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'.ast-header-html-' + index : '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-fb-html-' + index + '"]'; let section = ( 'header' === builder_type ) ? 'section-hb-html-' + index : 'section-fb-html-' + index; var tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544; // HTML color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-html-' + index + '-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-html-' + index + 'color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-builder-html-element' ); // Link color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-html-' + index + '-l-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-html-' + index + 'link-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-builder-html-element a' ); // Link Hover color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-html-' + index + '-l-h-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-html-' + index + 'link-h-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-builder-html-element a:hover' ); // Advanced Visibility CSS Generation. astra_builder_visibility_css( section, selector, 'block' ); // Margin. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + section + '-margin]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( margin ) { if( margin.desktop.bottom != '' || margin.desktop.top != '' || margin.desktop.left != '' || margin.desktop.right != '' || margin.tablet.bottom != '' || margin.tablet.top != '' || margin.tablet.left != '' || margin.tablet.right != '' || margin.mobile.bottom != '' || margin.mobile.top != '' || margin.mobile.left != '' || margin.mobile.right != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['desktop']['left'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['desktop']['right'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['desktop']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['desktop']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['tablet']['left'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['tablet']['right'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['tablet']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['tablet']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['mobile']['left'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['mobile']['right'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['mobile']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['mobile']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( section + '-margin-toggle-button', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); // Typography CSS Generation. astra_responsive_font_size( 'astra-settings[font-size-' + section + ']', selector + ' .ast-builder-html-element' ); } } /** * Button Component CSS. * * @param string builder_type Builder Type. * @param string button_count Button Count. * */ function astra_builder_button_css( builder_type = 'header', button_count ) { var tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544; for ( var index = 1; index <= button_count; index++ ) { var section = ( 'header' === builder_type ) ? 'section-hb-button-' + index : 'section-fb-button-' + index; var context = ( 'header' === builder_type ) ? 'hb' : 'fb'; var prefix = 'button' + index; var selector = '.ast-' + builder_type + '-button-' + index + ' .ast-builder-button-wrap'; var button_selector = '.ast-' + builder_type + '-button-' + index + '[data-section*="section-' + context + '-button-"] .ast-builder-button-wrap'; astra_css( 'flex', 'display', '.ast-' + builder_type + '-button-' + index + '[data-section="' + section + '"]' ); // Button Text Color. astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-button-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-text-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-button-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-text-h-color]', 'color', selector + ':hover .ast-custom-button' ); // Button Background Color. astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-button-bg-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-back-color]', 'background-color', selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-button-bg-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-back-h-color]', 'background-color', selector + ':hover .ast-custom-button' ); // Button Typography. astra_responsive_font_size( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-font-size]', button_selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); astra_generate_outside_font_family_css( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-font-family]', button_selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); astra_generate_font_weight_css( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-font-family]', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-font-weight]', 'font-weight', button_selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); astra_font_extras_css( builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-font-extras', button_selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); // Border Color. astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-button-border-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-border-color]', 'border-color', selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-button-border-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-' + prefix + '-border-h-color]', 'border-color', selector + ' .ast-custom-button:hover' ); // Advanced CSS Generation. astra_builder_advanced_css( section, button_selector + ' .ast-custom-button' ); // Advanced Visibility CSS Generation. astra_builder_visibility_css( section, selector, 'block' ); (function (index) { // Builder Type Border Radius Fields wp.customize('astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-button' + index + '-border-radius-fields]', function (setting) { setting.bind(function (border) { let globalSelector = '.ast-' + builder_type + '-button-'+ index +' .ast-custom-button'; let dynamicStyle = globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['top'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['bottom'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['left'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['right'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; } '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) { ' + globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['top'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['bottom'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['left'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['right'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; } } '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) { ' + globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['top'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['bottom'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['left'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['right'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; } } '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-button' + index + '-border-radius-fields]', dynamicStyle); }); }); wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-button'+ index +'-border-size]', function( setting ) { setting.bind( function( border ) { var dynamicStyle = '.ast-' + builder_type + '-button-'+ index +' .ast-custom-button {'; dynamicStyle += 'border-top-width:' + border.top + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'border-right-width:' + border.right + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'border-left-width:' + border.left + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'border-bottom-width:' + border.bottom + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-button'+ index +'-border-size]', dynamicStyle ); } ); } ); if( 'footer' == builder_type ) { wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-button-'+ index +'-alignment]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( alignment ) { if( alignment.desktop != '' || alignment.tablet != '' || alignment.mobile != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += '.ast-footer-button-'+ index +'[data-section="section-fb-button-'+ index +'"] {'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += '.ast-footer-button-'+ index +'[data-section="section-fb-button-'+ index +'"] {'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['tablet'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += '.ast-footer-button-'+ index +'[data-section="section-fb-button-'+ index +'"] {'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-button-'+ index +'-alignment', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); } })(index); } } /** * Social Component CSS. * * @param string builder_type Builder Type. * @param string section Section. * */ function astra_builder_social_css( builder_type = 'header', social_count ) { var tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544; for ( var index = 1; index <= social_count; index++ ) { let selector = '.ast-' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-wrap'; let section = ( 'header' === builder_type ) ? 'section-hb-social-icons-' + index : 'section-fb-social-icons-' + index; var context = ( 'header' === builder_type ) ? 'hb' : 'fb'; var visibility_selector = '.ast-builder-layout-element[data-section="' + section + '"]'; // Icon Color. astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-color]', 'fill', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element svg' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-label-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element .social-item-label' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-h-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element:hover' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-label-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-h-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element:hover .social-item-label' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-svg-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-h-color]', 'fill', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element:hover svg' ); // Icon Background Color. astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-bg-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-bg-color]', 'background-color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-bg-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-bg-h-color]', 'background-color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element:hover' ); // Icon Label Color. astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-label-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-label-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element span.social-item-label' ); astra_color_responsive_css( context + '-soc-label-color-h', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-label-h-color]', 'color', selector + ' .ast-social-color-type-custom .ast-builder-social-element:hover span.social-item-label' ); // Icon Background Space. astra_css( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-bg-space]', 'padding', selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element', 'px' ); // Icon Border Radius Fields wp.customize('astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-radius-fields]', function (setting) { setting.bind(function (border) { let globalSelector = selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element'; let dynamicStyle = globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['top'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['bottom'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['left'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['right'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; } '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) { ' + globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['top'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['bottom'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['left'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['right'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; } } '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) { ' + globalSelector + '{ border-top-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['top'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['bottom'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['left'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['right'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; } } '; astra_add_dynamic_css( builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-radius-fields', dynamicStyle); }); }); // Typography CSS Generation. astra_responsive_font_size( 'astra-settings[font-size-' + section + ']', selector ); // Advanced Visibility CSS Generation. astra_builder_visibility_css( section, visibility_selector, 'block' ); // Icon Spacing. (function( index ) { // Icon Size. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-size]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( size ) { if( size.desktop != '' || size.tablet != '' || size.mobile != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element svg {'; dynamicStyle += 'height: ' + size.desktop + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'width: ' + size.desktop + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element svg {'; dynamicStyle += 'height: ' + size.tablet + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'width: ' + size.tablet + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element svg {'; dynamicStyle += 'height: ' + size.mobile + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'width: ' + size.mobile + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-size', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); // Icon Space. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-space]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( spacing ) { var space = ''; var dynamicStyle = ''; if ( spacing.desktop != '' ) { space = spacing.desktop/2; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + space + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + space + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element:first-child {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: 0;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element:last-child {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: 0;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; } if ( spacing.tablet != '' ) { space = spacing.tablet/2; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + space + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + space + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element:first-child {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: 0;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element:last-child {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: 0;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; } if ( spacing.mobile != '' ) { space = spacing.mobile/2; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + space + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + space + 'px;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element:first-child {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: 0;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap .ast-builder-social-element:last-child {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: 0;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; } astra_add_dynamic_css( builder_type + '-social-icons-icon-space', dynamicStyle ); } ); } ); // Color Type - Custom/Official wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-color-type]', function ( value ) { value.bind( function ( newval ) { var side_class = 'ast-social-color-type-' + newval; jQuery('.ast-' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-wrap .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap').removeClass( 'ast-social-color-type-custom' ); jQuery('.ast-' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-wrap .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap').removeClass( 'ast-social-color-type-official' ); jQuery('.ast-' + builder_type + '-social-' + index + '-wrap .' + builder_type + '-social-inner-wrap').addClass( side_class ); } ); } ); // Margin. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + section + '-margin]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( margin ) { if( margin.desktop.bottom != '' || margin.desktop.top != '' || margin.desktop.left != '' || margin.desktop.right != '' || margin.tablet.bottom != '' || margin.tablet.top != '' || margin.tablet.left != '' || margin.tablet.right != '' || margin.mobile.bottom != '' || margin.mobile.top != '' || margin.mobile.left != '' || margin.mobile.right != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['desktop']['left'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['desktop']['right'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['desktop']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['desktop']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['tablet']['left'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['tablet']['right'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['tablet']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['tablet']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['mobile']['left'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['mobile']['right'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['mobile']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['mobile']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( section + '-margin', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); if ( 'footer' === builder_type ) { // Alignment. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-social-' + index + '-alignment]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( alignment ) { if( alignment.desktop != '' || alignment.tablet != '' || alignment.mobile != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += '[data-section="section-fb-social-icons-' + index + '"] .footer-social-inner-wrap {'; dynamicStyle += 'text-align: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += '[data-section="section-fb-social-icons-' + index + '"] .footer-social-inner-wrap {'; dynamicStyle += 'text-align: ' + alignment['tablet'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += '[data-section="section-fb-social-icons-' + index + '"] .footer-social-inner-wrap {'; dynamicStyle += 'text-align: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-social-' + index + '-alignment', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); } })( index ); } } /** * Widget Component CSS. * * @param string builder_type Builder Type. * @param string section Section. * */ function astra_builder_widget_css( builder_type = 'header' ) { var tablet_break_point = AstraBuilderWidgetData.