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Avoid browsing of your uploads directory by adding a htaccess or index.php file. == Description == The uploads directory is where the files of the WordPress library are stored. Unfortunelty, this directory is not protected. A person who wants to see all your library could list it instantly going to : http://yourwebsite/wp-content/uploads . This plugin will hide the content by adding an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory or by setting an htaccess which will return a 403 error (Forbidden Access). * Depending on your server setting, the htaccess option could be disabled. Available languages : * English * Français * Español * Italian (thanks to Marko97) == Installation == 1. Upload `protect-uploads` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Note : GD library is needed and being able to create a .htaccess file in uploads directory. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. Administration Page for the plugin. == Upgrade Notice == Nothing for now == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial release = 0.2 = * Add security check to form in admin page. * Add sidebar for admin page * Add Italian translation (thanks to Marko97). * Try to fix the wrong message saying that Protection is disabled eventhough it is actually working. = 0.3 = * Simplify UI admin. * check presence of index.html. * Remove option value managing current protection status. * Reorganizing code and making it more modular and simple. * Remove useless pieces. = 0.4 = * Fix potential security issues. * Remove recursive loop that creates indexes. PK!w'includes/class-protect-uploads-i18n.phpnu[domain, false, dirname( dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/languages/' ); } /** * Set the domain equal to that of the specified domain. * @param string $domain The domain that represents the locale of this plugin. */ public function set_domain( $domain ) { $this->domain = $domain; } } PK!X%&99.includes/class-protect-uploads-deactivator.phpnu[plugin_name, $this->version); $plugin->remove_index(); $plugin->remove_htaccess(); delete_option( $this->get_plugin_name().'-protection' ); } }PK!SS"includes/class-protect-uploads.phpnu[version = '0.4'; $this->plugin_name = 'protect-uploads'; $this->load_dependencies(); $this->set_locale(); $this->define_admin_hooks(); } private function load_dependencies() { require_once plugin_dir_path(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'includes/class-protect-uploads-loader.php'; require_once plugin_dir_path(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'includes/class-protect-uploads-i18n.php'; require_once plugin_dir_path(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php'; $this->loader = new Alti_ProtectUploads_Loader(); } /** * set locale for translation ends. */ private function set_locale() { $plugin_i18n = new Alti_ProtectUploads_i18n(); $plugin_i18n->set_domain($this->get_plugin_name()); $this->loader->add_action('plugins_loaded', $plugin_i18n, 'load_plugin_textdomain'); } /** * action and filter for admin side */ private function define_admin_hooks() { $plugin_admin = new Alti_ProtectUploads_Admin($this->get_plugin_name(), $this->get_version()); $this->loader->add_action('admin_menu', $plugin_admin, 'add_submenu_page'); $this->loader->add_action('admin_init', $plugin_admin, 'verify_settings_page'); $this->loader->add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . $this->get_plugin_name() . '/' . $this->get_plugin_name() . '.php', $plugin_admin, 'add_settings_link'); $this->loader->add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', $plugin_admin, 'enqueue_styles'); } public function run() { $this->loader->run(); } public function get_plugin_name() { return $this->plugin_name; } public function get_loader() { return $this->loader; } public function get_version() { return $this->version; } } PK!!iRR)includes/class-protect-uploads-loader.phpnu[actions = array(); $this->filters = array(); } /** * Add a new action to the collection to be registered with WordPress. * @param string $hook The name of the WordPress action that is being registered. * @param object $component A reference to the instance of the object on which the action is defined. * @param string $callback The name of the function definition on the $component. * @param int Optional $priority The priority at which the function should be fired. * @param int Optional $accepted_args The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback. */ public function add_action( $hook, $component, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ) { $this->actions = $this->add( $this->actions, $hook, $component, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args ); } /** * Add a new filter to the collection to be registered with WordPress. * @param string $hook The name of the WordPress filter that is being registered. * @param object $component A reference to the instance of the object on which the filter is defined. * @param string $callback The name of the function definition on the $component. * @param int Optional $priority The priority at which the function should be fired. * @param int Optional $accepted_args The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback. */ public function add_filter( $hook, $component, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ) { $this->filters = $this->add( $this->filters, $hook, $component, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args ); } /** * A utility function that is used to register the actions and hooks into a single * collection. * @param array $hooks The collection of hooks that is being registered (that is, actions or filters). * @param string $hook The name of the WordPress filter that is being registered. * @param object $component A reference to the instance of the object on which the filter is defined. * @param string $callback The name of the function definition on the $component. * @param int Optional $priority The priority at which the function should be fired. * @param int Optional $accepted_args The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback. * @return type The collection of actions and filters registered with WordPress. */ private function add( $hooks, $hook, $component, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args ) { $hooks[] = array( 'hook' => $hook, 'component' => $component, 'callback' => $callback, 'priority' => $priority, 'accepted_args' => $accepted_args ); return $hooks; } /** * Register the filters and actions with WordPress. */ public function run() { foreach ( $this->filters as $hook ) { add_filter( $hook['hook'], array( $hook['component'], $hook['callback'] ), $hook['priority'], $hook['accepted_args'] ); } foreach ( $this->actions as $hook ) { add_action( $hook['hook'], array( $hook['component'], $hook['callback'] ), $hook['priority'], $hook['accepted_args'] ); } } } PK!* includes/index.phpnu[3b7r_' m##S-'U|l# (   ' (/ X x  5 , 5 B; ~ 9/  ~#(9`S +$F k y-80%9_  #  " ! CheckError codeExisting htaccess has been updated.Go to Protect Uploads documentationImpossible to create or modified the htaccess file.Impossible to create or modified the index.php file in Prevent users to browse your uploads directory. You'll protect your uploads directory to be accessed and content stolen too easily in one batch.Protect Uploads Plugin support page.Protect Uploads plugin is developped byProtectionSettingsStatusSupportThe Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web host has to activate this module.The htaccess file has been created.The htaccess file has been updated.The index.php file has been created in main folder and subfolders (two levels max).The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted.This plugin is compatible with the Watermark Plugin.This will create an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory. This simple trick will hide the content of your whole uploads directory.Through the htaccess file, it will prevent people to browse your uploads directory and return a 403 code (Forbidden Access).To do so, you have to: 1. Install the Watermark Plugin 2. Then choose your settings in this page and Update.UpdateUploads directory is not protected!Uploads directory is protected.Visit yourYour uploads directory is already protected by an htaccess file or an Apache setting set for the whole website. You don't need extra protection.
The «remove option» behind will have no effect on the current protection.Your uploads directory is not protected.add index filebyprevent directory listing with htaccessremove protection or disabled protectionto check the current protectionuploads directoryProject-Id-Version: alti-protect-uplodas POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-01 15:34-0500 PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-01 15:36-0500 Last-Translator: alticreation Language-Team: alticreation Language: fr MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.11 X-Poedit-Basepath: ../ Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1); X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8 X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . ContrôleCode erreurLe fichier htaccess préexistant a été mis à jour.Aller à la documentation de Protect UploadsImpossible de créer ou modifier le fichier htaccess.Il est impossible de créer ou modifier le fichier index.php dans Empêche les utilisateurs de lister le contenu de votre repertoire uploads. Vous protégerez votre répertoire uploads. Il ne sera pas accessible et le contenu ne pourra pas être voler.Page de support de l'extension Protect Uploads.L'extension Protect Uploads est développé parProtectionRéglagesStatutSupportL'extension «Protect Uploads» ne peut pas fonctionner sans APache. Vous-même ou votre hébergeur web doit active ce module.Le fichier htaccess a été créé.Le fichier htaccess a été mis à jour.Le fichier index.php a été créé dans le dossier principal des uploads ainsi que dans les sous-dossiers (jusqu'à deux niveaux).Le(s) fichier(s) index.php a (ont) été(s) supprimé(s).Cette extension est compatible avec l'extension Watermark.Ceci créera un fichier index.php à la racine du repertoire Uploads. Cette simple manipulation cachera le contenu de tout votre repertoire Uploads.Via le fichier htaccess, les utilisateurs ne pourront pas naviguer dans les repertoires Uploads librement et ceci retournera un code 403 (Accès Interdit).Pour faire cela, vous devez : 1. Installer l'extension Watermark 2. Ensuite choisir vos réglages dans cette page puis Mettre à jour.Mettre à jourLe repertoire Uploads n'est pas protégé !Le repertoire Uploads est protégé.Visitez votreVotre répertoir Uploads est déjà protégé par un fichier htaccess ou par un réglage Apache défini pour l'ensemble du site. Vous n'avez pas besoin de protection supplémentaire.
