data ['adsense-comment'] = trim ($comment_match [1]); // $adsense_ad_format = $adsense_code [0]->getAttribute ('data-ad-format'); $adsense_ad_format = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-ad-format'); if ($adsense_amp == AI_ADSENSE_AMP_STICKY) { $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_ONLY; } elseif ($adsense_amp == AI_ADSENSE_AMP_AUTO) { $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_AMP_ONLY; } else switch ($adsense_ad_format) { case '': break; case 'auto': break; case 'autorelaxed': $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_MATCHED_CONTENT; break; // case 'link': // $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_LINK; // break; case 'fluid': // $adsense_ad_layout = $adsense_code [0]->getAttribute ('data-ad-layout'); $adsense_ad_layout = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-ad-layout'); switch ($adsense_ad_layout) { case 'in-article': $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_IN_ARTICLE; break 2; } $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_IN_FEED; $data ['adsense-layout'] = $adsense_ad_layout; // $data ['adsense-layout-key'] = urlencode ($adsense_code [0]->getAttribute ('data-ad-layout-key')); $data ['adsense-layout-key'] = urlencode ($adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-ad-layout-key')); break; } $data ['adsense-full-width-responsive'] = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-full-width-responsive'); if ($adsense_code_amp->item (0) != null) { if ($adsense_code_amp->item (0)->hasAttribute ('data-block-on-consent')) { $data ['adsense-amp-block-on-consent'] = $adsense_code->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-block-on-consent'); } } return $data; } } // Old AdSense / AdSense Auto ads if (strpos ($code, 'google_ad_client') !== false) { $data = array ( 'type' => AI_CODE_ADSENSE, 'adsense-publisher-id' => '', 'adsense-ad-slot-id' => '', 'adsense-type' => AI_ADSENSE_STANDARD, 'adsense-size' => AI_ADSENSE_SIZE_FIXED, 'adsense-width' => '', 'adsense-height' => '', 'adsense-layout' => '', 'adsense-layout-key' => '', 'adsense-amp' => $adsense_amp, 'adsense-amp-block-on-consent' => '#', ); $comment = preg_match ("##", $code, $comment_match); if ($comment) $data ['adsense-comment'] = trim ($comment_match [1]); if (preg_match ("/google_ad_client.+[\"\'](.+?)[\"\']/", $code, $match)) { $data ['adsense-publisher-id'] = str_replace ('ca-', '', $match [1]); } if (preg_match ("/google_ad_slot.+[\"\'](.+?)[\"\']/", $code, $match)) { $data ['adsense-ad-slot-id'] = $match [1]; } if (preg_match ("/google_ad_width[^\d]+(\d+)/", $code, $match)) { $data ['adsense-width'] = $match [1]; } if (preg_match ("/google_ad_height[^\d]+(\d+)/", $code, $match)) { $data ['adsense-height'] = $match [1]; } if (preg_match ("/enable_page_level_ads[^\d]+true/", $code, $match)) { $data ['adsense-type'] = AI_ADSENSE_AUTO; } return $data; } // Amazon if (strpos ($code, 'amzn_assoc_') !== false) { $data = array ( 'type' => AI_CODE_AMAZON, 'amazon-amp' => AI_AMAZON_AMP_DISABLED, 'amazon-width' => '', 'amazon-height' => '200', 'amazon-amp-block-on-consent' => '#', ); if (strpos ($code, 'data-amzn_assoc_') !== false) { $data ['amazon-amp'] = AI_AMAZON_AMP_ENABLED; $amazon_amp_ad = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('amp-ad'); if ($amazon_amp_ad->item (0)->getAttribute ('width') != '') { $data ['amazon-width'] = $amazon_amp_ad->item (0)->getAttribute ('width'); } if ($amazon_amp_ad->item (0)->getAttribute ('height') != '') { $data ['amazon-height'] = $amazon_amp_ad->item (0)->getAttribute ('height'); } if ($amazon_amp_ad->item (0)->hasAttribute ('data-block-on-consent')) { $data ['amazon-amp-block-on-consent'] = $amazon_amp_ad->item (0)->getAttribute ('data-block-on-consent'); } } if (preg_match_all ("/(amzn_assoc_[^\s=]+?)\s*=\s*[\"](.+?)[\"]/", $code, $matches)) { $unique_matches = array (); $unique_matches_values = array (); foreach ($matches [1] as $index => $match) { $found = false; foreach ($unique_matches as $unique_match) { if ($match == $unique_match) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $unique_matches [] = $match; $unique_matches_values [] = $matches [2][$index]; } } $amazon_data = ''; foreach ($unique_matches as $index => $unique_match) { if ($amazon_data != '') $amazon_data .= "\n"; $amazon_data .