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env, $this->extensions['PhpMyAdmin\Twig\AssetExtension']->getImagePath((("arrow_" . ($context["text_dir"] ?? null)) . ".png")), "html", null, true); echo "\" width=\"38\" height=\"22\" alt=\""; echo _gettext("With selected:"); echo "\"> "; // line 5 if ((($context["overhead_check"] ?? null) != "")) { // line 6 echo " / "; echo _gettext("Check tables having overhead"); echo " "; } // line 8 echo " "; // line 39 echo twig_join_filter(($context["hidden_fields"] ?? null), " "); echo "
"; // line 42 if ((array_key_exists("central_columns_work", $context) && ($context["central_columns_work"] ?? null))) { // line 43 echo "
"; echo _gettext("Are you sure?"); // line 48 echo "
"; // line 52 echo PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::sanitizeMessage(_gettext("This action may change some of the columns definition.[br]Are you sure you want to continue?")); echo "
"; } } public function getTemplateName() { return "database/structure/check_all_tables.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 204 => 56, 200 => 55, 193 => 52, 188 => 49, 184 => 48, 176 => 43, 174 => 42, 167 => 39, 164 => 38, 159 => 35, 155 => 34, 151 => 33, 145 => 32, 142 => 31, 137 => 28, 133 => 27, 129 => 26, 125 => 25, 120 => 23, 116 => 22, 112 => 21, 108 => 20, 104 => 19, 100 => 18, 95 => 16, 91 => 15, 85 => 14, 83 => 13, 80 => 12, 76 => 11, 72 => 10, 66 => 9, 62 => 8, 56 => 6, 54 => 5, 51 => 4, 47 => 3, 40 => 2, 37 => 1,); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Source("", "database/structure/check_all_tables.twig", "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig"); } } PK!@$d1f3c4a1fd8678d1e23aff7ab4bd43d4.phpnu[PKdE