L'option «supprimer» ci-dessous n'aura pas d'effet sur la protection actuelle.Votre repertoire Uploads n'est pas protégé.ajouter un fichier indexparEmpêcher le listage du repertoire Uploads avec htaccessenlever la protection ou protection désactivéepour verifier la protection actuelle.repertoire UploadsPK!;"languages/protect-uploads-es_ES.monu[#4/L  ##>3b7r_' m##S-'U|l# (   ' (/ X x   % ) 4 6( _ p0 "Z'}f5 Bw* )$ )"Lb?f3$  #  " ! CheckError codeExisting htaccess has been updated.Go to Protect Uploads documentationImpossible to create or modified the htaccess file.Impossible to create or modified the index.php file in Prevent users to browse your uploads directory. You'll protect your uploads directory to be accessed and content stolen too easily in one batch.Protect Uploads Plugin support page.Protect Uploads plugin is developped byProtectionSettingsStatusSupportThe Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web host has to activate this module.The htaccess file has been created.The htaccess file has been updated.The index.php file has been created in main folder and subfolders (two levels max).The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted.This plugin is compatible with the Watermark Plugin.This will create an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory. This simple trick will hide the content of your whole uploads directory.Through the htaccess file, it will prevent people to browse your uploads directory and return a 403 code (Forbidden Access).To do so, you have to: 1. Install the Watermark Plugin 2. Then choose your settings in this page and Update.UpdateUploads directory is not protected!Uploads directory is protected.Visit yourYour uploads directory is already protected by an htaccess file or an Apache setting set for the whole website. You don't need extra protection.
The «remove option» behind will have no effect on the current protection.Your uploads directory is not protected.add index filebyprevent directory listing with htaccessremove protection or disabled protectionto check the current protectionuploads directoryProject-Id-Version: protect-uploads POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-01 15:38-0500 PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-01 15:53-0500 Last-Translator: alticreation Language-Team: alticreation Language: es MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.11 X-Poedit-Basepath: ../ Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;__;_e X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8 X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . ComprobarCódigo de errorHtaccess existente se ha actualizado.Ir a la documentación de Protect UploadsImposible de crear o modificar el archivo .htaccess.Imposible de crear o modificar el archivo index.php enEvita que los usuarios navigen directamente por el directorio de archivos. Va a proteger su directorio de archivos y contenido no sera robado con demasiada facilidad en un solo lote.Ver la pagina de ayuda del plugin.El Plugin Protect Uploads está desarrollado porProtecciónAjustesEstadoAyudaEl plugin Protect Uploads no puede funcionar sin Apache. Usted o su proveedor de alojamiento web tiene que activar este módulo.El archivo .htaccess se ha creado.El archivo .htaccess se ha actualizado.El archivo index.php se ha creado en la carpeta principal de uploads y subcarpetas (dos niveles max).El(los) archivo(s) index.php ha(n) sido eliminado(s).Este plugin es compatible con el Plugin Marca de agua .Esto creará un archivo index.php en la raíz del directorio de los archivos subidos. Este sencillo truco ocultará el contenido de todo su directorio uploads.Mediante el archivo .htaccess, se evitará que la gente navega en el directorio de archivos y devuelve un código 403 (Acceso prohibido).Por eso, usted tiene que: 1. Instalar el Watermark Plugin 2. Seleccione la configuración en esta página y actualizar.ActualizarDirectorio de Uploads no está protegido!Directorio Uploads está protegida.Visite a suSu directorio de archivos está ya protegido por un archivo .htaccess o una configuración de Apache puesta para todo el sitio. Usted no necesita protección adicional.
El «opción quitar» aqui abajo no tendrá ningún efecto sobre la protección actual.El directorio Uploads no está protegido.añadir archivo indexporpreviene la navegacion en el directorio de Uploads con htaccesseliminar la protección o desactivar la protecciónpara comprobar la protección actualdirectorio de uploadsPK!@="languages/protect-uploads-es_ES.ponu[msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: protect-uploads\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-01 15:38-0500\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-01 15:53-0500\n" "Last-Translator: alticreation \n" "Language-Team: alticreation \n" "Language: es\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.11\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;__;_e\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:56 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:122 msgid "Impossible to create or modified the index.php file in " msgstr "Imposible de crear o modificar el archivo index.php en" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:136 msgid "" "The index.php file has been created in main folder and subfolders (two " "levels max)." msgstr "" "El archivo index.php se ha creado en la carpeta principal de uploads y " "subcarpetas (dos niveles max)." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:170 msgid "Impossible to create or modified the htaccess file." msgstr "Imposible de crear o modificar el archivo .htaccess." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:179 msgid "The htaccess file has been created." msgstr "El archivo .htaccess se ha creado." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:191 msgid "Existing htaccess has been updated." msgstr "Htaccess existente se ha actualizado." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:221 msgid "The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted." msgstr "El(los) archivo(s) index.php ha(n) sido eliminado(s)." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:250 msgid "The htaccess file has been updated." msgstr "El archivo .htaccess se ha actualizado." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:294 msgid "" "The Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web " "host has to activate this module." msgstr "" "El plugin Protect Uploads no puede funcionar sin Apache. Usted o su " "proveedor de alojamiento web tiene que activar este módulo." #: admin/views/includes/protect-uploads-admin-message.php:7 msgid "Error code" msgstr "Código de error" #: admin/views/includes/protect-uploads-admin-message.php:7 msgid "Go to Protect Uploads documentation" msgstr "Ir a la documentación de Protect Uploads" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:9 msgid "by" msgstr "por" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:10 msgid "" "Prevent users to browse your uploads directory. You'll protect your uploads " "directory to be accessed and content stolen too easily in one batch." msgstr "" "Evita que los usuarios navigen directamente por el directorio de archivos. " "Va a proteger su directorio de archivos y contenido no sera robado con " "demasiada facilidad en un solo lote." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:17 msgid "Status" msgstr "Estado" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:22 msgid "Uploads directory is protected." msgstr "Directorio Uploads está protegida." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:24 msgid "" "Your uploads directory is already protected by an htaccess " "file or an Apache setting set for the whole website. You don't need extra " "protection.
