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', __('Information', 'ad-inserter'), ': ', __('Legacy JavaScript code used', 'ad-inserter'), ', ', __('disable ', 'ad-inserter'), '', __ ('Wait for jQuery', 'ad-inserter'), '

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' . __('Settings for individual exceptions have been updated. Please check all blocks that have exceptions and and then save settings.', 'ad-inserter') . '

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'font-weight: bold; color: #e44;' : "font-weight: bold; color: #66f;"); else $scheduling_style = ""; if ($filter_active) $filter_style = "font-weight: bold; color: #66f;"; else $filter_style = ""; if ($adb_block_action_active) $adb_style = "font-weight: bold; color: #66f;"; else $adb_style = ""; if ($display_options) $display_style = "font-weight: bold; color: #66f;"; else $display_style = ""; if ($limits_options) $limits_style = "font-weight: bold; color: #66f;"; else $limits_style = ""; $general_style = ''; $paragraph_counting = $paragraph_settings && ( $obj->get_direction_type() != $default->get_direction_type() || $obj->get_paragraph_tags() != $default->get_paragraph_tags() || $obj->get_minimum_paragraph_words() != $default->get_minimum_paragraph_words() || $obj->get_maximum_paragraph_words() != $default->get_maximum_paragraph_words() || $obj->get_paragraph_text_type() != $default->get_paragraph_text_type() || $obj->get_paragraph_text() != $default->get_paragraph_text() || $obj->get_count_inside_blockquote() != $default->get_count_inside_blockquote() || $obj->get_count_inside() != $default->get_count_inside() || $obj->get_count_inside_elements() != $default->get_count_inside_elements() || $obj->get_count_inside_elements_contain() != $default->get_count_inside_elements_contain() || $obj->get_count_inside_elements_text() != $default->get_count_inside_elements_text() || $obj->get_paragraph_number_minimum() != $default->get_paragraph_number_minimum() || $obj->get_paragraph_number_maximum() != $default->get_paragraph_number_maximum() || $obj->get_skip_first_paragraphs() != $default->get_skip_first_paragraphs() || $obj->get_skip_last_paragraphs() != $default->get_skip_last_paragraphs() || $obj->get_minimum_words_above() != $default->get_minimum_words_above() ); $paragraph_clearance = $paragraph_settings && ( ($obj->get_avoid_text_above() != $default->get_avoid_text_above() && intval ($obj->get_avoid_paragraphs_above()) != 0) || ($obj->get_avoid_text_below() != $default->get_avoid_text_below() && intval ($obj->get_avoid_paragraphs_below()) != 0) ); $html_settings = $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_HTML_ELEMENT || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_HTML_ELEMENT || $automatic_insertion == AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT; $html_element_insertion = $obj->get_html_element_insertion (); $server_side_insertion = $obj->get_server_side_insertion (); $inside_element = $obj->get_inside_element (); $filter_type = $obj->get_filter_type(); $page_exceptions = array (); $post_exceptions = array (); if (!empty ($block_exceptions [$block])) { $page_index = 0; $post_index = 0; foreach ($block_exceptions [$block] as $id => $exception) { if ($exception ['type'] == 'page') { $row_class = $page_index % 2 == 0 ? 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"\n"; if (defined ('AI_CONNECTED_WEBSITE')) { $connected_website = get_transient (AI_CONNECTED_WEBSITE); if ($connected_website !== false) { // No links to the local site $exception_line = preg_replace ('#(.*?)#i', '\1', $exception_line); $exception_line = preg_replace ('#title="(.*?)"#i', '', $exception_line); } } if ($exception ['type'] == 'page') { $page_exceptions []= $exception_line; $page_index ++; } else { $post_exceptions []= $exception_line; $post_index ++; } } } $exceptions_needs_check = false; $option = $obj->import_old_exception_settings ($exceptions_needs_check); $exceptions_error = $obj->get_exceptions_enabled () && $obj->get_exceptions_function () == AI_DEFAULT_INSERTION_DISABLED && empty ($block_exceptions [$block]); $exceptions_shown = $exceptions_needs_check || $exceptions_error; $exception_button_on = $obj->get_exceptions_enabled () && !empty ($block_exceptions [$block]) || $exceptions_shown; ?>
get_ad_name() ?> get_process_php () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> style="display: none;" /> get_disable_insertion () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> style="display: none;" />
' class="ai-rotation-warning" style='float: left; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; margin: 5px 5px 0 0; display: none;'>⚠
get_display_settings_post()==AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> /> get_display_settings_home()==AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> /> get_display_settings_category()==AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> />
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get_exceptions_enabled () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> />  
' style='display: table-cell; font-size: 20px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0;'>⚠ ' style='display: table-cell; font-size: 20px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0;'>⚠
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get_skip_first_paragraphs(),'ad-inserter'); ?> get_skip_last_paragraphs(),'ad-inserter'); ?> get_skip_last_paragraphs(), 'ad-inserter'); ?>

get_paragraph_number_maximum(), 'ad-inserter'); ?>

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get_maximum_words(), 'ad-inserter'); ?>
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get_call_filter() != '' || $obj->get_maximum_insertions () != ''); ?>
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' class="ai-rotation-warning" style='float: left; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; margin: 5px 5px 0 0; display: none;'>⚠
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[adinserter data=""]
[adinserter data=""]
    " size="15" maxlength="40" /> ' ?>    " size="4" maxlength="4" /> px ' ?>
get_enable_manual () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> style="display: none;" /> get_process_php () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> style="display: none;" />

<head></head>'); ?> ', _x ('NOT ENABLED', 'code in the header', 'ad-inserter'), ''; ?>
get_detection_server_side ()==AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> />
get_enable_404 () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> />
get_enable_manual () == AI_ENABLED): ?> ' style='display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; vertical-align: bottom; padding: 0;'> get_enable_manual () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> style="display: none;" />

