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set_param('test', $test); $request->set_param('state', $state); $request->set_param('id', $id); $request->set_param('nonce', $nonce); //remove foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = sanitize_text_field($value); } $response = rsssl_run_test($request, $data); } elseif ($do_action) { $request = new WP_REST_Request(); $request->set_param('action', $do_action); $response = rsssl_do_action($request, $data); } } header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($response); exit; } add_action('wp_ajax_rsssl_rest_api_fallback', 'rsssl_rest_api_fallback'); add_action('rest_api_init', 'rsssl_settings_rest_route', 10); function rsssl_settings_rest_route() { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return; } register_rest_route('reallysimplessl/v1', 'fields/get', array( 'methods' => 'GET', 'callback' => 'rsssl_rest_api_fields_get', 'permission_callback' => function () { return rsssl_user_can_manage(); } )); register_rest_route('reallysimplessl/v1', 'fields/set', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'rsssl_rest_api_fields_set', 'permission_callback' => function () { return rsssl_user_can_manage(); } )); register_rest_route('reallysimplessl/v1', 'tests/(?P[a-z\_\-]+)', array( 'methods' => 'GET', 'callback' => 'rsssl_run_test', 'permission_callback' => function () { return rsssl_user_can_manage(); } )); register_rest_route('reallysimplessl/v1', 'do_action/(?P[a-z\_\-]+)', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'rsssl_do_action', 'permission_callback' => function () { return rsssl_user_can_manage(); } )); } /** * Store SSL Labs result * @param array $data * * @return array */ function rsssl_store_ssl_labs($data) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } update_option('rsssl_ssl_labs_data', $data, false); return []; } function rsssl_remove_fallback_notice() { if (get_option('rsssl_ajax_fallback_active') !== false) { delete_option('rsssl_ajax_fallback_active'); } } /** * @param WP_REST_Request $request * @param array|bool $ajax_data * * @return void */ function rsssl_do_action($request, $ajax_data = false) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return; } if (!$ajax_data) { rsssl_remove_fallback_notice(); } $action = sanitize_title($request->get_param('action')); $data = $ajax_data !== false ? $ajax_data : $request->get_params(); $nonce = $data['nonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'rsssl_nonce')) { return; } switch ($action) { case 'ssltest_get': $response = ['data' => get_option('rsssl_ssl_labs_data')]; break; case 'ssltest_run': $response = rsssl_ssltest_run($data); break; case 'store_ssl_labs': $response = rsssl_store_ssl_labs($data); break; case 'send_test_mail': $mailer = new rsssl_mailer(); $response = $mailer->send_test_mail(); break; case 'send_verification_mail': $mailer = new rsssl_mailer(); $response = $mailer->send_verification_mail( rsssl_get_option('notifications_email_address') ); break; case 'plugin_actions': $response = rsssl_plugin_actions($data); break; case 'clear_cache': $response = rsssl_clear_test_caches($data); break; case 'otherpluginsdata': $response = rsssl_other_plugins_data(); break; case 'get_roles': $roles = rsssl_get_roles(); $response = []; $response['roles'] = $roles; break; case 'get_hosts': if ( !class_exists('rsssl_le_hosts')) { require_once( rsssl_path . 'lets-encrypt/config/class-hosts.php'); } $response = []; $response['hosts'] = ( new rsssl_le_hosts() )->hosts; break; default: $response = apply_filters("rsssl_do_action", [], $action, $data); } if (is_array($response)) { $response['request_success'] = true; } return $response; } /** * @param array $data * * @return array */ function rsssl_clear_test_caches($data) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } $cache_id = sanitize_title($data['cache_id']); do_action('rsssl_clear_test_caches', $data); return []; } /** * Process plugin installation or activation actions * * @param array $data * * @return array */ function rsssl_plugin_actions($data) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } $slug = sanitize_title($data['slug']); $action = sanitize_title($data['pluginAction']); $installer = new rsssl_installer($slug); if ($action === 'download') { $installer->download_plugin(); } elseif ($action === 'activate') { $installer->activate_plugin(); } return rsssl_other_plugins_data($slug); } /** * Run a request to SSL Labs * * @param $data * * @return string */ function rsssl_ssltest_run( $data ) { if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return ''; } $url = $data['url']; $response = wp_safe_remote_get( $url ); $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); if ( empty( $data ) ) { $data = [ 'errors' => 'Request failed, please try again.' ]; } return $data; } /** * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return array */ function rsssl_run_test($request, $ajax_data = false) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } if (!