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'; echo '

'; printf( // translators: %1$s is a plugin nicename, %2$s is a short url (slug) __( 'You have been using %1$s for some time now. Thank you! Could you kindly share your opinion with me, along with, maybe, features you would like to see implemented? Then, please write a little review. That will also bring me joy and motivation, and I will get back to you :) In the case you already have written a review, please check again. Many reviews got removed from WordPress recently.', $this->domain ), $this->nice_name_from_file( $this->mainfile ), $this->nice_short_url_from_file( $this->mainfile ) ); echo '

'; echo '
'; } function nice_short_url_from_file( $file ) { $info = pathinfo( $file ); if ( !empty( $info ) ) { $info['filename'] = str_replace( '-pro', '', $info['filename'] ); return $info['filename']; } return ""; } function nice_name_from_file( $file ) { $info = pathinfo( $file ); if ( !empty( $info ) ) { if ( $info['filename'] == 'wplr-sync' ) { return "WP/LR Sync"; } $info['filename'] = str_replace( '-', ' ', $info['filename'] ); $file = ucwords( $info['filename'] ); } return $file; } function admin_notices_licensed_free() { if ( isset( $_POST[$this->prefix . '_reset_sub'] ) ) { delete_option( $this->prefix . '_pro_serial' ); delete_option( $this->prefix . '_license' ); return; } echo '
'; printf( // translators: %s is a plugin nicename __( '

It looks like you are using the free version of the plugin (%s) but a license for the Pro version was also found. The Pro version might have been replaced by the Free version during an update (might be caused by a temporarily issue). If it is the case, please download it again from the Meow Store. If you wish to continue using the free version and clear this message, click on this button.', $this->domain ), $this->nice_name_from_file( $this->mainfile ) ); echo '

'; echo '
'; } function display_ads() { return !get_option( 'meowapps_hide_ads', false ); } function display_title( $title = "Meow Apps", $author = "By Jordy Meow" ) { if ( !empty( $this->prefix ) && $title !== "Meow Apps" ) $title = apply_filters( $this->prefix . '_plugin_title', $title ); if ( $this->display_ads() ) { } ?>

common_url( 'admin.css' ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'meowapps-core-css' ); } function admin_menu_start() { if ( get_option( 'meowapps_hide_meowapps', false ) ) { register_setting( 'general', 'meowapps_hide_meowapps' ); add_settings_field( 'meowapps_hide_ads', 'Meow Apps Menu', array( $this, 'meowapps_hide_dashboard_callback' ), 'general' ); return; } // Creates standard menu if it does NOT exist global $submenu; if ( !isset( $submenu[ 'meowapps-main-menu' ] ) ) { add_menu_page( 'Meow Apps', 'Meow AppsMeow Apps', 'manage_options', 'meowapps-main-menu', array( $this, 'admin_meow_apps' ), '', 82 ); add_submenu_page( 'meowapps-main-menu', __( 'Dashboard', $this->domain ), __( 'Dashboard', $this->domain ), 'manage_options', 'meowapps-main-menu', array( $this, 'admin_meow_apps' ) ); } add_settings_section( 'meowapps_common_settings', null, null, 'meowapps_common_settings-menu' ); add_settings_field( 'meowapps_hide_meowapps', __( 'Main Menu', $this->domain ), array( $this, 'meowapps_hide_dashboard_callback' ), 'meowapps_common_settings-menu', 'meowapps_common_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'meowapps_force_sslverify', __( 'SSL Verify', $this->domain ), array( $this, 'meowapps_force_sslverify_callback' ), 'meowapps_common_settings-menu', 'meowapps_common_settings' ); // add_settings_field( 'meowapps_hide_ads', __( 'Ads', $this->domain ), // array( $this, 'meowapps_hide_ads_callback' ), // 'meowapps_common_settings-menu', 'meowapps_common_settings' ); register_setting( 'meowapps_common_settings', 'force_sslverify' ); register_setting( 'meowapps_common_settings', 'meowapps_hide_meowapps' ); register_setting( 'meowapps_common_settings', 'meowapps_hide_ads' ); } function meowapps_hide_ads_callback() { $value = get_option( 'meowapps_hide_ads', null ); $html = ''; $html .= __( '
Doesn\'t display the ads.', $this->domain ); echo $html; } function meowapps_hide_dashboard_callback() { $value = get_option( 'meowapps_hide_meowapps', null ); $html = ''; $html .= __( '
Hide Meow Apps menu and all its components, for a cleaner admin. This option will be reset if a new Meow Apps plugin is installed. Once activated, an option will be added in your General settings to display it again.', $this->domain ); echo $html; } function meowapps_force_sslverify_callback() { $value = get_option( 'force_sslverify', null ); $html = ''; $html .= __( '
Updates and licenses checks are usually made without checking SSL certificates and it is actually fine this way. But if you are intransigent when it comes to SSL matters, this option will force it.', $this->domain ); echo $html; } function display_serialkey_box( $url = "https://meowapps.com/" ) { $html = '
'; $html .= '

' . __( 'Pro Version', $this->domain ) . ' ' . ( $this->is_registered( $this->prefix ) ? __( '(enabled)', $this->domain ) : __( '(disabled)', $this->domain ) ) . '