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = AstraBuilderWidgetData.mobile_break_point || 544; let widget_count = 'header' === builder_type ? AstraBuilderWidgetData.header_widget_count: AstraBuilderWidgetData.footer_widget_count; for ( var index = 1; index <= widget_count; index++ ) { var selector = '.' + builder_type + '-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '"]'; var section = AstraBuilderWidgetData.has_block_editor ? 'astra-sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index : 'sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index; // Widget Content Color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-color]', 'color', ( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ) ? selector + '.' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner' : selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner' ); // Widget Link Color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-link-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-link-color]', 'color', ( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ) ? selector + '.' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner a' : selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner a' ); // Widget Link Hover Color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-link-h-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-link-h-color]', 'color', ( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ) ? selector + '.' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner a:hover' : selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner a:hover' ); // Widget Title Color. astra_color_responsive_css( builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-title-color', 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-title-color]', 'color', selector + ' .widget-title' ); // Widget Title Typography. astra_responsive_font_size( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-font-size]', selector + ' .widget-title' ); // Widget Content Typography. astra_responsive_font_size( 'astra-settings[' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-content-font-size]', ( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ) ? selector + '.' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner' : selector + ' .' + builder_type + '-widget-area-inner' ); // Advanced Visibility CSS Generation. astra_builder_visibility_css( section, selector, 'block' ); (function (index) { var marginControl = AstraBuilderWidgetData.has_block_editor ? 'astra-sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-margin' : 'sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-margin'; wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + marginControl + ']', function( value ) { value.bind( function( margin ) { var selector = '.' + builder_type + '-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '"]'; if( margin.desktop.bottom != '' || margin.desktop.top != '' || margin.desktop.left != '' || margin.desktop.right != '' || margin.tablet.bottom != '' || margin.tablet.top != '' || margin.tablet.left != '' || margin.tablet.right != '' || margin.mobile.bottom != '' || margin.mobile.top != '' || margin.mobile.left != '' || margin.mobile.right != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['desktop']['left'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['desktop']['right'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['desktop']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['desktop']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['tablet']['left'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['tablet']['right'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['tablet']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['tablet']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['mobile']['left'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['mobile']['right'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['mobile']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['mobile']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'sidebar-widgets-' + builder_type + '-widget-' + index + '-margin', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); if ( 'footer' === builder_type ) { wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-widget-alignment-' + index + ']', function( value ) { value.bind( function( alignment ) { if( alignment.desktop != '' || alignment.tablet != '' || alignment.mobile != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; if( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ){ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' + index + '"].footer-widget-area-inner {'; }else{ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' + index + '"] .footer-widget-area-inner {'; } dynamicStyle += 'text-align: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; if( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ){ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' + index + '"].footer-widget-area-inner {'; }else{ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' + index + '"] .footer-widget-area-inner {'; } dynamicStyle += 'text-align: ' + alignment['tablet'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; if( AstraBuilderWidgetData.is_flex_based_css ){ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' + index + '"].footer-widget-area-inner {'; }else{ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' + index + '"] .footer-widget-area-inner {'; } dynamicStyle += 'text-align: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-widget-alignment-' + index, dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); } })(index); } } /** * Apply Visibility CSS for the element * * @param string section Section ID. * @param string selector Base Selector. * @param string default_property default CSS property. */ function astra_builder_visibility_css( section, selector, default_property = 'flex' ) { var tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544; wp.customize( 'astra-settings[' + section + '-visibility-responsive]', function( setting ) { setting.bind( function( visibility ) { let dynamicStyle = ''; let is_desktop = ( ! visibility['desktop'] ) ? 