  ', _x ('NOT ENABLED', 'ad blocking detection', 'ad-inserter'), ''; ?>
0, 'child_of' => 0, 'selected' => get_redirection_page (true), 'echo' => 0, 'name' => AI_OPTION_ADB_REDIRECTION_PAGE, 'id' => 'redirection-page', 'class' => null, 'show_option_none' => __('Custom Url', 'ad-inserter'), 'show_option_no_change' => null, 'option_none_value' => '0', ); $dropdown_pages = wp_dropdown_pages ($args); $dropdown_title = __ ('Static page for redirection when ad blocking is detected. For other pages select Custom url and set it below.', 'ad-inserter'); $dropdown_pages = str_replace ('
get_process_php () == AI_ENABLED) echo 'checked '; ?> style="display: none;" />
get_tracking (); } if (function_exists ('ai_remote_plugin_data')) { $install_timestamp = ai_remote_plugin_data ('install', $install_timestamp); $install_time = ai_remote_plugin_data ('install-time', $install_time); $since_install = ai_remote_plugin_data ('since-install', $since_install); $review = ai_remote_plugin_data ('review', $review); if (defined ('AI_PLUGIN_TRACKING') && AI_PLUGIN_TRACKING) { $tracking = ai_remote_plugin_data ('tracking', $tracking); } } $d1 = __ ("Force showing admin toolbar for administrators when viewing site. Enable this option when you are logged in as admin and you don't see admin toolbar.", 'ad-inserter'); // Preview of client-side dynamic blocks ?>
style="display: none;" /> style="display: none;" /> style="display: none;" /> style="display: none;" /> style="display: none;" /> style="display: none;" /> style="display: none;" />



