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If the premium plugin runs earlier, the free plugin still needs a chance to define it. } } if ( !defined( 'TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_KERNL' ) ) { if ( defined( 'CM_TGP_KERNL_UUID' ) && CM_TGP_KERNL_UUID != '' || defined( 'CM_TGP_BETA_PLUGIN_UUID' ) && CM_TGP_BETA_PLUGIN_UUID != '' ) { define( 'TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_KERNL', true ); } else { define( 'TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_KERNL', false ); } } if ( !defined( 'TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { /** * The plugin's relative path (starting below the plugin directory), including the name of this file. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_BASENAME", plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); /** * The required minimum version of WordPress. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_MINIMUM_VERSION_WP", "4.0" ); /** * Comma-separated list of default themes that come bundled with this plugin. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_BUILT_IN_THEMES", "ui-gray,ui-lightness,ui-darkness,blitzer,aristo" ); /** * The theme that is selected by default. Must be among TAG_GROUPS_BUILT_IN_THEMES. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_STANDARD_THEME", "ui-gray" ); /** * The default number of groups on one page on the edit group screen. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE", 20 ); /** * This plugin's last piece of the path, i.e. basically the plugin's name */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_RELATIVE_PATH", basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ); /** * This plugin's absolute path on this server - starting from root. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH", dirname( __FILE__ ) ); /** * The path to the premium plugin main file. * Codester-default was wp-tag-groups-premium.php, Freemium-generated is wp-tag-groups.php */ // use: WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_BASENAME /** * The full URL (including protocol) of the RSS channel that informas about updates. */ define( "TAG_GROUPS_UPDATES_RSS_URL", "https://chattymango.com/category/updates/wp-tag-groups-free/feed/" ); } /** * Make scope of $tag_groups_loader global for wp-cli */ global $tag_groups_loader ; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/include/class.loader.php'; $tag_groups_loader = new TagGroups_Loader( TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH ); $tag_groups_loader->require_classes(); // Load the Freemius SDK only if we don't have the Kernl update SDK if ( !TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_KERNL && !function_exists( 'tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk' ) ) { // Create a helper function for easy SDK access. function tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk() { global $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk ; if ( !isset( $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk ) ) { // Include Freemius SDK. require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/vendor/freemius/start.php'; $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk = fs_dynamic_init( array( 'id' => '3545', 'slug' => 'wp-tag-groups', 'type' => 'plugin', 'public_key' => 'pk_de9caa44b85150adcf7406ad2e895', 'is_premium' => false, 'has_addons' => false, 'has_paid_plans' => true, 'trial' => array( 'days' => 7, 'is_require_payment' => true, ), 'menu' => array( 'slug' => 'wp-tag-groups-settings', 'first-path' => 'admin.php?page=wp-tag-groups-settings-first-steps', 'contact' => false, ), 'is_live' => true, ) ); } return $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk; } // Init Freemius. tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk(); // Signal that SDK was initiated. do_action( 'tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk_loaded' ); global $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk ; $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk->add_filter( 'show_first_trial_after_n_sec', array( 'TagGroups_Base', 'change_time_show_first_trial' ) ); $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk->add_filter( 'reshow_trial_after_every_n_sec', array( 'TagGroups_Base', 'change_time_reshow_trial' ) ); $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk->add_filter( 'show_admin_notice', array( 'TagGroups_Base', 'change_show_admin_notice' ), 10, 2 ); if ( !TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_KERNL ) { $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk->add_action( 'after_uninstall', array( 'TagGroups_Activation_Deactivation', 'on_uninstall' ) ); } } else { global $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk ; if ( empty($tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk) ) { $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk = new FS_SDK_Kernl(); } } if ( !function_exists( 'tag_groups_init' ) ) { /** * Do all initial stuff: register hooks, check dependencies * * * @param void * @return void */ function tag_groups_init() { global $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk, $tag_groups_loader ; // global $tagGroups_Base_instance; if ( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) != 'wp-tag-groups/wp-tag-groups.php' ) { // TGP-Codester or TGP-Freemius if ( defined( 'TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_FREE' ) && TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_IS_FREE ) { /** * The free version is also active. */ /** * Make sure we don't delete data by removing the base plugin by returning data removal to opt-in: * Set the option to OFF and keep, because removing the plugin might only happen later. */ update_option( 'tag_group_reset_when_uninstall', 0 ); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; deactivate_plugins( 'wp-tag-groups/wp-tag-groups.php', true ); // add the hook directly add_action( 'admin_notices', function () { echo '

' . __( 'The free Tag Groups plugin cannot be active together with Tag Groups Premium.', 'wp-tag-groups' ) . '

' ; } ); /** * Remove the misleading "Plugin activated" messaage */ unset( $_GET['activate'] ); } } // URL must be defined after WP has finished loading its settings if ( !defined( 'TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) { define( "TAG_GROUPS_PLUGIN_URL", plugins_url( '', __FILE__ ) ); // start all initializations, registration of hooks, housekeeping, menus, ... $tag_groups_loader->set_version(); $tag_groups_loader->check_preconditions(); $tag_groups_loader->provide_globals(); $tag_groups_loader->add_hooks(); $tag_groups_loader->register_shortcodes_and_blocks(); $tag_groups_loader->register_REST_API(); } } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'tag_groups_init' ); register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( $tag_groups_loader, 'on_activation' ) ); } if ( !function_exists( 'tag_groups_cloud' ) && class_exists( 'TagGroups_Shortcode_Tabs' ) ) { /** * * Wrapper for the static method tag_groups_cloud * * @param array $atts * @param bool $return_array * @return string */ function tag_groups_cloud( $atts = array(), $return_array = false ) { return TagGroups_Shortcode_Tabs::tag_groups_cloud( $atts, $return_array ); } } if ( !function_exists( 'tag_groups_accordion' ) && class_exists( 'TagGroups_Shortcode_Accordion' ) ) { /** * * Wrapper for the static method tag_groups_accordion * * @param array $atts * @return string */ function tag_groups_accordion( $atts = array() ) { return TagGroups_Shortcode_Accordion::tag_groups_accordion( $atts ); } } if ( !function_exists( 'post_in_tag_group' ) ) { /** * Checks if the post with $post_id has a tag that is in the tag group with $tag_group_id. * * @param int $post_id * @param int $tag_group_id * @return boolean */ function post_in_tag_group( $post_id, $tag_group_id ) { global $tag_groups_premium_fs_sdk ; if ( class_exists( 'TagGroups_Premium_Post' ) ) { } else { $tag_group_taxonomy = TagGroups_Taxonomy::get_enabled_taxonomies(); $tags = get_the_terms( $post_id, $tag_group_taxonomy ); if ( $tags ) { foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { if ( $tag->term_group == $tag_group_id ) { return true; } } } return false; } } } /** * guess what - the end */