'none' : default_property ; let is_tablet = ( ! visibility['tablet'] ) ? 'none' : default_property ; let is_mobile = ( ! visibility['mobile'] ) ? 'none' : default_property ; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'display: ' + is_desktop + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (min-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) and (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += '.ast-header-break-point ' + selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'display: ' + is_tablet + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += '.ast-header-break-point ' + selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'display: ' + is_mobile + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( section + '-visibility-responsive', dynamicStyle ); } ); } ); } PK!8Fz5z5!09/class-astra-builder-header.phpnu[remove_existing_actions(); add_action( 'body_class', array( $this, 'add_body_class' ) ); // Header Desktop Builder. add_action( 'astra_masthead', array( $this, 'desktop_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_above_header', array( $this, 'above_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_primary_header', array( $this, 'primary_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_below_header', array( $this, 'below_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_render_header_column', array( $this, 'render_column' ), 10, 2 ); // Mobile Builder. add_action( 'astra_mobile_header', array( $this, 'mobile_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_mobile_above_header', array( $this, 'mobile_above_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_mobile_primary_header', array( $this, 'mobile_primary_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_mobile_below_header', array( $this, 'mobile_below_header' ) ); add_action( 'astra_render_mobile_header_column', array( $this, 'render_mobile_column' ), 10, 2 ); // Load Off-Canvas Markup on Footer. add_action( 'astra_footer', array( $this, 'mobile_popup' ) ); add_action( 'astra_mobile_header_content', array( $this, 'render_mobile_column' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'astra_render_mobile_popup', array( $this, 'render_mobile_column' ), 10, 2 ); for ( $index = 1; $index <= Astra_Builder_Helper::$component_limit; $index++ ) { // Buttons. add_action( 'astra_header_button_' . $index, array( $this, 'button_' . $index ) ); self::$methods[] = 'button_' . $index; // Htmls. add_action( 'astra_header_html_' . $index, array( $this, 'header_html_' . $index ) ); self::$methods[] = 'header_html_' . $index; // Social Icons. add_action( 'astra_header_social_' . $index, array( $this, 'header_social_' . $index ) ); self::$methods[] = 'header_social_' . $index; // Menus. add_action( 'astra_header_menu_' . $index, array( $this, 'menu_' . $index ) ); self::$methods[] = 'menu_' . $index; } add_action( 'astra_mobile_site_identity', __CLASS__ . '::site_identity' ); add_action( 'astra_header_search', array( $this, 'header_search' ), 10, 1 ); add_action( 'astra_header_woo_cart', array( $this, 'header_woo_cart' ) ); add_action( 'astra_header_edd_cart', array( $this, 'header_edd_cart' ) ); add_action( 'astra_header_account', array( $this, 'header_account' ) ); add_action( 'astra_header_mobile_trigger', array( $this, 'header_mobile_trigger' ) ); // Load Cart Flyout Markup on Footer. add_action( 'astra_footer', array( $this, 'mobile_cart_flyout' ) ); add_action( 'astra_header_menu_mobile', array( $this, 'header_mobile_menu_markup' ) ); } add_action( 'astra_site_identity', __CLASS__ . '::site_identity' ); } /** * Callback when method not exists. * * @param string $func function name. * @param array $params function parameters. */ public function __call( $func, $params ) { if ( in_array( $func, self::$methods, true ) ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $func, 'header_html_' ) ) { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_html_markup( str_replace( '_', '-', $func ) ); } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $func, 'button_' ) ) { $index = (int) substr( $func, strrpos( $func, '_' ) + 1 ); if ( $index ) { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_button( $index, 'header' ); } } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $func, 'menu_' ) ) { $index = (int) substr( $func, strrpos( $func, '_' ) + 1 ); if ( $index ) { Astra_Header_Menu_Component::menu_markup( $index, $params['0'] ); } } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $func, 'header_social_' ) ) { $index = (int) substr( $func, strrpos( $func, '_' ) + 1 ); if ( $index ) { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_social_icon( $index, 'header' ); } } } } /** * Remove complete header Support on basis of meta option. * * @since 3.8.0 * @return void */ public function global_astra_header() { $display = get_post_meta( absint( astra_get_post_id() ), 'ast-global-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' === $display ) { remove_action( 'astra_header', 'astra_header_markup' ); /** @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction */ // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort if ( true === Astra_Builder_Helper::$is_header_footer_builder_active ) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.Keywords.NewKeywords.t_namespaceFound, PHPCompatibility.LanguageConstructs.NewLanguageConstructs.t_ns_separatorFound remove_action( 'astra_header', array( $this, 'header_builder_markup' ) ); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.Keywords.NewKeywords.t_namespaceFound, PHPCompatibility.LanguageConstructs.NewLanguageConstructs.t_ns_separatorFound } } } /** * Inherit Header base layout. * Do all actions for header. */ public function header_builder_markup() { do_action( 