    ><?php  ?>


2) $sidebar = 1; if ($number_of_used_blocks >= 4 && $ai_wp_data [AI_DAYS_SINCE_INSTAL] > 5 || $ai_wp_data [AI_DAYS_SINCE_INSTAL] > 10) $sidebar = 2; if ($number_of_used_blocks >= 12 && $ai_wp_data [AI_DAYS_SINCE_INSTAL] > 7 || $number_of_used_blocks >= 8 && $ai_wp_data [AI_DAYS_SINCE_INSTAL] > 10 || $ai_wp_data [AI_DAYS_SINCE_INSTAL] > 15) $sidebar = 3; if ($ai_wp_data [AI_DAYS_SINCE_INSTAL] > 20) $sidebar = 4; } else { if ($number_of_used_blocks >= 1) $sidebar = 4; } // $sidebar = 0; if (!function_exists ('ai_settings_side')) { switch ($sidebar) { case 0: break; case 1: break; case 2: sidebar_addense_alternative (); break; case 3: sidebar_support_review (); sidebar_addense_alternative (); break; case 4: sidebar_addense_alternative (); break; } } ?>
$sidebar_widget) { if (is_array ($sidebar_widget) && isset ($GLOBALS ['wp_registered_sidebars'][$sidebar_index]['name'])) { $sidebar_name = $GLOBALS ['wp_registered_sidebars'][$sidebar_index]['name']; if ($sidebar_name != "") { foreach ($sidebar_widget as $widget) { if (preg_match ("/ai_widget-([\d]+)/", $widget, $widget_id)) { if (isset ($widget_id [1]) && is_numeric ($widget_id [1])) { $widget_option = $widget_options [$widget_id [1]]; $widget_block = $widget_option ['block']; // if ($widget_block >= $start && $widget_block <= $end && !in_array ($sidebar_name, $sidebars_with_widget [$widget_block])) { if ($widget_block >= 1 && $widget_block <= 96 && !in_array ($sidebar_name, $sidebars_with_widget [$widget_block])) { $sidebars_with_widget [$widget_block] []= $sidebar_name; } } } } } } } return $sidebars_with_widget; } function page_checker_container () { global $ai_custom_hooks; if (function_exists ('ai_settings_theme')) { $current_theme = ai_settings_theme (); } else $current_theme = wp_get_theme (); ?>
get_ad_data (); // data-ad-client="ca-pub-3118622027477755" if (preg_match_all ('#data-ad-client\s*=\s*"(.+?)"#', $block_code, $adsense_matches)) { foreach ($adsense_matches [1] as $adsense_match) { if (preg_match ('#(pub-[0-9]+)#', $adsense_match, $adsense_pub_id)) { $found = false; foreach ($block_ads as $block_ad) { if ($block_ad ['ads_data'][1] == $adsense_pub_id [1]) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $block_ads [] = array ('ads_data' => array ('google.com', $adsense_pub_id [1], 'DIRECT', 'f08c47fec0942fa0'), 'found' => false); } } } } // google_ad_client = "ca-pub-3118622027477755"; if (preg_match_all ('#google_ad_client\s*=\s*"(.+?)"#', $block_code, $adsense_matches)) { foreach ($adsense_matches [1] as $adsense_match) { if (preg_match ('#(pub-[0-9]+)#', $adsense_match, $adsense_pub_id)) { $found = false; foreach ($block_ads as $block_ad) { if ($block_ad ['ads_data'][1] == $adsense_pub_id [1]) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $block_ads [] = array ('ads_data' => array ('google.com', $adsense_pub_id [1], 'DIRECT', 'f08c47fec0942fa0'), 'found' => false); } } } } } $site_url = site_url (); $home_url = home_url (); $url_parts = explode (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace (array ('https', 'http', '://'), '', $site_url)); $ads_txt_home = 'http' . (is_ssl() ? 's' : '') . '://'. $url_parts [0]; $ads_txt_url = $ads_txt_home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ads.txt'; $wp_content_dir_array = explode ('/', WP_CONTENT_DIR); $wp_content_dir = $wp_content_dir_array [count ($wp_content_dir_array) - 1]; $root_path = str_replace ($wp_content_dir, '', WP_CONTENT_DIR); $ads_txt_file = $root_path . 'ads.txt'; $wp_folder = ''; if (count ($url_parts) > 1) { $wp_folder = str_replace ($ads_txt_home, '', $site_url); $wp_folder = str_replace ('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $wp_folder); } echo ''; $virtual = isset ($_GET ["virtual"]) && $_GET ["virtual"]; $virtual_file_missing = false; if ($virtual) { $ads = get_option (AI_ADS_TXT_NAME); if ($ads === false) { $virtual_file_missing = true; $ads = ''; if ($action == 'table') { $action = 'text'; } } } else { if (file_exists ($ads_txt_file)) { $ads = file_get_contents ($ads_txt_file); } else { $ads = ''; if ($action == 'table') { $action = 'text'; } } } $ads_lines = explode ("\n", $ads); $rows = array (); foreach ($ads_lines as $ads_line) { if (trim ($ads_line) == '') continue; $ads_data = explode ('#', str_replace (array ("\r", ' '), '', $ads_line)); $ads_elements = explode (',', $ads_data [0]); if (count ($ads_elements) == 0) continue; $found = false; foreach ($block_ads as $index => $block_ad) { if (!isset ($ads_elements [1])) continue; if ($block_ad ['ads_data'][1] == $ads_elements [1]) { $found = true; $block_ads [$index]['found'] = true; break; } } $rows []= array ('ads_elements' => $ads_elements, 'status' => $found ? 'F' : ''); } $missing_lines = array (); foreach ($block_ads as $block_ad) { if (!$block_ad ['found']) { array_unshift ($rows, array ('ads_elements' => $block_ad ['ads_data'], 'status' => 'M')); $missing_lines []= implode (', ', $block_ad ['ads_data']); } } $search_text = isset ($_GET ["search"]) ? trim (esc_html ($_GET ["search"])) : ''; if ($search_text != '') $search_array = explode (' ', $search_text); else $search_array = array (); foreach ($rows as $index => $row) { $ads_line = implode (' ', $row ['ads_elements']); foreach ($search_array as $search_item) { if (stripos ($ads_line, trim ($search_item)) === false) { unset ($rows [$index]); continue 2; } } } switch ($virtual) { case true: echo '
'; // translators: %s: Ad Inserter echo '
', sprintf (__('ads.txt file: %s virtual ads.txt file', 'ad-inserter'), AD_INSERTER_NAME), '
'; echo '
'; if ($virtual_file_missing) { echo '
'; echo '
', __('Warning', 'ad-inserter'), ': ', /* translators: %s: Ad Inserter */ sprintf (__('%s virtual file ads.txt not found', 'ad-inserter'), AD_INSERTER_NAME), '
'; echo '
'; } break; default: echo '
'; if ($wp_folder != '') { echo '
', __('IMPORTANT', 'ad-inserter'), ': ', __('ads.txt file must be placed on the root domain', 'ad-inserter'), ' ', $ads_txt_url, '
'; echo '
'; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
WordPress', ABSPATH, '
', __('ads.txt file', 'ad-inserter'), '', $ads_txt_file, is_writable ($ads_txt_file) ? '' : ''.__('NOT WRITABLE', 'ad-inserter').'', '
'; echo '
'; if (!file_exists ($ads_txt_file)) { echo '
'; echo '
', __('Warning', 'ad-inserter'), ': ', sprintf (__('file %s not found', 'ad-inserter'), $ads_txt_file), '
'; echo '
'; } break; } // $missing_lines = array (); switch ($action) { case 'text': if (count ($missing_lines)) { echo '
', __('Account IDs found in blocks but not present in the ads.txt file', 'ad-inserter'), '
'; echo ''; if ($virtual) { // translators: %s: Ad Inserter echo '
', sprintf (__('%s virtual ads.txt file', 'ad-inserter'), AD_INSERTER_NAME), '
'; } else { echo '
', $ads_txt_file, '
'; } } echo ''; if (!$virtual) { delete_option (AI_ADS_TXT_NAME); } ai_add_rewrite_rules (); flush_rewrite_rules(); break; case 'table': ?> '.$ads_elements [3] .''; } else $element3 = $ads_elements [3]; } else $element3 = ''; ?>
96 || $command === null) { return; } $ai_options = false; if (function_exists ('ai_raw_remote_options')) { $ai_options = ai_raw_remote_options (); } if ($ai_options === false) $ai_options = ai_get_option (AI_OPTION_NAME, array ()); $update_settings = false; switch ($command) { case 'pause': $value = $block_object [$block]->get_disable_insertion () == AI_DISABLED ? AI_ENABLED : AI_DISABLED; $ai_options [$block][AI_OPTION_DISABLE_INSERTION] = $value; $update_settings = true; break; } if ($update_settings) { ai_save_options ($ai_options); } } } function ai_update_block_numbers ($blocks_org, $blocks_new) { global $wpdb; $ai_widgets = get_option ('widget_ai_widget'); if (is_array ($ai_widgets)) foreach ($ai_widgets as $widget_index => $ai_widget) { if (isset ($ai_widget ['block'])) { $widget_block = $ai_widget ['block']; if ($widget_block >= 1 && $widget_block <= 96) { foreach ($blocks_new as $index => $org_block) { if ($widget_block == $org_block) { $ai_widgets [$widget_index]['block'] = $blocks_org [$index]; break; } } } } } update_option ('widget_ai_widget', $ai_widgets); if (defined ('AI_STATISTICS') && AI_STATISTICS) { // Update statistics - two passes to avoid duplicate entries $offset = 1000; // Lock table to prevent updates of old blocks $query = 'LOCK TABLES ' . AI_STATISTICS_DB_TABLE . ' WRITE;'; $update = $wpdb->query ($query); // Pass 1 - new blocks with offset $query = 'UPDATE ' . AI_STATISTICS_DB_TABLE . ' SET block= CASE '; foreach ($blocks_new as $index => $org_block) { $new_block = $blocks_org [$index] + $offset; $query .= "WHEN block= $org_block THEN $new_block "; } $query .