The «remove option» behind will have no effect on the current " "protection." msgstr "" "Su directorio de archivos está ya protegido por un " "archivo .htaccess o una configuración de Apache puesta para todo el sitio. " "Usted no necesita protección adicional.
El «opción quitar» aqui abajo " "no tendrá ningún efecto sobre la protección actual." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:27 msgid "Uploads directory is not protected!" msgstr "Directorio de Uploads no está protegido!" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:34 #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:39 msgid "Protection" msgstr "Protección" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:44 msgid "add index file" msgstr "añadir archivo index" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:45 msgid "" "This will create an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory. " "This simple trick will hide the content of your whole uploads directory." msgstr "" "Esto creará un archivo index.php en la raíz del directorio de los archivos " "subidos. Este sencillo truco ocultará el contenido de todo su directorio " "uploads." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:50 msgid "prevent directory listing with htaccess" msgstr "previene la navegacion en el directorio de Uploads con htaccess" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:51 msgid "" "Through the htaccess file, it will prevent people to browse your uploads " "directory and return a 403 code (Forbidden Access)." msgstr "" "Mediante el archivo .htaccess, se evitará que la gente navega en el " "directorio de archivos y devuelve un código 403 (Acceso prohibido)." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:56 msgid "remove protection or disabled protection" msgstr "eliminar la protección o desactivar la protección" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:57 msgid "Your uploads directory is not protected." msgstr "El directorio Uploads no está protegido." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:65 msgid "Check" msgstr "Comprobar" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "Visit your" msgstr "Visite a su" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "uploads directory" msgstr "directorio de uploads" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "to check the current protection" msgstr "para comprobar la protección actual" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:73 msgid "Support" msgstr "Ayuda" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:76 msgid "" "Protect Uploads Plugin support page." msgstr "" "Ver la pagina de ayuda del plugin." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:77 msgid "" "This plugin is compatible with the Watermark Plugin." msgstr "" "Este plugin es compatible con el Plugin Marca de agua ." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:78 msgid "" "To do so, you have to: 1. Install the Watermark Plugin 2. Then choose your " "settings in this page and Update." msgstr "" "Por eso, usted tiene que: 1. Instalar el Watermark Plugin 2. Seleccione la " "configuración en esta página y actualizar." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:85 msgid "Update" msgstr "Actualizar" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:94 msgid "Protect Uploads plugin is developped by" msgstr "El Plugin Protect Uploads está desarrollado por" PK!* languages/index.phpnu[\n" "Language-Team: Marko97 \n" "Language: it_IT\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.7\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;__;_e\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:56 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:122 msgid "Impossible to create or modified the index.php file in " msgstr "Impossibile creare o modificare il file index.php in" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:136 msgid "" "The index.php file has been created in main folder and subfolders (two " "levels max)." msgstr "" "Il file index.php è stato creato nella cartella principale e nelle sotto " "cartelle (massimo 2 livelli)" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:170 msgid "Impossible to create or modified the htaccess file." msgstr "Impossibile creare o modificare il file .htaccess" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:179 msgid "The htaccess file has been created." msgstr "Il file .htaccess è stato creato" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:191 msgid "Existing htaccess has been updated." msgstr "Il file .htaccess è stato aggiornato" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:221 msgid "The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted." msgstr "" "Il file index.php è stato eliminato / I file index.php sono stati eliminati" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:250 msgid "The htaccess file has been updated." msgstr "Il file .htacess è stato aggiornato" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:294 msgid "" "The Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web " "host has to activate this module." msgstr "" "Il plugin Protect Uploads non può funzionare senza Apache. Verifica il tuo " "webserver e attiva questo modulo." #: admin/views/includes/protect-uploads-admin-message.php:7 msgid "Error code" msgstr "Codice errore" #: admin/views/includes/protect-uploads-admin-message.php:7 msgid "Go to Protect Uploads documentation" msgstr "Documentazione di Protect Uploads (in inglese)" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:9 msgid "by" msgstr "da" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:10 msgid "" "Prevent users to browse your uploads directory. You'll protect your uploads " "directory to be accessed and content stolen too easily in one batch." msgstr "" "Inibisci la possibilità agli utenti di navigare nella directory upload. " "Questo consente di proteggerti da eventuali furti e impedire l'esecuzione di " "batch a questo scopo." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:17 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stato" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:22 msgid "Uploads directory is protected." msgstr "La directory upload è protetta" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:24 msgid "" "Your uploads directory is already protected by an htaccess " "file or an Apache setting set for the whole website. You don't need extra " "protection.