'astra_header' ); } /** * Remove existing Header to load Header Builder. * * @since 3.0.0 * @return void */ public function remove_existing_actions() { remove_action( 'astra_masthead', 'astra_masthead_primary_template' ); remove_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_primary_navigation_markup', 10 ); remove_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'astra_masthead_custom_page_menu_items', 10, 2 ); remove_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'astra_masthead_custom_nav_menu_items' ); } /** * Header Mobile trigger */ public function header_mobile_trigger() { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_mobile_trigger(); } /** * Render WooCommerce Cart. */ public function header_woo_cart() { if ( class_exists( 'Astra_Woocommerce' ) ) { echo Astra_Woocommerce::get_instance()->woo_mini_cart_markup(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } } /** * Render EDD Cart. */ public function header_edd_cart() { if ( class_exists( 'Easy_Digital_Downloads' ) ) { echo Astra_Edd::get_instance()->edd_mini_cart_markup(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } } /** * Render account icon. */ public function header_account() { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_account(); } /** * Render Search icon. * * @param string $device Device name. */ public function header_search( $device = 'desktop' ) { echo astra_get_search( '', $device ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Render site logo. * * @param string $device Device name. */ public static function site_identity( $device = 'desktop' ) { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_site_identity( $device ); } /** * Call component header UI. * * @param string $row row. * @param string $column column. */ public function render_column( $row, $column ) { Astra_Builder_Helper::render_builder_markup( $row, $column, 'desktop', 'header' ); } /** * Render desktop header layout. */ public function desktop_header() { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/desktop-builder-layout' ); } /** * Call above header UI. */ public function above_header() { $display = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ast-hfb-above-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_above_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' !== $display ) { if ( astra_wp_version_compare( '5.4.99', '>=' ) ) { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/header', 'row', array( 'row' => 'above', ) ); } else { set_query_var( 'row', 'above' ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/header', 'row' ); } } } /** * Call primary header UI. */ public function primary_header() { $display = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ast-main-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_main_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' !== $display ) { if ( astra_wp_version_compare( '5.4.99', '>=' ) ) { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/header', 'row', array( 'row' => 'primary', ) ); } else { set_query_var( 'row', 'primary' ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/header', 'row' ); } } } /** * Call below header UI. */ public function below_header() { $display = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ast-hfb-below-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_below_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' !== $display ) { if ( astra_wp_version_compare( '5.4.99', '>=' ) ) { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/header', 'row', array( 'row' => 'below', ) ); } else { set_query_var( 'row', 'below' ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/header', 'row' ); } } } /** * Call mobile component header UI. * * @param string $row row. * @param string $column column. */ public function render_mobile_column( $row, $column ) { Astra_Builder_Helper::render_builder_markup( $row, $column, 'mobile', 'header' ); } /** * Render Mobile header layout. */ public function mobile_header() { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-builder-layout' ); } /** * Call Mobile above header UI. */ public function mobile_above_header() { $display = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ast-hfb-mobile-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_above_mobile_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' !== $display ) { if ( astra_wp_version_compare( '5.4.99', '>=' ) ) { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-header', 'row', array( 'row' => 'above', ) ); } else { set_query_var( 'row', 'above' ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-header', 'row' ); } } } /** * Call Mobile primary header UI. */ public function mobile_primary_header() { $display = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ast-hfb-mobile-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_primary_mobile_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' !== $display ) { if ( astra_wp_version_compare( '5.4.99', '>=' ) ) { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-header', 'row', array( 'row' => 'primary', ) ); } else { set_query_var( 'row', 'primary' ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-header', 'row' ); } } } /** * Call Mobile below header UI. */ public function mobile_below_header() { $display = get_post_meta( absint( astra_get_post_id() ), 'ast-hfb-mobile-header-display', true ); $display = apply_filters( 'astra_below_mobile_header_display', $display ); if ( 'disabled' !