= 'ELSE block END;'; $update = $wpdb->query ($query); // Pass 2 - remove offset $query = 'UPDATE ' . AI_STATISTICS_DB_TABLE . " SET block = block - $offset WHERE block >= $offset;"; $update = $wpdb->query ($query); // Unlock table $query = 'UNLOCK TABLES;'; $update = $wpdb->query ($query); } } function code_block_list ($start, $end, $search_text, $show_all_blocks, $active_block) { global $block_object, $ai_db_options_extract; if (defined ('AI_SAFE_MODE') || isset ($_GET ['safe-mode'])) { $url_safe_mode = '&ai-safe-mode'; } else $url_safe_mode = ''; if (isset ($_GET ["cmd"])) { ai_change_settings (); } if (isset ($_GET ["blocks-org"]) && isset ($_GET ["blocks-new"])) { $blocks_org = json_decode ($_GET ["blocks-org"]); $blocks_new = json_decode ($_GET ["blocks-new"]); if (!empty ($blocks_org) && count ($blocks_org) == count ($blocks_new)) { // Update widgets $current_options = false; if (function_exists ('ai_raw_remote_options')) { $current_options = ai_raw_remote_options (); } if ($current_options === false) $current_options = ai_get_option (AI_OPTION_NAME, array ()); $new_options = $current_options; $error = false; foreach ($blocks_org as $index => $block) { $new_block = $blocks_new [$index]; if ($block >= 1 && $block <= 96 && $new_block >= 1 && $new_block <= 96) { if (isset ($current_options [$new_block])) { $new_options [$block] = $current_options [$new_block]; } else { unset ($new_options [$block]); } } else $error = true; } if (!$error) { // Update AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING_FALLBACK, AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK and AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT for ($block = 1; $block <= 96; $block ++) { if (isset ($new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING_FALLBACK])) { $ai_option_fallback = $new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING_FALLBACK]; if ($ai_option_fallback != '') foreach ($blocks_new as $index => $org_block) { if ($ai_option_fallback == $org_block) { $new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_SCHEDULING_FALLBACK] = $blocks_org [$index]; } } } if (isset ($new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK])) { $ai_option_fallback = $new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK]; if ($ai_option_fallback != '') foreach ($blocks_new as $index => $org_block) { if ($ai_option_fallback == $org_block) { $new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_LIMITS_FALLBACK] = $blocks_org [$index]; } } } if (isset ($new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT])) { $ai_option_adb_block_replacement = $new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT]; if ($ai_option_adb_block_replacement != '') foreach ($blocks_new as $index => $org_block) { if ($ai_option_adb_block_replacement == $org_block) { $new_options [$block][AI_OPTION_ADB_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT] = $blocks_org [$index]; } } } } ai_save_options ($new_options, null, $blocks_org, $blocks_new); } } } $sidebars_with_widget = get_sidebar_widgets (); ob_start (); if ($search_text != '') $search_array = explode (' ', $search_text); else $search_array = array (); $blocks = array (); $row_counter = 0; for ($block = 1; $block <= 96; $block ++) { $obj = $block_object [$block]; $automatic_insertion = $obj->get_automatic_insertion () != AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_DISABLED; $manual_widget = $obj->get_enable_widget() == AI_ENABLED; $manual_shortcode = $obj->get_enable_manual() == AI_ENABLED; $manual_php_function = $obj->get_enable_php_call() == AI_ENABLED; $disabled = $obj->get_disable_insertion (); $block_used = /*!$disabled &&*/ ($automatic_insertion || $manual_php_function || $manual_shortcode || $manual_widget && !empty ($sidebars_with_widget [$block])); if (!$show_all_blocks && !$block_used) continue; $process_php = $obj->get_process_php (); $exceptions = $obj->get_exceptions_enabled (); $devices = $obj->get_detection_server_side () || $obj->get_detection_client_side (); $scheduling = $obj->get_scheduling() != AI_SCHEDULING_OFF; $scheduling_period = ''; switch ($obj->get_scheduling ()) { case AI_SCHEDULING_BETWEEN_DATES: case AI_SCHEDULING_OUTSIDE_DATES: $scheduling_period_inactive = !check_scheduling_time ( $obj->get_schedule_start_date () . ' ' . $obj->get_schedule_start_time (), $obj->get_schedule_end_date () . ' ' . $obj->get_schedule_end_time (), $obj->get_schedule_weekdays (), $obj->get_scheduling () == AI_SCHEDULING_BETWEEN_DATES ); $scheduling_period = $obj->get_schedule_start_date () . ($obj->get_schedule_start_time () != '' ? ' ' . $obj->get_schedule_start_time () : ''). '[BR]' . $obj->get_schedule_end_date () . ($obj->get_schedule_end_time () != '' ? ' ' . $obj->get_schedule_end_time () : ''); break; default: $scheduling_period_inactive = false; break; } $tracking = $obj->get_tracking (true); if (ai_pro ()) { $limits = $tracking && ( $obj->get_max_impressions () || ($obj->get_limit_impressions_per_time_period () && $obj->get_limit_impressions_time_period ()) || $obj->get_max_clicks () || ($obj->get_limit_clicks_per_time_period () && $obj->get_limit_clicks_time_period ()) || $obj->get_visitor_max_impressions () || ($obj->get_visitor_limit_impressions_per_time_period () && $obj->get_visitor_limit_impressions_time_period ()) || $obj->get_visitor_max_clicks () || ($obj->get_visitor_limit_clicks_per_time_period () && $obj->get_visitor_limit_clicks_time_period ()) || $obj->get_trigger_click_fraud_protection () && get_click_fraud_protection () ); } $block_text = $block . ' '. $obj->get_ad_name () . ' ' . $obj->get_automatic_insertion_text() . ' ' . implode (', ', $sidebars_with_widget [$block]); if ($process_php) $block_text .= ' php'; if ($exceptions) $block_text .= ' exceptions'; if ($devices) $block_text .= ' device'; if ($scheduling) $block_text .= ' scheduling'; if (ai_pro ()) { if ($limits) $block_text .= ' limits'; } if ($tracking) $block_text .= ' tracking'; if (!empty ($sidebars_with_widget [$block])) $block_text .= ' widget'; if ($manual_shortcode) $block_text .= ' shortcode'; if ($manual_php_function) $block_text .= ' function'; foreach ($search_array as $search_item) { if (stripos ($block_text, trim ($search_item)) === false) continue 2; } $blocks []= $block; $row_counter ++; $row_class = $row_counter % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'; if ($block == $active_block) { $row_class .= ' ai-block-active'; } $settings_page = get_menu_position () == AI_SETTINGS_SUBMENU ? 'options-general.php?page=ad-inserter.php' : 'admin.php?page=ad-inserter.php'; $edit_url = admin_url ($settings_page) . '&start=' . (intval (($block - 1) / 16) * 16 + 1) . '&tab=' . $block . $url_safe_mode; $visible_tab = $block >= $start && $block <= $end; $insertion_parameter = ''; $insertion_title = ''; switch ($obj->get_automatic_insertion()) { case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_IMAGE: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_IMAGE: $insertion_parameter = ' ' . $obj->get_paragraph_number (); $insertion_title = $obj->get_paragraph_number (); break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_EXCERPT: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_EXCERPT: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BETWEEN_POSTS: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BETWEEN_COMMENTS: $insertion_parameter = ' ' . $obj->get_call_filter (); $insertion_title = $obj->get_call_filter (); break; case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_HTML_ELEMENT: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_HTML_ELEMENT: case AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_INSIDE_HTML_ELEMENT: $insertion_title = $obj->get_html_selector (); break; } ?> get_ad_name(); ?> get_ad_name(); ?> get_automatic_insertion_text(), $insertion_parameter; ?> fn [s] w
fn [s] W
", __ ('No active block', 'ad-inserter'), ""; else echo "
", __ ('No block matches search keywords', 'ad-inserter'), "
"; } } if (defined ('AI_ADSENSE_API')) { function ai_adsense_data (&$error) { require_once AD_INSERTER_PLUGIN_DIR.'includes/adsense-api.php'; $error = 'AdSense not authorized'; $ad_data = false; if (defined ('AI_ADSENSE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE')) { $error = ''; $update_ad_units = isset ($_GET ["update_ad_units"]) ? $_GET ["update_ad_units"] == 1 : false; $adsense = new adsense_api (); $ad_data = get_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_ADS); if ($ad_data === false || $update_ad_units) { $ad_units = $adsense->getAdUnits(); $error = $adsense->getError (); if ($error == '' && is_array ($ad_units)) { $ad_data = array ($adsense->getAdSensePublisherID (), $ad_units); set_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_ADS, $ad_data, AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_ADS_EXPIRATION); } } } return $ad_data; } function adsense_list () { require_once AD_INSERTER_PLUGIN_DIR.'includes/adsense-api.php'; if (defined ('AI_ADSENSE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE')) { if (get_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_TOKEN_1) !== false) { // Old token for API version 1 $error = 'unauthorized_client_2'; } else { $publisher_id = ''; $ad_units = array (); $error = ''; $ad_data = ai_adsense_data ($error); } if ($error == '') { $publisher_id = $ad_data [0]; $ad_units = $ad_data [1]; $show_all_ad_units = isset ($_GET ["all"]) && $_GET ["all"]; ?>
$error"; if (strpos ($error, 'unauthorized_client') !== false) { echo '
', // translators: %s: HTML tags sprintf (__('Please %s clear authorization %s with the button %s above and once again authorize access to your AdSense account.', 'ad-inserter'), '', '', '' ), '
'; } } } elseif (defined ('AI_ADSENSE_CLIENT_ID')) { $adsense = new adsense_api(); $adsense_ids = defined ('AI_CI_STRING') && get_option (AI_ADSENSE_OWN_IDS) === false; ?>