= $unique_match . ' = "' . $unique_matches_values [$index] . '"'; } $amazon_script = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('script'); if ($amazon_script-> length >= 2) { $amazon_data .= "\n".'regionurl' . ' = "' . $amazon_script->item (1)->getAttribute ('src') . '"'; } $data ['amazon-data'] = $amazon_data; } return $data; } // Banner $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('a'); $images = $dom->getElementsByTagName ('img'); if ($links->length != 0 || $images->length != 0) { $data = array ('type' => AI_CODE_BANNER, 'image' => '', 'link' => '', 'target' => ''); if ($images->length != 0) { // $data ['image'] = $images [0]->getAttribute ('src'); $data ['image'] = $images->item (0)->getAttribute ('src'); $data ['alt'] = $images->item (0)->getAttribute ('alt'); $data ['loading'] = $images->item (0)->getAttribute ('loading'); } if ($links->length != 0) { // $data ['link'] = $links [0]->getAttribute ('href'); $data ['link'] = $links->item (0)->getAttribute ('href'); // $data ['target'] = $links [0]->getAttribute ('target'); $data ['target'] = $links->item (0)->getAttribute ('target'); } return $data; } return array ('type' => AI_CODE_UNKNOWN); } public function import_rotation ($code, $extract_check_names = false){ global $ai_expand_only_rotate_count_check, $ai_wp_data; $data = array ( 'options' => array ( array ( 'code' => $code, 'name' => '', 'share' => '', 'time' => '', ), ), ); $ai_expand_only_rotate_count_check = true; unset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate']); $code = do_shortcode ($code); $ai_expand_only_rotate_count_check = false; if (strpos ($code, AD_CHECK_SEPARATOR) !== false) { if (!$extract_check_names) { return $data; } if (function_exists ('ai_check_separators') && isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['check'][0]['check']) && $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['check'][0]['check'] == 'statistics') { $check_parameters = $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['check']; $options = explode (AD_CHECK_SEPARATOR, $code); $data ['options'] = array (); foreach ($options as $index => $option) { $option_code = trim ($option, "\n"); $option_name = isset ($check_parameters [$index - 1]['name']) ? $check_parameters [$index - 1]['name'] : ''; $option_index = isset ($check_parameters [$index - 1]['index']) && $check_parameters [$index - 1]['index'] != '' ? (int) $check_parameters [$index - 1]['index'] : $index; // Skip option before first CHECK shortcode (always inserted) if ($option_index == 0) continue; $data ['options'][$option_index - 1] = array ('name' => $option_name); } } return $data; } preg_match_all ('/\|count([0-9]+?)\|/', $code, $matches); if (count ($matches [1]) != 0) { return $data; } preg_match_all ('/\|rotate([0-9]+?)\|/', $code, $matches); if (count ($matches [1]) != 0) { $rotate_parameters = array (); foreach ($matches [1] as $match) { $rotate_parameters []= $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate'][$match]; } $code = preg_replace ('/\|rotate([0-9]+?)\|/', AD_ROTATE_SEPARATOR, $code); } else if (isset ($ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate'])) $rotate_parameters = $ai_wp_data [AI_SHORTCODES]['rotate']; if (strpos ($code, AD_ROTATE_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $options = explode (AD_ROTATE_SEPARATOR, $code); $data ['options'] = array (); foreach ($options as $index => $option) { $option_code = trim ($option, "\n"); $rotation_groups = 0; if (isset ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['group']) && $rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['group'] != '') { $rotation_groups = 1; $option_name = $rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['group']; $option_share = ''; $option_time = ''; $option_scheduling = ''; } else { $option_name = isset ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['name']) ? $rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['name'] : ''; if (isset ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share'])) { if (is_numeric ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share'])) { $option_share = intval ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share']); } elseif (strpos (strtolower ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share']), 'ctr') === 0) { $option_share = $rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share']; } else $option_share = ''; } // $option_share = isset ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share']) && is_numeric ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share']) ? intval ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['share']) : ''; $option_time = isset ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['time']) && is_numeric ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['time']) ? intval ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['time']) : ''; $option_scheduling = isset ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['scheduling']) && strpos ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['scheduling'], '%') !== false && strpos ($rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['scheduling'], '=') !== false ? $rotate_parameters [$index - 1]['scheduling'] : ''; } if ($index == 0 && $option_code == '') continue; $data ['options'] []= array ('code' => $option_code, 'name' => $option_name, 'share' => $option_share, 'time' => $option_time, 'scheduling' => $option_scheduling, 'groups' => $rotation_groups); } } return $data; } public function generate_rotation ($rotation_data){ if (count ($rotation_data) == 1) { $rotation_code = trim ($rotation_data [0]['code']); } else { $rotation_code = ''; $rotation_groups = $rotation_data [0]['groups']; foreach ($rotation_data as $index => $rotation_data_row) { $name = trim ($rotation_data_row ['name']); $share = trim ($rotation_data_row ['share']); $scheduling = trim ($rotation_data_row ['scheduling']); $time = trim ($rotation_data_row ['time']); $code = trim ($rotation_data_row ['code'], "\n"); if ($index != 0 || $name != '' || $share != '' || $scheduling != ''|| $time != '') { $shortcode = "" ; if ($index != 0) $shortcode .= "\n\n"; $shortcode .= '[ADINSERTER ROTATE'; if ($rotation_groups) { if ($name != '') $shortcode .= ' group="'.str_replace ('"', '\'', $name).'"'; } else { if ($name != '') $shortcode .= ' name="'.str_replace ('"', '\'', $name).'"'; if ($share != '') $shortcode .= ' share="'.str_replace ('"', '\'', $share).'"'; if ($scheduling != '') $shortcode .= ' scheduling="'.str_replace ('"', '\'', $scheduling).'"'; if ($time != '') $shortcode .= ' time="'.str_replace ('"', '\'', $time).'"'; } $shortcode .= "]\n\n"; } else $shortcode = ''; $rotation_code .= $shortcode . $code; } } return $rotation_code; } } class ai_block_labels { var $class; var $text_color; var $left_text; var $right_text; public function __construct ($class = '') { $this->class = $class == '' ? 'ai-debug-default' : $class; $this->text_color = ''; $this->left_text = ''; $this->right_text = ''; } public function block_start () { return "
\n"; } public function block_end () { return "
\n"; } public function bar ($left_text, $left_title = '', $center_text = '', $right_text = '', $right_title = '', $additional_class = '') { return "
" . $this->invisible_start () . $this->bar_text_left ($left_text, $left_title) . $this->bar_text_center ($center_text) . $this->bar_text_right ($right_text, $right_title) . $this->invisible_end () . "
\n"; } public function bar_hidden_viewport ($left_text, $left_title = '', $center_text = '', $right_text = '', $right_title = '') { return "
" . $this->invisible_start () . $this->bar_text_left ($left_text, $left_title) . $this->bar_text_center ($center_text) . $this->bar_text_right ($right_text, $right_title) . $this->invisible_end () . "
\n"; } public function center_bar ($center_text) { return "
" . $this->left_text . $this->invisible_start () . // "".$this->left_text."" . $this->bar_text_center ($center_text) . // "".$this->right_text."" . $this->invisible_end () . "
\n"; } public function bar_text_left ($text, $title) { // $this->left_text = $text; return "$text"; } public function bar_text_center ($text) { return " $text "; } public function bar_text_right ($text, $title) { // $this->right_text = $text; return "$text"; } public function invisible_start () { return '[AI]'; } public function invisible_end () { return '[/AI]'; } public function message ($text, $attr = '') { return "
" . $this->invisible_start () . $text . $this->invisible_end () . "
\n"; } public function adb_hidden_section_start () { return "
"; } public function adb_hidden_section_end () { return "
\n"; } public function adb_visible_section_start () { return "
"; } public function adb_visible_section_end () { return "
\n"; } }