== $display ) { if ( astra_wp_version_compare( '5.4.99', '>=' ) ) { get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-header', 'row', array( 'row' => 'below', ) ); } else { set_query_var( 'row', 'below' ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/header/builder/mobile-header', 'row' ); } } } /** * Call Mobile Popup UI. */ public function mobile_popup() { $mobile_header_type = astra_get_option( 'mobile-header-type' ); if ( 'off-canvas' === $mobile_header_type || 'full-width' === $mobile_header_type || is_customize_preview() ) { Astra_Builder_Helper::render_mobile_popup_markup(); } } /** * Call Mobile Menu Markup. * * @param string $device Checking where mobile-menu is dropped. */ public function header_mobile_menu_markup( $device = '' ) { Astra_Mobile_Menu_Component::menu_markup( $device ); } /** * Call Mobile Cart Flyout UI. */ public function mobile_cart_flyout() { // Hide cart flyout only if current page is checkout/cart. if ( ( Astra_Builder_Helper::is_component_loaded( 'woo-cart', 'header' ) && class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && ! is_cart() && ! is_checkout() ) || Astra_Builder_Helper::is_component_loaded( 'edd-cart', 'header' ) ) { Astra_Builder_UI_Controller::render_mobile_cart_flyout_markup(); } } /** * Add Body Classes * * @param array $classes Body Class Array. * @return array */ public function add_body_class( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'ast-hfb-header'; if ( defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && version_compare( ASTRA_EXT_VER, '3.2.0', '<' ) ) { $classes[] = 'astra-hfb-header'; } return $classes; } } /** * Prepare if class 'Astra_Builder_Header' exist. * Kicking this off by calling 'get_instance()' method */ Astra_Builder_Header::get_instance(); } PK!Wҧ%unminified/metabox-20241112214312.cssnu[.ast-header-settings-modal .components-modal__header svg { width: 30px; height: 30px; } .ast-sidebar-container .ast-sidebar-layout-meta-wrap .components-input-control__container .components-select-control__input { padding: 3px 24px 3px 8px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px; margin-bottom: 3px; } .ast-sidebar-layout-meta-wrap .components-toggle-control label { font-size : 14px; } .ast-sidebar-layout-meta-wrap .components-toggle-control { margin-bottom: 15px; } .ast-radio-image-controller .customize-control-title { font-weight: 500; } .ast-sidebar-layout-meta-wrap { margin-bottom: 13px; } .ast-meta-settings-divider:before { width: auto; margin: 1px -16px; } .ast-meta-settings-divider { padding-top: 10px; } .ast-meta-settings-divider:before { content: ''; display: block; height: 1px; background: #e2e4e7; } .ast-meta-settings-title:not([data-type='ast-first']) { padding-top: 4px; } .ast-meta-settings-title { font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; } .ast-radio-image-controller input { display: none; } .ast-radio-image-controller input:checked + label svg { color: var(--wp-admin-theme-color); background: var(--wp-admin-theme-color); border-color: transparent; box-shadow: 0 12px 20px -8px rgb(30 41 59 / 16%); border-bottom-color: #f0f0f1; border-radius: 4px; opacity: 1; } .ast-radio-image-controller > .options-wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); grid-column-gap: 23px; grid-row-gap: 23px; } .ast-radio-image-controller .ast-radio-img-svg svg { color: #A0AEC0; width: 100%; height: auto; background: rgba(221,224,226,.5); border: 1px solid var(--ast-customizer-color-7); border-radius: 4px; transition: all 0.2s; transition: 0.06s all; } .ast-radio-image-controller label { position: relative; display: inline-block; } .ast-radio-image-controller input + label .image-clickable { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } div#astra_settings_meta_box { padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } .components-panel__body .components-base-control__field { padding: 5px 0 0; } .ast-meta-selector-wrapper { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; } .ast-meta-selector-wrapper .ast-selector-inner-wrap { flex: 1 1 auto; display: flex; } .ast-selector-inner-wrap .components-button { white-space: nowrap; background: rgba(255,255,255,0); color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.966); text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; outline: unset; border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: unset; transition: none; font-size: 12px; padding: 8px 12px; } .ast-selector-inner-wrap .components-button.is-primary { color: #ffffff; background: #007cba; } .ast-meta-selector-controller .ast-selector-inner-wrap:first-child .components-button { border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px; } .ast-meta-selector-controller .ast-selector-inner-wrap:not(:first-child) 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flex-grow: 1; } /** * Popup content compat CSS. */ .ast-header-settings-modal { min-width: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 700px; height: auto; border-radius: 2px; max-height: 600px; top: 45%;box-shadow: 0px 10px 36px -10px rgb(0 0 0 / 25%); } .components-modal__icon-container { margin-right: 15px; margin-top: 5px; } .ast-header-settings-modal .components-modal__content { -js-display: flex; display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: 0; } .ast-header-settings-modal .components-modal__content::before { margin-bottom: 0; } .ast-header-settings-modal .components-modal__header { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; margin: 0; border-radius: 2px 2px 0px 0px; box-shadow: 0px 6px 8px -3px rgb(0 0 0 / 5%), 0px 4px 6px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 5%); } .ast-meta-settings-content { overflow-y: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .ast-meta-settings-hook-table.widefat { border-width: 0; } .ast-meta-settings-hook-table:last-of-type { border-bottom-width: 0; } .ast-extra-spacing .ast-border { 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"+t.tablet.bottom+t["desktop-unit"]+";} ")+"} @media (max-width: "+a+"px) {")+o+" {margin-left: "+t.mobile.left+t["mobile-unit"]+";")+"margin-right: "+t.mobile.right+t["mobile-unit"]+";")+"margin-top: "+t.mobile.top+t["desktop-unit"]+";")+"margin-bottom: "+t.mobile.bottom+t["desktop-unit"]+";} } ",astra_add_dynamic_css("section-footer-menu-margin",e))})}),astra_builder_visibility_css("section-footer-menu",'.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"]',"block")}(jQuery);PK!Xt*t*#js/unminified/customizer-preview.jsnu[/** * This file adds some LIVE to the Customizer live preview. To leverage * this, set your custom settings to 'postMessage' and then add your handling * here. Your javascript should grab settings from customizer controls, and * then make any necessary changes to the page using jQuery. * * @package Astra * @since 3.0.0 */ ( function( $ ) { var selector = '#astra-footer-menu'; var visibility_selector = '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"]'; var tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544; wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-alignment]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( alignment ) { if( alignment.desktop != '' || alignment.tablet != '' || alignment.mobile != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {'; dynamicStyle += 'align-items: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';'; 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dynamicStyle += 'display:' + 'grid;'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content:' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-mobile-vertical-menu .menu-item {'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content:' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'align-items: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-mobile-horizontal-menu {'; dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'display: flex;'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-menu-alignment', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); /** * Typography CSS. */ astra_responsive_font_size( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-font-size]', selector + ' .menu-item > a' ); /** * Menu - Colors */ astra_color_responsive_css( 'astra-footer-menu-preview', 'astra-settings[footer-menu-color-responsive]', 'color', selector + ' .menu-item > a' ); // Menu - Hover Color astra_color_responsive_css( 'astra-footer-menu-preview', 'astra-settings[footer-menu-h-color-responsive]', 'color', selector + ' .menu-item:hover > a' ); // Menu - Active Color astra_color_responsive_css( 'astra-footer-menu-preview', 'astra-settings[footer-menu-a-color-responsive]', 'color', selector + ' .menu-item.current-menu-item > a' ); // Responsive BG styles > Footer Menu. astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]', selector, 'desktop' ); astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]', selector, 'tablet' ); astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]', selector, 'mobile' ); // Menu - Hover Background astra_color_responsive_css( 'astra-footer-menu-preview', 'astra-settings[footer-menu-h-bg-color-responsive]', 'background', selector + ' .menu-item:hover > a' ); // Menu - Active Background astra_color_responsive_css( 'astra-footer-menu-preview', 'astra-settings[footer-menu-a-bg-color-responsive]', 'background', selector + ' .menu-item.current-menu-item > a' ); /** * Spacing CSS. */ wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-main-menu-spacing]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( padding ) { if( padding.desktop.bottom != '' || padding.desktop.top != '' || padding.desktop.left != '' || padding.desktop.right != '' || padding.tablet.bottom != '' || padding.tablet.top != '' || padding.tablet.left != '' || padding.tablet.right != '' || padding.mobile.bottom != '' || padding.mobile.top != '' || padding.mobile.left != '' || padding.mobile.right != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item > a {'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['desktop']['left'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['desktop']['right'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['desktop']['top'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['desktop']['bottom'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item > a {'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['tablet']['left'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['tablet']['right'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['tablet']['top'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['tablet']['bottom'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item > a {'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['mobile']['left'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['mobile']['right'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['mobile']['top'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['mobile']['bottom'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-menu-spacing', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); // Margin. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[section-footer-menu-margin]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( margin ) { if( margin.desktop.bottom != '' || margin.desktop.top != '' || margin.desktop.left != '' || margin.desktop.right != '' || margin.tablet.bottom != '' || margin.tablet.top != '' || margin.tablet.left != '' || margin.tablet.right != '' || margin.mobile.bottom != '' || margin.mobile.top != '' || margin.mobile.left != '' || margin.mobile.right != '' ) { var dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['desktop']['left'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['desktop']['right'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['desktop']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['desktop']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['tablet']['left'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['tablet']['right'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['tablet']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['tablet']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {'; dynamicStyle += selector + ' {'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['mobile']['left'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['mobile']['right'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['mobile']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['mobile']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';'; dynamicStyle += '} '; dynamicStyle += '} '; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'section-footer-menu-margin', dynamicStyle ); } } ); } ); // Advanced Visibility CSS Generation. astra_builder_visibility_css( 'section-footer-menu', visibility_selector, 'block' ); } )( jQuery ); PK!(js/customizer-preview.jsnu[PK!8Fz5z5!f09/class-astra-builder-header.phpnu[PK!Wҧ%1unminified/metabox-20241112214312.cssnu[PK!ljunminified/metabox-rtl.cssnu[PK!Wҧunminified/metabox.cssnu[PK!8jj%js/minified/customizer-preview.min.jsnu[PK!Xt*t*#|/js/unminified/customizer-preview.jsnu[PKCZ