The «remove option» behind will have no effect on the current " "protection." msgstr "" "La directory upload è già protetta da un file .htaccess o " "una configurazione Apache. Non necessiti di ulteriore protezione." "
L'opzione «rimuovi opzione» non avrà effetto sulla protezione attuale." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:27 msgid "Uploads directory is not protected!" msgstr "La directory upload non è protetta!" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:34 #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:39 msgid "Protection" msgstr "Protezione" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:44 msgid "add index file" msgstr "Aggiungi file index" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:45 msgid "" "This will create an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory. " "This simple trick will hide the content of your whole uploads directory." msgstr "" "Questa operazione creerà un file index.php vuoto nella directory upload. " "Questo è un semplice trucchetto per nascondere il contenuto nella directory." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:50 msgid "prevent directory listing with htaccess" msgstr "Inserisci protezione tramite .htaccess" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:51 msgid "" "Through the htaccess file, it will prevent people to browse your uploads " "directory and return a 403 code (Forbidden Access)." msgstr "" "Tramite il file .htaccess, questo bloccherà l'accesso alle risorse presenti " "nella directory mostrando il codice errore 403 (accesso negato)." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:56 msgid "remove protection or disabled protection" msgstr "Disattiva protezione" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:57 msgid "Your uploads directory is not protected." msgstr "" "Questa operazione disabiliterà la protezione. Eventuali altre protezioni non " "verranno disabilitate." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:65 msgid "Check" msgstr "Verifica" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "Visit your" msgstr "Visita" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "uploads directory" msgstr "la directory upload" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "to check the current protection" msgstr "per verificare la protezione attuale" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:73 msgid "Support" msgstr "Supporto" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:76 msgid "" "Protect Uploads Plugin support page." msgstr "" "Vedi la nostra pagina di supporto del plugin. (in inglese)" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:77 msgid "" "This plugin is compatible with the Watermark Plugin." msgstr "" "Questo plugin è compatibile con Watermark Plugin." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:78 msgid "" "To do so, you have to: 1. Install the Watermark Plugin 2. Then choose your " "settings in this page and Update." msgstr " " #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:85 msgid "Update" msgstr "Salva le modifiche" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:94 msgid "Protect Uploads plugin is developped by" msgstr "Questo plugin è stato sviluppato da" PK!Ŷ"languages/protect-uploads-it_IT.monu[#4LLM S#^#37r' >IRYma##S-kL|l\# ( 9 H 'K (s     % . 17 4i J $ m!$fL;9_a$td&?$TyCheckError codeExisting htaccess has been updated.Go to Protect Uploads documentationImpossible to create or modified the htaccess file.Impossible to create or modified the index.php file in Prevent users to browse your uploads directory. You'll protect your uploads directory to be accessed and content stolen too easily in one batch.Protect Uploads Plugin support page.Protect Uploads plugin is developped byProtectionSettingsStatusSupportThe Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web host has to activate this module.The htaccess file has been created.The htaccess file has been updated.The index.php file has been created in main folder and subfolders (two levels max).The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted.This plugin is compatible with the Watermark Plugin.This will create an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory. This simple trick will hide the content of your whole uploads directory.Through the htaccess file, it will prevent people to browse your uploads directory and return a 403 code (Forbidden Access).To do so, you have to: 1. Install the Watermark Plugin 2. Then choose your settings in this page and Update.UpdateUploads directory is not protected!Uploads directory is protected.Visit yourYour uploads directory is already protected by an htaccess file or an Apache setting set for the whole website. You don't need extra protection.