'; $html .= '
'; echo $html; $html = apply_filters( $this->prefix . '_meowapps_license_input', sprintf( // translators: %1$s is a url attribute, %2$s is a url visible for user __( 'More information about the Pro version here: %2$s. If you actually bought the Pro version already, please remove the current plugin and download the Pro version from your account at the Meow Apps Store.', $this->domain ), $url, $url ), $url ); $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; echo $html; } function is_registered() { return apply_filters( $this->prefix . '_meowapps_is_registered', false, $this->prefix ); } function check_install( $plugin ) { $pro = false; $pluginpath = trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . '../../' . $plugin . '-pro'; if ( !file_exists( $pluginpath ) ) { $pluginpath = trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . '../../' . $plugin; if ( !file_exists( $pluginpath ) ) { $url = wp_nonce_url( "update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=$plugin", "install-plugin_$plugin" ); return "" . __( 'install', $this->domain ) . ""; } } else { $pro = true; $plugin = $plugin . "-pro"; } $plugin_file = $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php'; if ( is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ) ) { if ( $plugin == 'wplr-sync' ) $pro = true; if ( $pro ) return ""; else return ""; } else { $url = wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $plugin_file ), 'activate-plugin_' . $plugin_file ); return 'off (' . __( 'enable', $this->domain ) . ')'; } } function common_url( $file ) { die( __( "Meow Apps: The function common_url( \$file ) needs to be overriden.", $this->domain ) ); // Normally, this should be used: // return plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . ( '\/common\/' . $file ); } function meowapps_logo_url() { return $this->common_url( 'img/meowapps.png' ); } function plugins_loaded() { if ( isset( $_GET[ 'tool' ] ) && $_GET[ 'tool' ] == 'error_log' ) { $sec = "5"; header( "Refresh: $sec;" ); } } function admin_meow_apps() { echo '
'; if ( isset( $_GET['tool'] ) && $_GET['tool'] == 'phpinfo' ) { echo "< ". __( 'Go back', $this->domain ) . "

"; echo '
'; ob_start(); phpinfo(); $pinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $pinfo = preg_replace( '%^.*(.*).*$%ms','$1', $pinfo ); echo $pinfo; echo "
"; } else if ( isset( $_GET['tool'] ) && $_GET['tool'] == 'error_log' ) { $log_msg = __( '=== MEOW APPS DEBUG (This is not an error) ===', $this->domain ); if ( isset( $_POST['write_logs'] ) ) { error_log( $log_msg ); } $errorpath = ini_get( 'error_log' ); echo "< ". __( 'Go back', $this->domain ) . "

"; echo '

'; echo '
'; if ( file_exists( $errorpath ) ) { printf( // translators: %s is a preformatted timestamp __( "Now (auto-reload every 5 seconds): [%s UTC]", $this->domain ), date( "d-M-Y H:i:s", time() ) ); echo "

" . __( 'Errors (order by latest)', $this->domain ) . "

"; $errors = file_get_contents( $errorpath ); $errors = explode( "\n", $errors ); $errors = array_reverse( $errors ); $errors = implode( "
", $errors ); echo $errors; } else { _e( "The PHP Error Logs cannot be found. Please ask your hosting service for it.", $this->domain ); } echo "
"; } else { ?> display_title( 'Meow Apps' ); ?>

a lot of photos). Meow Apps is a suite of plugins focusing on photography, imaging, optimization and it teams up with the best players in the community (other themes and plugins developers). For more information, please check Meow Apps.', $this->domain ) ?>

domain ); ?>

domain ); ?>

Empty Request Time helps you analyzing the raw performance of your install by giving you the average time it takes to run an empty request to your server. You can try to disable some plugins (or change their options) then and click on Reset to see how it influences the results. With File Operation Time, you will find out if your server is slow with files. An excellent install would have an Empty Request Time of less than 500 ms. Keep it absolutely under 2,000 ms. File Operation Time should take only a few milliseconds more than the Empty Request Time. For more information about this, click here.', $this->domain ); ?>

domain ); ?>
domain ); ?>
domain ); ?> 0 domain ); ?>
domain ); ?>
domain ); ?>
domain ); ?>
Meow's 2020 Favorite Hosting
Meow's 2020 Favorite CDN

domain ); ?>

domain )?> How To Debug, SEO Checklist & Optimization, Clean Up and Optimize, Optimize Images, Best Hosting Services.

domain ); ?>

domain ); ?>

domain ); ?>

domain ); ?>

get_results( "SELECT post_type as 'type', COUNT(*) as 'count' FROM $wpdb->posts GROUP BY post_type" ); $result = array(); foreach( $types as $type ) array_push( $result, "{$type->type} ({$type->count})" ); echo implode( ', ', $result ); ?>
Meow Apps! This is the Meow Admin %1$s
Loaded from %2$s ', $this->domain ), MeowApps_Admin::$admin_version, __FILE__ ); } // HELPERS static function size_shortname( $name ) { $name = preg_split( '[_-]', $name ); $short = strtoupper( substr( $name[0], 0, 1 ) ); if ( count( $name ) > 1 ) $short .= strtoupper( substr( $name[1], 0, 1 ) ); return $short; } } } if ( file_exists( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/meowapps/admin.php' ) ) { require( 'meowapps/admin.php' ); } ?>