', '', '', '' ); ?>


  1. ', ''); ?>
  2. Ad Inserter', '', ''); ?>
  3. ', ''); ?>
  4. Ad Inserter', '', ''); ?>
  5. Ad Inserter'); ?>
  6. ', ''); ?>
  7. AdSense Management API'); ?>
  8. ', ''); ?>
  9. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  10. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  11. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  12. ', ''); ?>
  13. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  14. ', '', '', '', '', ''); ?>
  15. ', '', 'Ad Inserter', '', ''); ?>
  16. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  17. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  18. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  19. ', '', '', '', '', ''); ?>
  20. ', '', '', ''); ?>
  21. ', '', '', '', '', ''); ?>
getAdCode ($ad_slot_id); echo json_encode (array ('code' => $code, 'error-message' => $adsense->getError ())); } } } function adsense_ad_name () { if (defined ('AI_ADSENSE_API')) { $publisher_id = ''; $ad_units = array (); $error = ''; $ad_data = ai_adsense_data ($error); if ($error == '') { $publisher_id = $ad_data [0]; $ad_units = $ad_data [1]; $ad_slot_names = array ('publisher_id' => $publisher_id); foreach ($ad_units as $ad_unit) { if ($ad_unit ['active']) $ad_slot_names [$ad_unit ['code']] = $ad_unit ['name']; } echo json_encode ($ad_slot_names); } } } function generate_list_options ($options) { switch ($options) { case 'category': $category_data = ai_get_category_list (); foreach ($category_data as $category) { echo " \n"; $category_to_check = get_term_by ('slug', $category->slug, 'category'); if ($category_to_check) { $descendants = get_term_children ($category_to_check->term_id, 'category'); if ($descendants) { // Translators: %s: category name echo " \n"; // Translators: %s: category name echo " \n"; } } } break; case 'tag': $tag_data = ai_get_tag_list (); foreach ($tag_data as $tag) { echo " \n"; } break; case 'taxonomy': $taxonomies = ai_get_taxonomy_list (); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy => $taxonomy_name) { if ($taxonomy_name != '') echo " \n"; else echo " \n"; } break; case 'id': $posts_pages = ai_get_post_id_list (); $counter = 0; foreach ($posts_pages as $post_page) { if ($post_page->post_title == '') continue; echo " \n"; $counter ++; if ($counter >= AI_MAX_LIST_ITEMS) break; } echo " \n"; echo " \n"; break; case 'client': $languages = array ( 'af' => 'Afrikaans', 'sq' => 'Albanian', 'an' => 'Aragonese', 'ar*' => 'Arabic (Standard)', 'ar-dz' => 'Arabic (Algeria)', 'ar-bh' => 'Arabic (Bahrain)', 'ar-eg' => 'Arabic (Egypt)', 'ar-iq' => 'Arabic (Iraq)', 'ar-jo' => 'Arabic (Jordan)', 'ar-kw' => 'Arabic (Kuwait)', 'ar-lb' => 'Arabic (Lebanon)', 'ar-ly' => 'Arabic (Libya)', 'ar-ma' => 'Arabic (Morocco)', 'ar-om' => 'Arabic (Oman)', 'ar-qa' => 'Arabic (Qatar)', 'ar-sa' => 'Arabic (Saudi Arabia)', 'ar-sy' => 'Arabic (Syria)', 'ar-tn' => 'Arabic (Tunisia)', 'ar-ae' => 'Arabic (U.A.E.)', 'ar-ye' => 'Arabic (Yemen)', 'hy' => 'Armenian', 'as' => 'Assamese', 'ast' => 'Asturian', 'az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'eu' => 'Basque', 'bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'be' => 'Belarusian', 'bn' => 'Bengali', 'bs' => 'Bosnian', 'br' => 'Breton', 'my' => 'Burmese', 'ca' => 'Catalan', 'ch' => 'Chamorro', 'ce' => 'Chechen', 'zh*' => 'Chinese', 'zh-hk' => 'Chinese (Hong Kong)', 'zh-cn' => 'Chinese (PRC)', 'zh-sg' => 'Chinese (Singapore)', 'zh-tw' => 'Chinese (Taiwan)', 'cv' => 'Chuvash', 'co' => 'Corsican', 'cr' => 'Cree', 'hr' => 'Croatian', 'cs' => 'Czech', 'da' => 'Danish', 'nl*' => 'Dutch (Standard)', 'nl-be' => 'Dutch (Belgian)', 'en*' => 'English', 'en-au' => 'English (Australia)', 'en-bz' => 'English (Belize)', 'en-ca' => 'English (Canada)', 'en-ie' => 'English (Ireland)', 'en-jm' => 'English (Jamaica)', 'en-nz' => 'English (New Zealand)', 'en-ph' => 'English (Philippines)', 'en-za' => 'English (South Africa)', 'en-tt' => 'English (Trinidad & Tobago)', 'en-gb' => 'English (United Kingdom)', 'en-us' => 'English (United States)', 'en-zw' => 'English (Zimbabwe)', 'eo' => 'Esperanto', 'et' => 'Estonian', 'fo' => 'Faeroese', 'fa' => 'Persian', 'fj' => 'Fijian', 'fi' => 'Finnish', 'fr*' => 'French (Standard)', 'fr-be' => 'French (Belgium)', 'fr-ca' => 'French (Canada)', 'fr-fr' => 'French (France)', 'fr-lu' => 'French (Luxembourg)', 'fr-mc' => 'French (Monaco)', 'fr-ch' => 'French (Switzerland)', 'fy' => 'Frisian', 'fur' => 'Friulian', 'gd*' => 'Scots Gaelic', 'gd-ie' => 'Gaelic (Irish)', 'gl' => 'Galacian', 'ka' => 'Georgian', 'de*' => 'German (Standard)', 'de-at' => 'German (Austria)', 'de-de' => 'German (Germany)', 'de-li' => 'German (Liechtenstein)', 'de-lu' => 'German (Luxembourg)', 'de-ch' => 'German (Switzerland)', 'el' => 'Greek', 'gu' => 'Gujurati', 'ht' => 'Haitian', 'he' => 'Hebrew', 'hi' => 'Hindi', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'is' => 'Icelandic', 'id' => 'Indonesian', 'iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'ga' => 'Irish', 'it*' => 'Italian (Standard)', 'it-ch' => 'Italian (Switzerland)', 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'kn' => 'Kannada', 'ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'kk' => 'Kazakh', 'km' => 'Khmer', 'ky' => 'Kirghiz', 'tlh' => 'Klingon', 'ko*' => 'Korean', 'ko-kp' => 'Korean (North Korea)', 'ko-kr' => 'Korean (South Korea)', 'la' => 'Latin', 'lv' => 'Latvian', 'lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'mk' => 'FYRO Macedonian', 'ms' => 'Malay', 'ml' => 'Malayalam', 'mt' => 'Maltese', 'mi' => 'Maori', 'mr' => 'Marathi', 'mo' => 'Moldavian', 'nv' => 'Navajo', 'ng' => 'Ndonga', 'ne' => 'Nepali', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'nb' => 'Norwegian (Bokmal)', 'nn' => 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)', 'oc' => 'Occitan', 'or' => 'Oriya', 'om' => 'Oromo', 'fa-ir' => 'Persian/Iran', 'pl' => 'Polish', 'pt*' => 'Portuguese', 'pt-br' => 'Portuguese (Brazil)', 'pa*' => 'Punjabi', 'pa-in' => 'Punjabi (India)', 'pa-pk' => 'Punjabi (Pakistan)', 'qu' => 'Quechua', 'rm' => 'Rhaeto-Romanic', 'ro*' => 'Romanian', 'ro-mo' => 'Romanian (Moldavia)', 