$ajax_data) { rsssl_remove_fallback_notice(); } $nonce = $request->get_param('nonce'); if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'rsssl_nonce')) { return []; } $data = $ajax_data !== false ? $ajax_data : $request->get_params(); $test = sanitize_title($request->get_param('test')); $state = $request->get_param('state'); $state = $state !== 'undefined' && $state !== 'false' ? $state : false; switch ($test) { case 'progressdata': $response = RSSSL()->progress->get(); break; case 'dismiss_task': $response = RSSSL()->progress->dismiss_task($state); break; default: $response = apply_filters("rsssl_run_test", [], $test, $data); } if (is_array($response)) { $response['request_success'] = true; } return $response; } /** * Get plugin data for other plugin section * @param string $slug * @return array */ function rsssl_other_plugins_data($slug = false) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } $plugins = array( [ 'slug' => 'burst-statistics', 'constant_free' => 'burst_version', 'constant_premium' => 'burst_pro', 'wordpress_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/burst-statistics/', 'upgrade_url' => 'https://burst-statistics.com/pricing?src=rsssl-plugin', 'title' => 'Burst Statistics - '. __("Self-hosted and privacy-friendly analytics tool.", 'really-simple-ssl'), ], [ 'slug' => 'complianz-gdpr', 'constant_free' => 'cmplz_plugin', 'constant_premium' => 'cmplz_premium', 'wordpress_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/complianz-gdpr/', 'upgrade_url' => 'https://complianz.io/pricing?src=rsssl-plugin', 'title' => __("Complianz - Consent Management as it should be", "really-simple-ssl"), ], [ 'slug' => 'complianz-terms-conditions', 'constant_free' => 'cmplz_tc_version', 'wordpress_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/complianz-terms-conditions/', 'upgrade_url' => 'https://complianz.io?src=rsssl-plugin', 'title' => 'Complianz - ' . __("Terms and Conditions", "really-simple-ssl"), ], ); foreach ($plugins as $index => $plugin) { $installer = new rsssl_installer($plugin['slug']); if (isset($plugin['constant_premium']) && defined($plugin['constant_premium'])) { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'installed'; } else if (!$installer->plugin_is_downloaded() && !$installer->plugin_is_activated()) { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'download'; } else if ($installer->plugin_is_downloaded() && !$installer->plugin_is_activated()) { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'activate'; } else { if (isset($plugin['constant_premium'])) { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'upgrade-to-premium'; } else { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'installed'; } } } if ($slug) { foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) { if ($plugin['slug'] === $slug) { return $plugin; } } } return ['plugins' => $plugins]; } /** * List of allowed field types * @param $type * * @return mixed|string */ function rsssl_sanitize_field_type($type) { $types = [ 'hidden', 'license', 'database', 'checkbox', 'password', 'radio', 'text', 'textarea', 'number', 'email', 'select', 'host', 'permissionspolicy', 'learningmode', 'mixedcontentscan', 'vulnerablemeasures', 'LetsEncrypt', 'postdropdown', 'two_fa_roles', 'roles_dropdown', // 'two_fa_table', // 'verify_email', ]; if ( in_array( $type, $types, true ) ) { return $type; } return 'checkbox'; } /** * @param WP_REST_Request $request * @param array $ajax_data * * @return array */ function rsssl_rest_api_fields_set(WP_REST_Request $request, $ajax_data = false): array { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } $fields = $ajax_data ?: $request->get_json_params(); //get the nonce $nonce = false; foreach ($fields as $index => $field) { if (isset($field['nonce'])) { $nonce = $field['nonce']; unset($fields[$index]); } } if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'rsssl_nonce')) { return []; } $config_fields = rsssl_fields(false); $config_ids = array_column($config_fields, 'id'); foreach ($fields as $index => $field) { $config_field_index = array_search($field['id'], $config_ids); $config_field = $config_fields[$config_field_index]; if ($config_field_index === false) { unset($fields[$index]); continue; } $type = rsssl_sanitize_field_type($field['type']); $field_id = sanitize_text_field($field['id']); $value = rsssl_sanitize_field($field['value'], $type, $field_id); //if an endpoint is defined, we use that endpoint instead if (isset($config_field['data_endpoint'])) { //the updateItemId allows us to update one specific item in a field set. $update_item_id = isset($field['updateItemId']) ? $field['updateItemId'] : false; $action = isset($field['action']) && $field['action'] === 'delete' ? 'delete' : 'update'; $endpoint = $config_field['data_endpoint']; if (is_array($endpoint)) { $main = $endpoint[0]; $class = $endpoint[1]; $function = $endpoint[2]; if (function_exists($main)) { $main()->$class->$function($value, $update_item_id, $action); } } else if (function_exists($endpoint)) { $endpoint($value, $update_item_id, $action); } unset($fields[$index]); continue; } $field['value'] = $value; $fields[$index] = $field; } if (is_multisite() && rsssl_is_networkwide_active()) { $options = get_site_option('rsssl_options', []); } else { $options = get_option('rsssl_options', []); } //build a new options array foreach ($fields as $field) { $prev_value = isset($options[$field['id']]) ? $options[$field['id']] : false; do_action("rsssl_before_save_option", $field['id'], $field['value'], $prev_value, $field['type']); $options[$field['id']] = apply_filters("rsssl_fieldvalue", $field['value'], $field['id'], $field['type']); } if (!empty($options)) { if (is_multisite() && rsssl_is_networkwide_active()) { update_site_option('rsssl_options', $options); } else { update_option('rsssl_options', $options); } } RSSSL()->admin->clear_admin_notices_cache(); do_action('rsssl_after_saved_fields', $fields ); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { do_action( "rsssl_after_save_field", $field['id'], $field['value'], $prev_value, $field['type'] ); } return [ 'success' => true, 'progress' => RSSSL()->progress->get(), 'fields' => rsssl_fields(true), ]; } /** * Update a rsssl option * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * * @return void */ function rsssl_update_option($name, $value) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return; } $config_fields = rsssl_fields(false); $config_ids = array_column($config_fields, 'id'); $config_field_index = array_search($name, $config_ids); if ($config_field_index === false) { return; } $config_field = $config_fields[$config_field_index]; $type = $config_field['type'] ?? false; if (!$type) { return; } if (is_multisite() && rsssl_is_networkwide_active()) { $options = get_site_option('rsssl_options', []); } else { $options = get_option('rsssl_options', []); } if (!is_array($options)) $options = []; $prev_value = $options[$name] ?? false; $name = sanitize_text_field($name); $type = rsssl_sanitize_field_type($config_field['type']); $value = rsssl_sanitize_field($value, $type, $name); $value = apply_filters("rsssl_fieldvalue", $value, sanitize_text_field($name), $type); #skip if value wasn't changed if (isset($options[$name]) && $options[$name] === $value) { return; } $options[$name] = $value; if ( is_multisite() && rsssl_is_networkwide_active() ) { update_site_option( 'rsssl_options', $options ); } else { update_option( 'rsssl_options', $options ); } $config_field['value'] = $value; RSSSL()->admin->clear_admin_notices_cache(); do_action('rsssl_after_saved_fields',[$config_field] ); do_action( "rsssl_after_save_field", $name, $value, $prev_value, $type ); } /** * Get the rest api fields * @return array */ function rsssl_rest_api_fields_get() { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return []; } // rsssl_update_option('vulnerabilities_intro_shown', false); $output = array(); $fields = rsssl_fields(); foreach ($fields as $index => $field) { /** * Load data from source */ if (isset($field['data_source'])) { $data_source = $field['data_source']; if (is_array($data_source)) { $main = $data_source[0]; $class = $data_source[1]; $function = $data_source[2]; $field['value'] = []; if (function_exists($main)) { $field['value'] = $main()->$class->$function(); } } else if (function_exists($field['data_source'])) { $func = $field['data_source']; $field['value'] = $func(); } } $fields[$index] = $field; } $output['fields'] = $fields; $output['request_success'] = true; $output['progress'] = RSSSL()->progress->get(); return apply_filters('rsssl_rest_api_fields_get', $output); } /** * Sanitize a field * * @param mixed $value * @param string $type * @oaram string $id * * @return array|bool|int|string|void */ function rsssl_sanitize_field($value, string $type, string $id) { switch ($type) { case 'checkbox': case 'number': return (int)$value; case 'hidden': return sanitize_title($value); case 'select': case 'host': case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'license': case 'postdropdown': return sanitize_text_field($value); case 'multicheckbox': if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } return array_map('sanitize_text_field', $value); case 'password': return rsssl_encode_password($value); case 'email': return sanitize_email($value); case 'url': return esc_url_raw($value); case 'permissionspolicy': return rsssl_sanitize_permissions_policy($value, $type, $id); case 'learningmode': return rsssl_sanitize_datatable($value, $type, $id); case 'mixedcontentscan': return $value; case 'roles_dropdown': case 'two_fa_roles': $value = !is_array($value) ? [] : $value; $roles = rsssl_get_roles(); foreach ($value as $index => $role) { if (! in_array( $role, $roles, true ) ) { unset($value[$index]); } } return $value; default: return sanitize_text_field($value); } } /** * Sanitize and encode a password * * @param $password * * @return mixed|string */ function rsssl_encode_password($password) { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) { return $password; } if (strlen(trim($password)) === 0) { return $password; } $password = sanitize_text_field($password); if (strpos($password, 'rsssl_') !== FALSE) { return $password; } $key = get_site_option('rsssl_key'); if (!$key) { update_site_option('rsssl_key', time()); $key = get_site_option('rsssl_key'); } $ivlength = openssl_cipher_iv_length('aes-256-cbc'); $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivlength); $ciphertext_raw = openssl_encrypt($password, 'aes-256-cbc', $key, 0, $iv); $key = base64_encode($iv . $ciphertext_raw); return 'rsssl_' . $key; } /** * Dedicated permission policy sanitization * * @param $value * @param $type * @param $field_name * * @return array|false */ function rsssl_sanitize_permissions_policy($value, $type, $field_name) { $possible_keys = apply_filters("rsssl_datatable_datatypes_$type", [ 'id' => 'string', 'title' => 'string', 'status' => 'boolean', ]); // Datatable array will look something like this, whith 0 the row index, and id, title the col indexes. // [0] => Array // ( // [id] => camera // [title] => Camera // [value] => () // [status] => 1/0 // ) //) $config_fields = rsssl_fields(false); //check if there is a default available $default = false; foreach ($config_fields as $config_field) { if ($config_field['id'] === $field_name) { $default = isset($config_field['default']) ? $config_field['default'] : false; } } $stored_ids = []; if (!is_array($value)) { return $default; } else { foreach ($value as $row_index => $row) { //check if we have invalid values if (is_array($row)) { foreach ($row as $column_index => $row_value) { if ($column_index === 'id' && $row_value === false) { unset($value[$column_index]); } } } //has to be an array. if (!is_array($row)) { if (isset($default[$row_index])) { $value[$row_index] = $default[$row_index]; } else { unset($value[$row_index]); } } foreach ($row as $col_index => $col_value) { if (!isset($possible_keys[$col_index])) { unset($value[$row_index][$col_index]); } else { $datatype = $possible_keys[$col_index]; switch ($datatype) { case 'string': $value[$row_index][$col_index] = sanitize_text_field($col_value); break; case 'int': case 'boolean': default: $value[$row_index][$col_index] = intval($col_value); break; } } } //Ensure that all required keys are set with at least an empty value foreach ($possible_keys as $key => $data_type) { if (!isset($value[$row_index][$key])) { $value[$row_index][$key] = false; } } } } //ensure that there are no duplicate ids foreach ($value as $index => $item) { if (in_array($item['id'], $stored_ids)) { unset($value[$index]); continue; } $stored_ids[] = $item['id']; } //if the default contains items not in the setting (newly added), add them. if (count($value) < count($default)) { foreach ($default as $def_row_index => $def_row) { //check if it is available in the array. If not, add if (!in_array($def_row['id'], $stored_ids)) { $value[] = $def_row; } } } return $value; } function rsssl_sanitize_datatable($value, $type, $field_name) { $possible_keys = apply_filters("rsssl_datatable_datatypes_$type", [ 'id' => 'string', 'title' => 'string', 'status' => 'boolean', ]); if (!is_array($value)) { return false; } else { foreach ($value as $row_index => $row) { //check if we have invalid values if (is_array($row)) { foreach ($row as $column_index => $row_value) { if ($column_index === 'id' && $row_value === false) { unset($value[$column_index]); } } } //has to be an array. if (!is_array($row)) { unset($value[$row_index]); } foreach ($row as $col_index => $col_value) { if (!isset($possible_keys[$col_index])) { unset($value[$row_index][$col_index]); } else { $datatype = $possible_keys[$col_index]; switch ($datatype) { case 'string': $value[$row_index][$col_index] = sanitize_text_field($col_value); break; case 'int': case 'boolean': default: $value[$row_index][$col_index] = intval($col_value); break; } } } //Ensure that all required keys are set with at least an empty value foreach ($possible_keys as $key => $data_type) { if (!isset($value[$row_index][$key])) { $value[$row_index][$key] = false; } } } } return $value; } /** * Check if the server side conditions apply * * @param array $conditions * * @return bool */ function rsssl_conditions_apply(array $conditions) { $defaults = ['relation' => 'AND']; $conditions = wp_parse_args($conditions, $defaults); $relation = $conditions['relation'] === 'AND' ? 'AND' : 'OR'; unset($conditions['relation']); $condition_applies = true; foreach ($conditions as $condition => $condition_value) { $invert = substr($condition, 1) === '!'; $condition = ltrim($condition, '!'); if (is_array($condition_value)) { $this_condition_applies = rsssl_conditions_apply($condition_value); } else { //check if it's a function if (substr($condition, -2) === '()') { $func = $condition; if (preg_match('/(.*)\(\)\-\>(.*)->(.*)/i', $func, $matches)) { $base = $matches[1]; $class = $matches[2]; $func = $matches[3]; $func = str_replace('()', '', $func); $this_condition_applies = call_user_func(array($base()->{$class}, $func)) === $condition_value; } else { $func = str_replace('()', '', $func); $this_condition_applies = $func() === $condition_value; } } else { $var = $condition; if (preg_match('/(.*)\(\)\-\>(.*)->(.*)/i', $var, $matches)) { $base = $matches[1]; $class = $matches[2]; $var = $matches[3]; $this_condition_applies = $base()->{$class}->_get($var) === $condition_value; } else { $this_condition_applies = rsssl_get_option($var) === $condition_value; } } if ($invert) { $this_condition_applies = !$this_condition_applies; } } if ($relation === 'AND') { $condition_applies = $condition_applies && $this_condition_applies; } else { $condition_applies = $condition_applies || $this_condition_applies; } } return $condition_applies; } /** * Fetch all user roles. * * Tries to get roles from cache first. If roles are not in cache, it fetches them and stores them in cache. * * @return array An array of roles, each role being an associative array with 'label' and 'value' keys. */ function rsssl_get_roles( ): array { if ( ! rsssl_admin_logged_in() ) { return []; } global $wp_roles; // Try to get roles from cache $roles = wp_cache_get( 'rsssl_roles' ); // If roles are not in cache, fetch and set cache if ( ! $roles ) { // Just return the names, not the capabilities $roles_names = array_keys( $wp_roles->roles ); // Extract unique role values from the role names $roles = array_values( array_unique( $roles_names )); // Set the roles in cache for future use wp_cache_set( 'rsssl_roles', $roles ); } return $roles; } /** * @param $response * @param $user * @param $request * * @return mixed * * Add user roles to /users endpoint */ function rsssl_add_user_role_to_api_response( $response, $user, $request ) { if ( rsssl_is_logged_in_rest() ) { $data = $response->get_data(); $data['roles'] = $user->roles; $response->set_data( $data ); } return $response; } add_filter( 'rest_prepare_user', 'rsssl_add_user_role_to_api_response', 10, 3 );