The «remove option» behind will have no effect on the current protection.Your uploads directory is not protected.add index filebyprevent directory listing with htaccessremove protection or disabled protectionto check the current protectionuploads directoryProject-Id-Version: protect-uploads POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-01 15:38-0500 PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-23 09:13+0100 Last-Translator: alticreation Language-Team: Marko97 Language: it_IT MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.7 X-Poedit-Basepath: ../ Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;__;_e X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8 X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . VerificaCodice erroreIl file .htaccess è stato aggiornatoDocumentazione di Protect Uploads (in inglese)Impossibile creare o modificare il file .htaccessImpossibile creare o modificare il file index.php inInibisci la possibilità agli utenti di navigare nella directory upload. Questo consente di proteggerti da eventuali furti e impedire l'esecuzione di batch a questo scopo.Vedi la nostra pagina di supporto del plugin. (in inglese)Questo plugin è stato sviluppato daProtezioneImpostazioniStatoSupportoIl plugin Protect Uploads non può funzionare senza Apache. Verifica il tuo webserver e attiva questo modulo.Il file .htaccess è stato creatoIl file .htacess è stato aggiornatoIl file index.php è stato creato nella cartella principale e nelle sotto cartelle (massimo 2 livelli)Il file index.php è stato eliminato / I file index.php sono stati eliminatiQuesto plugin è compatibile con Watermark Plugin.Questa operazione creerà un file index.php vuoto nella directory upload. Questo è un semplice trucchetto per nascondere il contenuto nella directory.Tramite il file .htaccess, questo bloccherà l'accesso alle risorse presenti nella directory mostrando il codice errore 403 (accesso negato). Salva le modificheLa directory upload non è protetta!La directory upload è protettaVisitaLa directory upload è già protetta da un file .htaccess o una configurazione Apache. Non necessiti di ulteriore protezione.
L'opzione «rimuovi opzione» non avrà effetto sulla protezione attuale.Questa operazione disabiliterà la protezione. Eventuali altre protezioni non verranno disabilitate.Aggiungi file indexdaInserisci protezione tramite .htaccessDisattiva protezioneper verificare la protezione attualela directory uploadPK!@22"languages/protect-uploads-fr_FR.ponu[msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: alti-protect-uplodas\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-01 15:34-0500\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-01 15:36-0500\n" "Last-Translator: alticreation \n" "Language-Team: alticreation \n" "Language: fr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.11\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:56 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Réglages" #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:122 msgid "Impossible to create or modified the index.php file in " msgstr "Il est impossible de créer ou modifier le fichier index.php dans " #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:136 msgid "" "The index.php file has been created in main folder and subfolders (two " "levels max)." msgstr "" "Le fichier index.php a été créé dans le dossier principal des uploads ainsi " "que dans les sous-dossiers (jusqu'à deux niveaux)." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:170 msgid "Impossible to create or modified the htaccess file." msgstr "Impossible de créer ou modifier le fichier htaccess." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:179 msgid "The htaccess file has been created." msgstr "Le fichier htaccess a été créé." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:191 msgid "Existing htaccess has been updated." msgstr "Le fichier htaccess préexistant a été mis à jour." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:221 msgid "The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted." msgstr "Le(s) fichier(s) index.php a (ont) été(s) supprimé(s)." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:250 msgid "The htaccess file has been updated." msgstr "Le fichier htaccess a été mis à jour." #: admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php:294 msgid "" "The Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web " "host has to activate this module." msgstr "" "L'extension «Protect Uploads» ne peut pas fonctionner sans APache. Vous-même " "ou votre hébergeur web doit active ce module." #: admin/views/includes/protect-uploads-admin-message.php:7 msgid "Error code" msgstr "Code erreur" #: admin/views/includes/protect-uploads-admin-message.php:7 msgid "Go to Protect Uploads documentation" msgstr "Aller à la documentation de Protect Uploads" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:9 msgid "by" msgstr "par" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:10 msgid "" "Prevent users to browse your uploads directory. You'll protect your uploads " "directory to be accessed and content stolen too easily in one batch." msgstr "" "Empêche les utilisateurs de lister le contenu de votre repertoire uploads. " "Vous protégerez votre répertoire uploads. Il ne sera pas accessible et le " "contenu ne pourra pas être voler." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:17 msgid "Status" msgstr "Statut" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:22 msgid "Uploads directory is protected." msgstr "Le repertoire Uploads est protégé." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:24 msgid "" "Your uploads directory is already protected by an htaccess " "file or an Apache setting set for the whole website. You don't need extra " "protection.
The «remove option» behind will have no effect on the current " "protection." msgstr "" "Votre répertoir Uploads est déjà protégé par un fichier htaccess ou par un " "réglage Apache défini pour l'ensemble du site. Vous n'avez pas besoin de " "protection supplémentaire.