'ru*' => 'Russian', 'ru-mo' => 'Russian (Moldavia)', 'sz' => 'Sami (Lappish)', 'sg' => 'Sango', 'sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'sc' => 'Sardinian', 'sd' => 'Sindhi', 'si' => 'Singhalese', 'sr' => 'Serbian', 'sk' => 'Slovak', 'sl' => 'Slovenian', 'so' => 'Somani', 'sb' => 'Sorbian', 'es*' => 'Spanish', 'es-ar' => 'Spanish (Argentina)', 'es-bo' => 'Spanish (Bolivia)', 'es-cl' => 'Spanish (Chile)', 'es-co' => 'Spanish (Colombia)', 'es-cr' => 'Spanish (Costa Rica)', 'es-do' => 'Spanish (Dominican Republic)', 'es-ec' => 'Spanish (Ecuador)', 'es-sv' => 'Spanish (El Salvador)', 'es-gt' => 'Spanish (Guatemala)', 'es-hn' => 'Spanish (Honduras)', 'es-mx' => 'Spanish (Mexico)', 'es-ni' => 'Spanish (Nicaragua)', 'es-pa' => 'Spanish (Panama)', 'es-py' => 'Spanish (Paraguay)', 'es-pe' => 'Spanish (Peru)', 'es-pr' => 'Spanish (Puerto Rico)', 'es-es' => 'Spanish (Spain)', 'es-uy' => 'Spanish (Uruguay)', 'es-ve' => 'Spanish (Venezuela)', 'sx' => 'Sutu', 'sw' => 'Swahili', 'sv*' => 'Swedish', 'sv-fi' => 'Swedish (Finland)', 'sv-sv' => 'Swedish (Sweden)', 'ta' => 'Tamil', 'tt' => 'Tatar', 'te' => 'Teluga', 'th' => 'Thai', 'tig' => 'Tigre', 'ts' => 'Tsonga', 'tn' => 'Tswana', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'tk' => 'Turkmen', 'uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'hsb' => 'Upper Sorbian', 'ur' => 'Urdu', 've' => 'Venda', 'vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'vo' => 'Volapuk', 'wa' => 'Walloon', 'cy' => 'Welsh', 'xh' => 'Xhosa', 'ji' => 'Yiddish', 'zu' => 'Zulu', ); $clients = array (); if (version_compare (phpversion (), "5.6", ">=")) { require_once AD_INSERTER_PLUGIN_DIR.'includes/agent/Agent.php'; $agent = new Agent(); $clients = array_merge ( array_keys ($agent->getOperatingSystems ()), array_keys ($agent->getBrowsers ()), array_keys ($agent->getPhoneDevices ()), array_keys ($agent->getTabletDevices ()), array_keys ($agent->getUtilities ()) ); foreach ($clients as $client) { echo " \n"; } } else { } foreach ($languages as $language_id => $language) { echo " \n"; } $clients = array_merge ( $clients, $languages ); break; default: if (function_exists ('ai_generate_list_options')) ai_generate_list_options ($options); break; } } function ai_get_posts_pages_with_exceptions () { $args = array ( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $custom_post_types = get_post_types ($args, 'names', 'and'); $screens = array_values (array_merge (array ('post', 'page'), $custom_post_types)); $args = array ( 'posts_per_page' => AI_LIST_EXCEPTIONS_LIMIT, 'offset' => 0, 'category' => '', 'category_name' => '', 'orderby' => 'type', 'order' => 'ASC', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'meta_query' => array ( array ( 'key' => '_adinserter_block_exceptions', 'value' => '', 'compare' => '!=' ) ), 'post_type' => $screens, 'post_mime_type' => '', 'post_parent' => '', 'author' => '', 'author_name' => '', 'post_status' => '', 'suppress_filters' => true ); return (get_posts ($args)); } function ai_get_exceptions ($conditions) { if (function_exists ('ai_get_exceptions_2')) { $exceptions = ai_get_exceptions_2 (); if (is_array ($exceptions)) return $exceptions; } $exceptions = false; $block_exceptions = array (); if ($conditions) { $posts_pages = ai_get_posts_pages_with_exceptions (); $exceptions = array (); foreach ($posts_pages as $page) { $post_meta = get_post_meta ($page->ID, '_adinserter_block_exceptions', true); if ($post_meta == '') continue; $post_type_object = get_post_type_object ($page->post_type); $exceptions [$page->ID] = array ('type' => $page->post_type, 'name' => $post_type_object->labels->singular_name, 'title' => $page->post_title, 'blocks' => $post_meta); $selected_blocks = explode (",", $post_meta); foreach ($selected_blocks as $selected_block) { $block_exceptions [$selected_block][$page->ID] = array ('type' => $page->post_type, 'name' => $post_type_object->labels->singular_name, 'title' => $page->post_title); } } } return array ($exceptions, $block_exceptions); } function ai_clear_exceptions () { $clear = $_POST [AI_FORM_CLEAR_EXCEPTIONS]; $posts_pages = ai_get_posts_pages_with_exceptions (); // All exceptions if ($clear == "\xe2\x9d\x8c") { foreach ($posts_pages as $page) { delete_post_meta ($page->ID, '_adinserter_block_exceptions'); } } // Exceptions for post id elseif (strpos ($clear, 'id=') === 0) { $id = str_replace ('id=', '', $clear); if (is_numeric ($id)) { delete_post_meta ($id, '_adinserter_block_exceptions'); } } // Block exceptions elseif (is_numeric ($clear)) { foreach ($posts_pages as $page) { $post_meta = get_post_meta ($page->ID, '_adinserter_block_exceptions', true); $selected_blocks = explode (",", $post_meta); if (($key = array_search ($clear, $selected_blocks)) !== false) { unset ($selected_blocks [$key]); update_post_meta ($page->ID, '_adinserter_block_exceptions', implode (",", $selected_blocks)); } } } } function ai_clear_settings () { global $ai_db_options, $block_object, $wpdb, $ai_db_options_extract; if (defined ('AI_CONNECTED_MANAGER')) { $connected_manager = get_transient (AI_CONNECTED_MANAGER); } else $connected_manager = false; for ($block = 1; $block <= 96; $block ++) { delete_option (str_replace ("#", $block, AD_ADx_OPTIONS)); } $saved_management_key = isset ($ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['MANAGEMENT_KEY']) ? $ai_db_options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['MANAGEMENT_KEY'] : ''; delete_option (str_replace ("#", "Header", AD_ADx_OPTIONS)); delete_option (str_replace ("#", "Footer", AD_ADx_OPTIONS)); delete_option (AD_OPTIONS); delete_option (AI_OPTION_NAME); delete_option (AI_EXTRACT_NAME); delete_option (AI_FLAGS_NAME); if (is_multisite () && is_main_site ()) { delete_site_option (AI_OPTION_NAME); } delete_option (AI_ADSENSE_CLIENT_IDS); delete_option (AI_ADSENSE_AUTH_CODE); delete_option (AI_ADSENSE_OWN_IDS); delete_option (AI_ADS_TXT_NAME); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_TOKEN_1); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_TOKEN); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADSENSE_ADS); delete_transient ('ai-close'); if (function_exists ('ai_load_globals')) { delete_option (WP_AD_INSERTER_PRO_LICENSE); if ($connected_manager === false) { delete_option (WP_AD_INSERTER_PRO_KEY); } delete_option (WP_AD_INSERTER_PRO_CLIENT); $wpdb->query ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AI_STATISTICS_DB_TABLE); if (defined ('AI_CONNECTED_WEBSITE')) { delete_transient (AI_CONNECTED_WEBSITE); delete_option (AI_WEBSITES); } delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_CLASS_1); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_CLASS_2); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_CLASS_3); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_CLASS_4); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_CLASS_5); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_CLASS_6); delete_transient (AI_TRANSIENT_ADB_FILES_VERSION); } // if (/*ai_current_user_role_ok () && */(!is_multisite() || is_main_site () || multisite_exceptions_enabled ())) { $posts_pages = ai_get_posts_pages_with_exceptions (); foreach ($posts_pages as $page) { delete_post_meta ($page->ID, '_adinserter_block_exceptions'); } // } ai_load_settings (); $options = $ai_db_options; $options [AI_OPTION_EXTRACT] = ai_generate_extract ($options); $ai_db_options_extract = $options [AI_OPTION_EXTRACT]; $options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['VIEWPORT_CSS'] = generate_viewport_css (); $options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['ALIGNMENT_CSS'] = generate_alignment_css (); $options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['TIMESTAMP'] = time (); if ($connected_manager !== false) { $options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['REMOTE_DEBUGGING'] = AI_ENABLED; $options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['REMOTE_MANAGEMENT'] = AI_ENABLED; $options [AI_OPTION_GLOBAL]['MANAGEMENT_KEY'] = $saved_management_key; } ai_update_option (AI_OPTION_NAME, $options); update_option (AI_EXTRACT_NAME, $ai_db_options_extract); ai_load_settings (); if (function_exists ('ai_load_globals')) ai_load_globals (); } function ai_clear_statistics () { global $wpdb; if (isset ($_POST [AI_FORM_CLEAR_STATISTICS]) &&is_numeric ($_POST [AI_FORM_CLEAR_STATISTICS])) { if ($_POST [AI_FORM_CLEAR_STATISTICS] != 0) { $wpdb->query ("DELETE FROM " . AI_STATISTICS_DB_TABLE . " WHERE block = " . ((int) $_POST [AI_FORM_CLEAR_STATISTICS])); } else $wpdb->query ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AI_STATISTICS_DB_TABLE); } } function ai_check_page () { $download_urls = array (); // echo '["1","2","3","4"]'; // return; switch ($_GET ["check-page"]) { case 'po': case 'pa': $args = array ( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $custom_post_types = get_post_types ($args, 'names', 'and'); $screens = array_values (array_merge (array ($_GET ["check-page"] == 'po' ? 'post' : 'page'), $custom_post_types)); $args = array ( 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'offset' => 0, 'category' => '', 'category_name' => '', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'DESC', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'post_type' => $screens, 'post_mime_type' => '', 'post_parent' => '', 'author' => '', 'author_name' => '', 'post_status' => '', 'suppress_filters' => true, ); $posts_pages = get_posts ($args); if (isset ($posts_pages [0])) { $download_urls []= get_permalink ($posts_pages [0]->ID); } // Check also post/page with comments $args = array ('post_type' => $_GET ["check-page"] == 'po' ? 'post' : 'page', 'number' => 1); $comment_data = get_comments ($args); if (isset ($comment_data [0])) { $download_urls []= get_permalink ($comment_data [0]->comment_post_ID); } break; case 'hp': $download_urls []= home_url () . '/'; break; case 'cp': $args = array ('hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 1); $category_data = get_categories ($args); if (isset ($category_data [0])) { $download_urls []= get_category_link ($category_data [0]->cat_ID) . '/'; } break; case 'ap': $args = array ('hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 1); $tag_data = get_tags ($args); if (isset ($tag_data [0])) { $download_urls []= get_tag_link ($tag_data [0]->term_taxonomy_id) . '/'; } break; case 'sp': $download_urls []= home_url () . '/?s=a'; break; } if (!empty ($download_urls)) { $positions = array (); $secret_key = ai_secret_key (); foreach ($download_urls as $download_url) { $tmp_file = download_url (add_query_arg (array (AI_URL_DEBUG_POSITIONS => '0', 'ai-secret' => $secret_key), $download_url)); if (!is_wp_error ($tmp_file) && file_exists ($tmp_file)) { $page = file_get_contents ($tmp_file); preg_match_all ('#data-ai-position=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]#', $page, $matches); foreach (array_unique ($matches [1]) as $position) { $positions [] = (int) $position; } } else { // @unlink ($tmp_file); $error_string = $tmp_file->get_error_message(); echo $error_string; return; } @unlink ($tmp_file); } switch ($_GET ["check-page"]) { case 'po': case 'pa': if (in_array (AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_CONTENT, $positions) && in_array (AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_CONTENT, $positions)) { $positions [] = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH; $positions [] = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_PARAGRAPH; $positions [] = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_IMAGE; $positions [] = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_IMAGE; } if (in_array (AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BEFORE_COMMENTS, $positions) && in_array (AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_AFTER_COMMENTS, $positions)) { $positions [] = AI_AUTOMATIC_INSERTION_BETWEEN_COMMENTS; } break; } $positions = array_unique ($positions); sort ($positions); foreach ($download_urls as $index => $download_url) { $download_urls [$index] = add_query_arg (array (AI_URL_DEBUG_POSITIONS => '0', 'no-cookie' => '1'), $download_url); } echo json_encode (array ('positions' => $positions, 'urls' => $download_urls)); } } function sidebar_addense_alternative () { ?>

Ad Inserter', '', '', ' ' ); ?>

<?php _e ('Ad Inserter on Twitter', 'ad-inserter'); ?> <?php _e ('Ad Inserter on Facebook', 'ad-inserter'); ?>

', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ); ?>
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ); ?>

', '' ); ?> happy

', '' ); ?>
', '' ); ?>

20 EUR'); ?>

one year of free updates and support via email. If you find Ad Inserter useful and need ad statistics for impressions and clicks, A/B testing, sticky ads, slider ads, pop-up ads, geotargeting or geolocation to serve country-specific ads, to protect content or to serve different ads for users using ad blockers, multisite options to limit settings for ads, to block some IP addresses, to schedule ads, then you can simply upgrade to %s Ad Inserter Pro %s (existing settings will be preserved).', 'ad-inserter'), '', ''); ?>

', ''); ?>

  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
  • ', ''); ?>
generate_alignment_class ($block_class_name); if ($block_class_name != '' && $block_number_class) $classes []= $block_class_name . '-n'; if ($block_class_name != '' && $block_name_class) $classes []= $block_class_name . '-name'; $class = count ($classes) ? ' class="' . implode (' ', $classes) . '"' : ''; $style = $inline_styles || !defined ('AI_NORMAL_HEADER_STYLES') ? ' style="' . AI_ALIGNMENT_CSS_DEFAULT . '"' : ''; echo "<div$class$style>"; }