L'option «supprimer» ci-dessous n'aura pas " "d'effet sur la protection actuelle." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:27 msgid "Uploads directory is not protected!" msgstr "Le repertoire Uploads n'est pas protégé !" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:34 #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:39 msgid "Protection" msgstr "Protection" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:44 msgid "add index file" msgstr "ajouter un fichier index" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:45 msgid "" "This will create an index.php file on the root of your uploads directory. " "This simple trick will hide the content of your whole uploads directory." msgstr "" "Ceci créera un fichier index.php à la racine du repertoire Uploads. Cette " "simple manipulation cachera le contenu de tout votre repertoire Uploads." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:50 msgid "prevent directory listing with htaccess" msgstr "Empêcher le listage du repertoire Uploads avec htaccess" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:51 msgid "" "Through the htaccess file, it will prevent people to browse your uploads " "directory and return a 403 code (Forbidden Access)." msgstr "" "Via le fichier htaccess, les utilisateurs ne pourront pas naviguer dans les " "repertoires Uploads librement et ceci retournera un code 403 (Accès " "Interdit)." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:56 msgid "remove protection or disabled protection" msgstr "enlever la protection ou protection désactivée" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:57 msgid "Your uploads directory is not protected." msgstr "Votre repertoire Uploads n'est pas protégé." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:65 msgid "Check" msgstr "Contrôle" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "Visit your" msgstr "Visitez votre" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "uploads directory" msgstr "repertoire Uploads" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:68 msgid "to check the current protection" msgstr "pour verifier la protection actuelle." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:73 msgid "Support" msgstr "Support" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:76 msgid "" "Protect Uploads Plugin support page." msgstr "" "Page de support de l'extension Protect Uploads." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:77 msgid "" "This plugin is compatible with the Watermark Plugin." msgstr "" "Cette extension est compatible avec l'extension Watermark." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:78 msgid "" "To do so, you have to: 1. Install the Watermark Plugin 2. Then choose your " "settings in this page and Update." msgstr "" "Pour faire cela, vous devez : 1. Installer l'extension Watermark 2. Ensuite " "choisir vos réglages dans cette page puis Mettre à jour." #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:85 msgid "Update" msgstr "Mettre à jour" #: admin/views/protect-uploads-admin-settings-page.php:94 msgid "Protect Uploads plugin is developped by" msgstr "L'extension Protect Uploads est développé par" PK!*  index.phpnu[run(); } function deactivate_alti_protect_uploads() { require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.php'; require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-protect-uploads-deactivator.php'; $deactivation = new Alti_ProtectUploads_Deactivator(); $deactivation->run(); } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'activate_alti_protect_uploads' ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'deactivate_alti_protect_uploads' ); require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-protect-uploads.php'; $plugin = new Alti_ProtectUploads(); $plugin->run(); PK!n\ uninstall.phpnu[ Copyright (C) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. , 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License.PK!EmEE%admin/class-protect-uploads-admin.phpnu[plugin_name = $plugin_name; $this->version = $version; } public function get_plugin_name() { return $this->plugin_name; } public function add_submenu_page() { add_submenu_page('upload.php', $this->plugin_name, 'Protect Uploads ', 'manage_options', $this->plugin_name . '-settings-page', array($this, 'render_settings_page')); } public function verify_settings_page() { if(!isset($_POST['protect-uploads_nonce'])) { return; } if(!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['protect-uploads_nonce'], 'submit_form')) { return; } if(!current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } if(!check_admin_referer('submit_form', 'protect-uploads_nonce')) { return; } if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['protection'])) { $this->save_form(sanitize_text_field($_POST['protection'])); } } public function render_settings_page() { ?>
display_messages(); ?>

Protect Uploads

check_uploads_is_protected() === true) { ?> plugin_name); ?> plugin_name); ?>

get_uploads_protection_message_array(); foreach ($file_messages as $file_message) { ?>

plugin_name); ?> check_uploads_is_protected() === false) { ?>

check_protective_file_removable() && $this->check_uploads_is_protected() ) { ?>
check_protective_file('index.html') === true) { ?>

plugin_name) ?>

plugin_name); ?> plugin_name); ?> plugin_name); ?>.

support page.', $this->plugin_name); ?>

plugin_name), 'primary') ?>
Like this plugin?

Rate it to show your support!

plugin_name, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/protect-uploads-admin.css', array(), $this->version, 'all'); } public function add_settings_link($links) { $settings_link = '' . __('Settings') . ''; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); return $links; } public function get_uploads_dir() { $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir(); return $uploads_dir['basedir']; } public function get_uploads_url() { $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir(); return $uploads_dir['baseurl']; } public function get_uploads_subdirectories() { return [self::get_uploads_dir()]; } public function save_form($protection) { if ($protection == 'index_php') { $this->create_index(); } if ($protection == 'htaccess') { $this->create_htaccess(); } if ($protection == 'remove') { $this->remove_index(); $this->remove_htaccess(); } } // used to check if the current htaccess has been generated by the plugin public function get_htaccess_identifier() { return "[plugin_name=" . $this->plugin_name . "]"; } public function create_index() { // check if index php does not exists if (self::check_protective_file('index.php') === false) { $indexContent = "get_plugin_name() . " Plugin\n"; $htaccessContent .= "\tOptions -Indexes\n"; $htaccessContent .= "# [date={$date}] [php={$phpv}] " . self::get_htaccess_identifier() . " [version={$this->version}]\n"; $htaccessContent .= "# END " . $this->get_plugin_name() . " Plugin\n"; // if htaccess does NOT exist yet if (self::check_protective_file('.htaccess') === false) { // try to create and save the new htaccess file if (!file_put_contents(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/' . '.htaccess', $htaccessContent)) { self::register_message('Impossible to create or modified the htaccess file.', 'error'); } else { self::register_message('The htaccess file has been created.'); } } else { // if content added to existing htaccess if (file_put_contents(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess', $htaccessContent, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX)) { self::register_message('The htaccess file has been updated.'); } else { self::register_message('The existing htaccess file couldn\'t be updated. Please check file permissions.', 'error'); } } } public function remove_index() { $i = 0; foreach (self::get_uploads_subdirectories() as $subDirectory) { if (file_exists($subDirectory . '/index.php')) { unlink($subDirectory . '/index.php'); $i++; } } if ($i == count(self::get_uploads_subdirectories())) { self::register_message('The index.php file(s) have(has) been deleted.'); } } public function remove_htaccess() { if (file_exists(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess')) { $htaccessContent = file_get_contents(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess'); $htaccessContent = preg_replace('/(# BEGIN protect-uploads Plugin)(.*?)(# END protect-uploads Plugin)/is', '', $htaccessContent); file_put_contents(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess', $htaccessContent, LOCK_EX); // if htaccess is empty, we remove it. if (strlen(preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "", file_get_contents(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess'))) == 0) { unlink(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess'); } // self::register_message('The htaccess file has been updated.'); } } public function get_protective_files_array() { $uploads_files = ['index.php', 'index.html', '.htaccess']; $response = []; foreach ($uploads_files as $file) { if (file_exists(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/' . $file)) { $response[] = $file; } } return $response; } public function check_protective_file($file) { if (in_array($file, self::get_protective_files_array())) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function get_uploads_root_response_code() { $response = wp_remote_get( self::get_uploads_url() ); $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); return $code; } public function get_htaccess_content() { return file_get_contents(self::get_uploads_dir() . '/.htaccess'); } public function check_htaccess_is_self_generated() { if (self::check_protective_file('.htaccess') && preg_match('/' . self::get_htaccess_identifier() . '/', self::get_htaccess_content())) { return true; } else { return false; } } // heart? <3 public function check_uploads_is_protected() { foreach (self::get_protective_files_array() as $file) { if ($file === 'index.html') { return true; break; } if ($file === 'index.php') { return true; break; } if ($file === '.htaccess' && self::get_uploads_root_response_code() === 200) { return false; break; } } if (self::get_uploads_root_response_code() === 403) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function check_protective_file_removable() { if( self::check_protective_file('index.html') ) { return false; } elseif( self::check_protective_file('.htaccess') === false && self::get_uploads_root_response_code() === 403 ) { return false; } else { return true; } } public function get_uploads_protection_message_array() { $response = []; foreach (self::get_protective_files_array() as $file) { if ($file === '.htaccess' && self::get_uploads_root_response_code() === 403) { $response[] = ' ' . __('.htaccess file is present and access to uploads directory returns 403 code.', $this->plugin_name); } if ($file === 'index.php') { $response[] = ' ' . __('index.php file is present.', $this->plugin_name); } if ($file === 'index.html') { $response[] = ' ' . __('index.html file is present.', $this->plugin_name); } } if (self::check_protective_file('.htaccess') === true && self::get_uploads_root_response_code() === 200) { $response[] = ' ' . __('.htaccess file is present but not protecting uploads directory.', $this->plugin_name); } if (self::check_protective_file('.htaccess') === false && self::get_uploads_root_response_code() === 403) { $response[] = ' ' . __('Access to uploads directory is protected (403) with a global .htaccess or another global declaration.', $this->plugin_name); } return $response; } public function check_apache() { if (!function_exists('apache_get_modules')) { self::register_message('The Protect Uploads plugin cannot work without Apache. Yourself or your web host has to activate this module.'); } } public function register_message($message, $type = 'updated', $id = 0) { $this->messages['apache'][] = array( 'message' => __($message, $this->plugin_name), 'type' => $type, 'id' => $id ); } public function display_messages() { foreach ($this->messages as $name => $messages) { foreach ($messages as $message) { return '

' . $message['message'] . '

'; } } } } PK!* admin/index.phpnu[